
hè lónɡ
  • PLA marshal;prominent military leader in early Communist movement
  1. 本文对长沙贺龙体育场钢屋盖结构中的6个圆钢管相贯节点,其中包括2个K型节点、3个KK型节点和1个KKT型节点,进行了静力单调加载的足尺试验。

    Full scale tests on Six CHS joints , including 2 K-joints , 3 KK-joints and 1 KKT-joints , used in roof structures of the palaestra in Chang sha is carried out in this dissertation .

  2. 虽然贺龙性格急躁,但是他很谦虚。

    Although he is impetuous , Ho Lung is very humble .

  3. 贺龙体育场大型悬挑钢屋盖安装技术

    Installation Technology of the Large Suspended Steel Roof of Helong Stadium

  4. 本文对找国目前最大的体育场之一&贺龙体育场作一简介。

    This Paper Presents a general description of He-Long Stadium .

  5. 论贺龙的体育思想

    He Long ′ s thought on Physical Culture and Sports

  6. 贺龙又去打仗夺回来那匹马。

    Hung Lo went to battle to recover that horse .

  7. 芙蓉·白鹤·鼓琴&谈贺龙体育场的设计构思

    Lotus , white crane and drum-zither & The design idea of Helong Stadium

  8. 这是名将军贺龙诞生的地方。

    This is the place where the famous general He Long was born .

  9. 长沙贺龙体育场钢屋盖圆管相贯节点足尺试验研究

    Full-scale experiment research on CHS joints of steel roof of He Long Stadium in Changsha

  10. 长沙贺龙体育中心足球场草坪建植与质量评价

    Establishment and quality evaluation of turf football field of He Long sports center in Changsha

  11. 据说周六晚上在贺龙体育馆有一场张学友的演唱会。

    It is said that Saturday night in the stadium has he long a Jacky cheung 's concert .

  12. 传说贺龙用一把菜刀在湖南建立了一个苏区。

    It is said of he lung that he established a Soviet District in Hunan with one knife .

  13. 任命贺龙元帅兼任第一任国家体委主任。

    Marshal He Long was the first minister of the China State Sports Commission along with his other positions .

  14. 通过贺龙体育场的工程实践,着重介绍了大型悬挑钢屋盖的施工安装工艺,施工安装方法。

    According to the Helong Stadium project , authors introduce construction and installation methods of a large suspended steel roof .

  15. 这些部队即一九二七年八月一日在南昌起义的叶挺、贺龙的旧部。

    These troops , originally under the command of Comrades Yeh Ting and Ho Lung , staged the Nanchang Uprising of August 1 , 1927 .

  16. 贺龙是我国的政治家、革命家、军事家,党和国家的伟大领导人,新中国体育事业的开拓者。

    He Long is a Chinese politician , revolutionist , strategist , the party and the country ' sgreat leader , new China sports pioneer .

  17. 贺龙的‘辈份’最高,因此据说曾经不止一次把一个地方的哥老会全部兄弟收编进红军。

    Ho Lung had the highest ' degrees'and was said to have more than once enlisted an entire Ke Lao Hui branch in the Red Army .

  18. 但是由于贺龙的个人感召力,他的许多部下宁可与他一起在路上死去,也不愿意离去。

    Yet so great was Ho Long 's personal magnetism that many of his men starved with him and died on the road rather than desert .

  19. 来自各地的游客纷纷来到贺龙铜像和元帅之墓前瞻仰祭拜,缅怀共和国开国元勋贺龙同志。

    The visitors from all parts of the country came to see the bronze statue of He Long and his tomb to cherish our founding father & He Long .

  20. 通过对长沙贺龙体育馆的观众的调查与分析发现:足球观众相对篮球而言,年轻人比例较多,而女性观众比例相对较小。

    Investigation and analysis of Changsha Helong gymnasium 's spectators show that the rate of young spectators for football is higher than for basketball , but the rate of females is lower .

  21. 主要作品有20集电视剧《贺龙姐弟》,诗集《天上,人间》,长诗《憧憬最美是那东方红》等。

    His main works are : 20 series of TV play " Helong and His Sister ", poetry anthology " Heaven , Earth ", long poem " The Most Beautiful Longing for the Eastern Red ", etc.

  22. 传说贺龙用一把菜刀在湖南建立了一个苏区。任命贺龙元帅兼任第一任国家体委主任。

    It is said of He Lung that he established a Soviet district in Hunan with one knife . Marshal He Long was the first minister of the China State Sports Commission along with his other positions .

  23. 那时虽然有贺龙、叶挺一支军队,但还不是政治上坚强的军队,党又不善于领导它,终归失败了。

    True , we had the troops under Ho Lung and Yeh Ting , but they were not yet politically consolidated , and the Party was not very skilled in leading them , so that they were finally defeated .

  24. 在贺龙体育场,于大宝在第34分钟接王永珀开出的角球头槌破门,使得中国队获得了世界杯亚洲区预选赛第三阶段六场比赛中的第一场胜利。

    In the capacity He Long stadium , Yu Dabao headed in the Wang Yongpo corner in the 34th minute to give China the first win in six matches at the third phase of the World Cup Asian Zone qualifiers .