
  • 网络conduction mechanism of monetary policy;conduction mechanism;transmission mechanism;transmission mechanism of monetary policy;transmission of monetary policy
  1. 货币政策传导机制一直是学术界的研究热点,从央行发布货币政策信息到作用于实体经济需要一条具体的渠道,学术界对它的研究形成了诸多观点。

    The conduction mechanism of monetary policy has been the research focus in the academia . The monetary policy information released from the central bank to apply to the real economy needs a specific channel , and academic research formed many views on it .

  2. 中国复杂的经济环境决定了货币政策的多目标,同样决定了货币政策传导机制的多渠道和多中介指标,因此货币政策工具也与外国货币政策工具有别。

    The complicated economic environment of China has decided that its monetary policy is multi-targeted . It also decides that the conduction mechanism of monetary policy is multi-channeled and multi-intermediate target , therefore the monetary policy tool is different from that of foreign countries .

  3. 基于VAR模型的货币政策传导机制的计量分析

    The Econometric Analyses of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism Based on VAR Model

  4. SVAR模型及其在货币政策传导机制分析中的应用

    SVAR Model and the Empirical Study of Its Applications in Transmission of Monetary Policy

  5. 以此为起点,笔者对中国货币政策传导机制进行了SVAR实证研究,进一步探讨了流动性过剩的原因及解决方案。

    Starting from this the authors make an empirical SVAR study of the transmission mechanism of Chinese monetary policy and explore the causes and countermeasures of liquidity surplus .

  6. 对货币政策传导机制的SVAR研究,多数选取货币供应量和利率作为衡量政策冲击的指标变量,但理论研究表明,用流动性指标衡量货币政策冲击更适宜。

    Most SVAR studies on the transmission mechanism of monetary policy choose money supply and interest rate as the index variables to measure the impact of monetary policy .

  7. 第三,运用OLS、ADF检验、Johansen协整检验等现代计量经济方法,从财富效应、投资效应和信贷传导渠道有效性三个方面分析我国虚拟经济发展对货币政策传导机制的效应。

    Thirdly , we analyze the monetary policy transmission mechanism effects of fictitious economy development from the wealth effect , investment effect and credit transmission channel effect by OLS , ADF test and Johansen cointegration test methods .

  8. 论文第三章在理论分析基础上,运用向量误差修正模型(VECM)实证检验房价在货币政策传导机制中的作用。

    Based on the theoretical analysis , the third chapter applied the vector error correction model ( VECM ) to empirically test the role of house price in the monetary transmission mechanism .

  9. 首先,货币政策传导机制遭到破坏。

    First , the transmission mechanism for monetary policy is damaged .

  10. 中国货币政策传导机制存在的问题及对策

    Conduction Mechanism Existing Problem in China 's Monetary Policy and Countermeasure

  11. 开放经济中货币政策传导机制研究

    The Study of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism in Open Economy System

  12. 基于托宾效应的货币政策传导机制实证研究

    Empirical Study on Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism Based on Tobin Effect

  13. 金融脱媒对我国货币政策传导机制的影响

    The Influence of Financial Disintermediation on Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy

  14. 政策操作透明度下的货币政策传导机制研究

    On the Transmission of the Monetary Policy Under the Transparency System

  15. 货币政策传导机制:货币渠道抑或信贷渠道

    Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism : Monetary Channel or Credit Channel

  16. 构建我国畅通的货币政策传导机制

    Establishing Smooth Mechanism of Transmission of Monetary Policy in China

  17. 货币政策传导机制与动态有效性的经济计量分析

    Econometric Analysis of the Transmission Mechanism and Dynamic Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

  18. 货币政策传导机制与国民经济活力

    The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy and National Economical Vigor

  19. 我国货币政策传导机制研究:1998-2005

    A Study of Chinese Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism : 1998-2005

  20. 当前我国货币政策传导机制的体制缺陷及其再造

    The System Limitation and Reconstruction of Ch in a Monetary Policy Transmission

  21. 金融开放条件下中国货币政策传导机制探讨

    Analysis on Chinese monetary transmission mechanism in opening finance

  22. 转轨经济中的预算软约束与货币政策传导机制

    Soft Budget Constraints and Micro - foundation of Chinese Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism

  23. 商业银行在货币政策传导机制中的作用分析

    The Analysis of the Role of Commercial Bank in Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism

  24. 信用渠道是我国货币政策传导机制的重要途径。

    The key of monetary policy is to establish an effective transmission mechanism .

  25. 货币政策传导机制非效率性的原因及对策探析

    Causes for the Inefficiency of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism

  26. 货币政策传导机制障碍的制度分析

    A System Analysis on the Obstacles in the Conductive Mechanism of Monetary Policy

  27. 我国货币政策传导机制有效性&基于货币市场传导的实证研究

    Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Transmission & base on demonstration research of monetary market

  28. 从金融传导领域分析我国的货币政策传导机制

    On China 's Monetary Policy-Transmission Mechanism from the Standpoint of the Financial Conduction Area

  29. 资本市场条件下的货币政策传导机制分析

    On Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism Under Capital Market

  30. 推进利率市场化完善货币政策传导机制

    Advancement of Marketization of Interest Rate and Improvement of Transmit Mechanism of Monetary Policy