- 名pea pod;peasecod

A Tentative Experiment of Pea Pods Preserved under the Circumstances of High Electrostatic Field
Fun foods like peas in the pods , green beans , yams and oranges keep macaws entertained .
Some companies , like app search engine Wandoujia , even send employees on yearly trips to northern California to learn more about the culture , and visit the headquarters of the most iconic U.S. Internet firms .
What about the slaughtering of innocent pea pods , cucumbers , and other vegetables and fruits that - although they 're not much for petting or cuddling with - are in fact very much alive.Does something being alive but not cute make it fair game ?
Studies of factors that influence the daily dynamics of pod dehiscence in Vicia cracca
Edible pod pea and parchmented pod pea are two different types of pea according to whether they have a hard membrane ( parchment ) in pod or not .
Study on the flower and pod falling , bud differentiation and cultivation technology of pea
Pulse / pQls ; pQls / n.seed ( s ) of various plants ( eg beans , lentils , peas ), that grow in pods and are dried and used as food
In the " Eight - five " Period , the authors have researched the flower and pod falling , bud differentiation and cultivation technology of pea .
The optimum harvest time of intercropping and mixture was milky maturity stage of oat and pod filling stage of pea , when the mixture forage yield was the highest , the nitrogen yield and RFV were relatively high , and ADF and NDF were relatively low .