
zhuì shēng wù
  • neoplasm;growth;excrescence;tumour;paraphyte
赘生物[zhuì shēng wù]
  1. LEEP诊治蒂部宽大的宫颈良性赘生物,操作简单,出血少,术后不发生宫颈狭窄。

    LEEP for the treatment of benign cervical wide basal neoplasm reveals less bleeding , less cervical stenosis and easy manipulation .

  2. 提高2-DE的条束检出率,有助于和室隔增厚、腔内赘生物等鉴别及心杂音、早搏的病因诊断。

    Multi-section views by 2-DE can increase the identified rate of the bands to differ them from thickened ventricular wall , ventricular neoplasm , and so on .

  3. 由于赘生物的易碎,因此极易脱落和引起栓塞

    The friability explains how portions of the vegetation can break off and embolize .

  4. 用CO2激光治疗眼睑赘生物的研究

    Study on the treatment of neoplasm of eyelid by low power CO _2 laser light

  5. Nd~(3+)∶YAG激光治疗血管瘤,各种疣、痣及赘生物共411例疗效观察

    411 Cases of Angioma , Verrucae and Nevi Treated with Nd : YAG Laser

  6. 目的:总结7例经手术病理证实的非风湿性三尖瓣赘生物(Veg)的术前超声心动图(ECG)特点。

    Objective : To summarize the echocardiographic characteristics of 7 nonrheumatic tricuspid valve vegetation retrospectively .

  7. 手术证实为IE的13例患儿中,10例血培养阴性,2例赘生物不摆动。

    The negative blood culture was reported in 10 of the 13 IE patients proved by surgery , and 2 of the 13 showed a non oscillating vegetation .

  8. 结果:1例32岁女性患者因持续发热,血小板降低,体检发现心前区收缩期吹风样杂音,超声提示二尖瓣赘生物,CT发现多发性脑梗死误诊亚急性细菌性心内膜炎。

    Results : A female patient aged 32 was hospitalized with persistent fever , thrombocytopenia and was detected pericardial systolic murmur during physical examination , multiple cerebral infarction during CT scan as well as vegetation in mitral valve during echocardiography .

  9. 结果观察到约占1/3的RA具有特殊的形态结构:在细菌的顶端或侧面有1~2个与菌体相连的芽状赘生物,有的也能从菌体上脱落下来。

    The results demonstrated that 1 / 3 of RA cells had a special structure : there were 1 to 2 " vegetation " connected with the bacteria , and could drop from the bacteria .

  10. CDE诊断本病需与二尖瓣脱垂(MVP)和二尖瓣叶赘生物(MVV)相鉴别。

    It is necessary to differentiate RMCT from mitral valve prolapse ( MVP ) and mitral valve vegetation ( MVV ) by CDE .

  11. 方法对宫颈上皮内瘤样病变(CIN)、人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染、宫颈赘生物、宫颈湿疣及中重度宫颈糜烂共209例宫颈疾病患者行宫颈LEEP手术。

    Methods A total of 209 patients with cervical lesions including cervical epithelial neoplasia , cervical HPV infection , cervical polyp and condyloma , and severe cervicitis were performed LEEP in our hospital .

  12. 声带息肉(vocalcordpolypVCP)是由于局部粘膜的炎症水肿,液体在固有层中聚积而成的赘生物,常常归为创伤性喉炎的一种,是临床上的常见病多发病。

    Objective : Vocal cord polyp ( VCP ), as a kind of chronic laryngitis , is mainly caused by inflammatory edema in the membranous true vocal folds , the liquid is accumulated in the proper layer .

  13. 结论IE并发血管栓塞者与无栓塞比较,在临床表现、血培养、赘生物大小等方面有所不同,并发栓塞是IE死亡的重要危险因素。

    Conclusions Compared with those without embolism , IE patients with embolism differ remarkably in clinical presentation , blood cultivation , white blood cell count , neoplasm size , etc. The embolism complication is one of the major lethal factors for IE patients .

  14. 本文通过对经手术证实的7例青少年正常心脏感染性心内膜炎(IE)经胸超声心动图表现进行分析,发现青少年正常心脏IE赘生物的特异性高;

    This paper attempts to make an analysis of the echocardiogram display of the infectious endocarditis ( IE ) in 7 cases normal cardiac of juveniles . It is found that there is a high specificity of neoplasm in normal cardiac IE of juveniles .

  15. [目的]探讨环形电刀切除术(LEEP)在蒂部宽大(基底最大径线≥1cm)的宫颈良性赘生物中的应用。

    [ Purpose ] To investigate the application of loop electrosurgical excision procedure ( LEEP ) in treatment for benign cervical wide basal neoplasm ( the maximum base ≥ 1cm ) .

  16. 对感染性心内膜炎小赘生物的检出、间隔缺损部位、数目、合并畸型、心腔内血栓、大动脉瘤等TEE的诊断价值明显高于TTE。

    The diagnostic value of TEE was significantly higher than that of TTE in the examination of small vegetation of infective endocarditis , the size and number and complicated abnormality of septal defects , intramural thrombus and large aneurysm , etc.

  17. 结果:STD患者易被误诊为肺结核、急慢性咽喉疾病、口腔赘生物、鼻息肉、病毒性疱疹、皮肤病等,但根据STD的自身临床特征仍可鉴别诊断。

    Result ; Although STD patients were often misdiagnosed as having tuberculosis , acute or chronic throat diseases , neoplasm of oral cavity , rhinopolypus , viral herpes , and dermatosis , they still be accurately distinguished and diagnosed on the basis of clinical characteristics of STD of their own .

  18. 本例病人患有系统性红斑狼疮,这类赘生物可见于任何瓣膜乃至心内膜上,并且在形态上与Libman-Sacks心内膜炎的赘生物一致。

    This patient has systemic lupus erythematosus . Thus , these vegetations that can be on any valve or even on endocardial surfaces are consistent with Libman-Sacks endocarditis .

  19. 4w食管近支架上下两端处轻度狭窄,可见小息肉样赘生物为灶性慢性炎症伴炎性增生,支架口部黏膜过度增生,向腔内突起;

    Slight stenosis occurred at the regions of two ends of stent and scattered vegetation like polyp were seen with naked eye in 4 weeks , and inflammatory cell infiltration , partial mucous polypoid hyperplasia were seen under microscopy .

  20. 这种赘生物小不至于引起严重的心脏疾病。

    Such verrucae are too small to cause serious cardiac problems .

  21. 超声心动图检查示主动脉瓣畸形伴赘生物形成。

    Echocardiography revealed malformation of aortic valve with vegetation formation .

  22. 感染性心内膜炎超声心动图赘生物假阴性分析

    Analysis of pseudo - negative of vegetation in infective endocarditis with echocardiography

  23. 此赘生物呈现红色,是由纤维素和血小板构成的。

    It appears pink because it is composed of fibrin and platelets .

  24. 肿块呈囊性,内部包含乳头状赘生物。

    The larger mass is cystic and contains papillary excresences .

  25. 膀胱赘生物影像学纹理特征的初步研究

    Pilot Study of Texture Feature within Carcinomatous Tissue in MR Bladder Imaging

  26. 二氧化碳激光治疗皮肤赘生物200例

    The analysis of 200 cases of CO_2 laser treatment on skin wart

  27. 膀胱赘生物影像学特征的计算机辅助诊断

    Computer-aided Diagnosis of Bladder Neoplasm by Using Imaging Features

  28. 使用的其它术语为恶性肿瘤和赘生物。

    Other terms used are malignant tumours and neoplasms .

  29. 血培养阳性30例(57.7%),发现心内赘生物30例(57.7%)。

    Positive blood culture was found in 30 cases ( 57.7 % ) .

  30. 喉内显微电离子手术治疗声带良性赘生物

    Laryngeal Micro-surgery of Electro-ion for the Treatment of Vocal Cord Nodules and Polyps
