
  • 网络MONEY AND BANKING;currency banking;economics of money and banking
  1. 《货币银行学》课程教学方法创新的几点思考

    Thoughts for " Money and Banking " Curriculum Teaching Methods Innovation

  2. 货币银行学是金融学、会计学、财务管理学等财金类专业学生的专业基础必修课。

    Economics of Money and Banking is the required basic course for financial majors , such as Finance , Accounting , and Financial Management .

  3. 论《货币银行学》课程体系的改革

    On the Reform of the Course System of Money and Banking Economics

  4. 提高《货币银行学》教学质量探讨

    Exploration on Improving the Teaching Quality of Economics of Currency and Banking

  5. 一网双学教学模式在《货币银行学》课程教学中的应用

    Application to " one network and two learning " mode on International Finance course

  6. 本文主要运用社会学理论、金融结构理论和货币银行学理论对中国近代货币金融结构变迁过程加以说明。

    In doing so the current research makes a reference to the theories of sociology , financial structures and currency banking .

  7. 截至目前,我院的《证券投资学》、《货币银行学》一批课程被评为省级重点课程和省级精品课程。

    Up to now , such courses as securities investment and monetary banking were granted province-level key courses and top quality courses .

  8. 所有货币银行学的教科书都强调央行有三大政策工具:再贴现率、公开市场操作和存款准备金率。

    All textbooks on money and banking highlight the three principal policy options open to central banks : discount lending , open market operations , and reserve requirements .

  9. 我的专业课程有:货币银行学,保险学,财政学,金融工程,金融法,投资学,证券投资学,中央银行学,商业银行学等科目。

    I course : money and banking , insurance , public finance , finance engineering , finance law , investment , portfolio investment , central banks , commercial banks and other subjects .

  10. 运用经济学、金融学、货币银行学、投资学等学科的相关原理,阐释货币市场和资本市场关系、货币市场与资本市场协调发展的意义。

    Using the relevant principle of economics , finances , money and banking , investments , etc , it explains the relation between money market and capital market , the meaning of development in harmony of two markets .

  11. 本文以货币银行学、金融学、制度经济学和现代西方经济学的相关理论为基础,运用规范研究和实证研究等方法对我国国有商业银行公司治理结构进行研究。

    The article is based on the theory of Banking , Finance , Institutional Economics and Modern Western Economics etc. , to have a research on the corporate governance of state-owned commercial banks by the method of studying criterions and actual examples .

  12. 本文提出网上教学设计的关键在于加强互动的观点,并结合电大开放教育试点货币银行学课程的具体实践,从一个中心、两个结合、三个原则等方面进行了具体阐述。

    This article argues that the key of teaching design on internet lies in interaction , then it discusses the teaching practice of " Economics of Money and Banking " with the guidance principles of " one center , two integrations , three principles " .

  13. 我国目前《货币银行学》课程体系的建设存在一些缺陷,难以适应国内金融与国际金融融合的需要,我们应适应两者联合的需要,搞好课程体系建设。

    There exist some shortcomings in the construction of the course system of " Money & Banking Economics ", which fails to meet the needs of the situation in which domestic finance is increasingly integrated with international finance . Therefore reforms should be carried out in the course construction .

  14. 电子货币的发展对《货币银行学》教学的冲击

    The Challenge of the Development of Electronic Currency to the Teaching Contents of Economics of Money and Banking