
  • 网络Operative Objective of Monetary Policy
  1. 但这并不是问题的根本所在,只要利率传导是有效的,利率就可以作为货币政策的操作目标。

    However , interest rate actually could act as the operation target of monetary policy if only the transmission is effective .

  2. 随着经济的发展,央行货币政策对操作目标、中介目标、最终目标调控的经验越来越丰富,货币供应量作为重要的中介目标,对整个金融市场产生了深远的影响。

    Along with economic development , the central bank monetary policy for operating goals , intermediary goals , ultimate goals becomes increasingly experienced . Money supply , as an important intermediary goal , has a considerable impact on the entire financial market .

  3. 作为一种前瞻性的货币政策操作思路,通货膨胀目标制在稳定通胀和减缓真实经济波动方面都取得了很大的成功。

    As a kind of forward-looking monetary policy operation , it has obtained a big success in stabling the inflation and slowing down the real economical fluctuation aspect .