
  • 网络Monetary Economics;monetary economic;MONEY ECONOMICS
  1. 和被称为新魏克塞尔主义、新凯恩斯主义和新新古典主义的研究方法相比,NOEM模型更贴近于货币经济学,更关注开放经济中的情况。

    And is known as the " the new Wicksell "," New Keynesian " or " neo-classical " method , NOEM model is closer to monetary economics , and more concerned about the situation in an open economy .

  2. 货币经济学,金融经济学,应用时间序列分析。

    Monetary Economics , Financial Economics , Applied Time Series Economics .

  3. 本文依据货币经济学原理,对Bernanke和Blinder(1988)的信贷渠道简单模型做出了扩展。

    Based the theory of monetary economy , this thesis does some extension of the simple credit channel model of Bernanke & Blinder ( 1988 ) .

  4. 零下限是货币经济学的一大神话。

    The zero lower bound is one of the great myths of monetary economics .

  5. 对于货币经济学而言,货币政策的有效性问题始终是一个长盛不衰的研究主题。

    The effectiveness of monetary policy has been a long-standing question in the monetary economics literature .

  6. 20世纪80年代以后,新货币经济学的观点逐渐被人们所重视。

    The standpoint of the new monetary economics was gradually regarded by the people in 1980s later .

  7. 新货币经济学评述


  8. 根据货币经济学理论,货币政策操作规范可分为两种类型:规则和相机抉择。

    In monetary economics , the monetary policy regimes can be divided into two systems with rule and discretion .

  9. 费德斯坦指出,没有充分考虑财政政策的影响,这是货币经济学的严重缺陷。

    However , advanced by Martin Feldstein , neglecting the impact of fiscal policy is a serious limitation in the monetary economics .

  10. 近二十年来,货币经济学及货币政策分析的一个重要突破出现在对货币政策规则的研究上。

    In recent 20 years an important breakthrough for money economics and monetary policy analysis is on the researches of monetary policy rules .

  11. 如果仅仅使用传统的货币经济学理论,并不能有说服力地解释这些现象,因而就需要建立一套新的理论分析框架对现象加以分析。

    By simply using existing economic theories , these phenomena can not be well explained , and new analysis is needed to be established .

  12. 新货币经济学对货币本质的认识和电子货币的发展提供了新的理论思路。

    The new monetary economics provided a new way of thinking of theories to understand the nature of money and the development of the electronic money .

  13. 货币经济学的一个基本观点就是,紧缩的货币政策能够降低通货膨胀,而扩张性的货币政策能够导致通货膨胀。

    One of the essential arguments in monetary economics is that a constrictive monetary policy can certainly reduce inflation and an expansionary one must induce deflation .

  14. 受西方宏观经济学追求微观基础的潮流影响,哈恩难题和希克斯共存问题成为长期困挠货币经济学的两大理论难题。

    Influenced by the trend of searching micro-foundation for macroeconomics , Hahn 's Problem and Hick 's Coexistence Problem becomes the main two perplexing today 's monetary theories .

  15. 与此同时,货币经济学的主流学派认为,央行调节利率应首先以两个因素为指引:消费物价通胀率与其目标之间的差值,以及经济产出与其均衡水平之间的差值。

    Meanwhile , the dominant school of monetary economics argued that central banks should be guided in setting interest rates above all by two factors : the gap between consumer price inflation and its target and the gap between output and its equilibrium level .

  16. 这在货币政策经济学领域是一个争议很大的话题。

    This is a much debated topic in monetary policy economics .

  17. 详细阐明了古典经济学的就业理论、凯恩斯经济学的就业理论、货币主义经济学的就业理论与新凯恩斯主义经济学的就业理论。其次,对我国劳动就业的现状进行了分析。

    It illustrates employment theory of classical economics , of Keynesian economics , of monetarism economics , of new Keynesian economics in detail . Secondly , this paper presents the current situation of employment in China .

  18. 最优货币区理论是国际货币经济学领域内最重要的研究课题之一,欧洲经济货币联盟(EMU)是最优货币区理论最典型的应用和验证者。

    The theory of Optimum Currency Area ( OCA ) is one of the most important topics of international monetary economics .

  19. 货币流通速度,是货币经济学中重要且复杂的议题。

    Monetary velocity is an important and complex topic in the monetary economics .

  20. 货币政策的传导机制及其效应问题是货币经济学中最复杂的问题之一,也是国内外学者的现实研究热点。

    The transmission mechanism and the effect of monetary policy is one of the most complicated subjects in monetary economy , and is also the favorite subject of foreign and domestic scholars .

  21. 其中主要从货币的乘数效应、传统通货膨胀理论及新货币经济学方面分析其冲击金融市场的可能性。

    This part is mainly to analyze the possibility that virtual currencies can do impingement to financial market using multiplier effect , inflation theory and exchange mechanism .

  22. 最后,论述了最优货币区理论的意义,包括最优货币区理论对经济学理论的贡献及对世界各地货币一体化实践的影响。

    Recent development of theory of optimum currency areas . In the end of chapter one , we discuss the implications of OCA theory , including its influences on economic theories and practices of monetary integration in various parts of the world .

  23. 随着世界各国商品经济的发展,货币在经济中的作用日益加强,但货币理论一直是经济学中争论很激烈的一个领域。

    With the development of countries in the world commodity economy , the role of money in the economy increasing , but the economics , monetary theory has always been an area of heated debate .

  24. 外在货币内在化的思想来源于Gurley和Shaw所提出的金融中介论与新货币经济学关于竞争性内在货币的论述。

    The thoughts of the evolution from outside money to inside money originated from the theory of financial intermediary by Gurley and Shaw and the theory of new monetary economics .

  25. 所以,在传统的均衡或者非均衡模型中引入货币变量,并且判断和分析货币变量及货币政策的作用机制,就成为了货币经济学面对的一个挑战。

    Therefore , it is a challenge faced by monetary economics that money variable is included in traditionally equilibrium or unequilibrium model and judge and analyze the effect mechanism of money variable and monetary policy .

  26. 货币流通速度,是产出或交易量与货币存量之比,它联接了实体经济的产出与金融经济的货币,是货币经济学中的一个重要议题。

    Velocity of money , which is ratio of output or exchange number to money and links real economy with financial economy , has been a significant topic of money economics .