
  • 网络Quality Management Engineering;QCE;quality control engineering
  1. 研究的侧重点是它们的基础性、创新性和系统性,兼顾质量管理工程。

    The emphasis of the study are their basis , creativity and systematics as well as quality management engineering .

  2. 工程质量管理及工程质量保证担保如果担保

    Management and Surety Bonds of Construction Quality In Case of Guarantee

  3. 质量管理是工程项目施工的管理核心,也是高速铁路建设工程的关键。

    Quality management is the core of the project management of construction is the key to high-speed railway construction project .

  4. 然后,重点阐述了中国船级社陆上业务开展情况,其中包括CCS所采用的ISO9000质量管理体系、工程及机电监理、公估、公正等检验。

    Secondly , we set forward situation of CCS continental business , including ISO9000 Quality Management System , engineering and machinery supervisor , notarial survey and so on .

  5. 加强质量管理,控制工程质量成本;

    Strengthening quality control and exercising control of engineering quality cost ;

  6. 全面质量管理是搞好工程质量的关键

    Total Quality Control Is the Key of Doing Well Engineering Quality

  7. 抓好质量管理争创精品工程

    Carrying out quality management , striving hard to construct excellent project

  8. 项目法施工中质量管理在市政工程中的应用

    Application of Quality Management in Construction of Item Method in Municipal Engineering

  9. 论设计采购施工总承包模式中的质量管理我国工程总承包模式的博弈分析

    Quality Management in EPC General Contracting Game Theory Analysis of Project Delivery Approach

  10. 加强质量管理铸造精品工程

    Strengthening Quality Control , Founding Superior Quality Project

  11. 强化质量管理创建优质工程

    Strengthening Quality Control , Making Perfect Engineering

  12. 强化内部质量管理,搞好工程质量监督

    Strengthen inner quality management and supervision

  13. 最后,介绍了基于该过程模型所构建的具有过程柔性的生产质量管理系统及其工程应用。

    The flexible production quality management process was realized through the dynamic coupling of logic and resources .

  14. 介绍了住宅工程的质量管理和创优工程分部分项的质量控制。

    The paper introduces quality management of residential engineering and quality control of sectional and subitem engineering of creating excellence .

  15. 二是选择合理的治理方案,采用完善的管理制度和有效的工程质量管理措施控制工程质量。

    The second is rational regulation plan is selected , complete management system and effective management measures of construction quality are adopted to ensure project quality .

  16. 本论文从质量管理和质量工程的理论及内涵出发,研究质量工程技术在制造业中的若干应用,特别是经典质量工程技术在实际制造业中的实施,并着重讲述应用的步骤及注意事项。

    The thesis states the theory and meanings of quality management and quality engineering ; meanwhile it analyzes the implement of quality engineering techniques especially classical quality engineering techniques in manufacturing .

  17. 项目管理中的质量管理理论在工程建设中还没有得到应有的重视,工程建设项目是一个系统工程,必须建立自己的一个完整的质量管理研究体系。

    In the management of project quality management theory has not received due attention in the engineering construction , engineering construction project is a system engineering , must establish a complete quality management system of their own .

  18. ISO质量管理体系在园林工程中的实践&PDCA循环在园林工程施工阶段的运用

    Apply ISO quality management system in the landscape project & apply PDCA circle into the landscape project construct control

  19. 行政执法机关构建ISO9000质量管理体系之探讨工程质量监督委托执法模式改革的探究

    Administrative and Law Enforcement Agencies to Put in Place ISO Quality Management System Discussion on Reform of Government Supervision Industry of Construction Quality

  20. 全面质量管理在香港迪士尼工程中的综合运用

    Integrated Application of Total Quality Management in Hong Kong Disneyland Construction Project

  21. 质量管理模式是保证工程质量的前提和基础。

    Quality management mode is the basis and prerequisite for ensuring project quality .

  22. 全面加强质量管理打造一流市政工程

    On the intensification of the quality management and the establishment of the first-class municipal construction

  23. 全面质量管理与企业再造工程

    Total Quality Management and Reengineering

  24. 水利水电工程质量管理是水利水电工程项目建设管理中十分重要环节。

    The water conservation and hydroelectric project quality management is the very important part in project construction management .

  25. 因此,切实抓好施工现场质量管理是创造优良工程的关键。

    Therefore , effectively enhance the quality of the construction site to create a good project management is the key .

  26. 落实《建设工程质量管理条例》搞好工程建设监理

    Carrying out " the regulations of quality and management of construction and engineering " and doing well in supervising the engineering construcion

  27. 建筑施工质量管理是为了保证工程质量以及符合合同规定所采取的一系列方法、手段和措施。

    Construction project quality management is to ensure the quality and the contract taken by a number of ways , means and measures .

  28. 因此作好化工建设项目质量管理,尤其是工程设计阶段的质量管理是保证项目顺利建成投产,实现项目投资效果的关键。

    Therefor , it would be the key to achieve the project investing purpose by controlling the quality of the chemical engineering projects , especially the quality of the design phase .

  29. 质量管理一直是建设工程项目管理的重点,施工阶段作为建筑实体形成的关键环节,提高该阶段质量管理水平,对项目建设任务顺利完成、达到各方满意效果有着直接的积极作用。

    Quality management has long been remaining the important part of project management in construction project . It is very important that raise the level of quality management in construction stage which is the key link of architectural entity formed .

  30. 建筑业的健康发展是离不开建筑工程质量的管理,建筑工程质量既是社会关注的热点,又是各级建设行政管理部门管理的重点所在。

    The construction industry is a healthy development of the construction work can not be separated from the quality of management , building of social concern is the quality of the hot spots and a construction administration departments at all levels are all about .