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qiǎng bǎo
  • swaddle;swaddling clothes;shawl
襁褓 [qiǎng bǎo]
  • [swadding clothes] 襁保,襁葆。背负婴儿用的宽带和包裹婴儿的被子。后亦指婴儿包

  • 昔成王年幼,越在襁保(褓)。--《后汉书.桓郁传》

襁褓[qiǎng bǎo]
  1. 《超级女声》,襁褓中的品牌

    , Brand in Swaddling Clothes

  2. 我在襁褓中的时候,好象男女都无所谓。

    When I am in swaddling clothes , it seems like it does not matter whether I am a boy or a girl .

  3. 她怀中紧紧地抱着襁褓中的婴儿。

    She held her little bundle tightly in her arms .

  4. 那家人被迫带着他们尚在襁褓中的儿子逃走了。

    The family were forced to flee with their infant son .

  5. 我还在襁褓中时,她曾经照顾过我。

    She used to take care of me when I was a baby

  6. 把你刚出生的孩子用襁褓包裹住,这样她会有安全感。

    Swaddle your newborn baby so that she feels secure .

  7. 她尚在襁褓中时就被福利院收养。

    She was taken into care as a baby .

  8. 作为牧师的儿子,他从尚在襁褓时起就接受了一套神秘主义信仰。

    As a clergyman 's son he 'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle .

  9. 我们的新计划还只是在襁褓中呢。

    Our new plan is still only in its infancy .

  10. 婴儿被紧紧地裹在襁褓之中。

    The baby is tightly swaddled .

  11. 那一年9月,玛格丽塔的儿子奥托(Otto)出生,包裹在V字形襁褓里。

    That September , Margherita 's son , Otto , was born , swaddled in chevron .

  12. 根据航空安全网络(AviationSafetyNetwork)的数据,就事故次数而言,去年是自1945年以来最安全的一年;1945年时,商业航空仍处于襁褓时期,航班数量与当今不可同日而语。

    Last year was the safest in terms of number of accidents since 1945 – according to the Aviation Safety Network – when commercial aviation was in its infancy and a fraction of the number of flights operated compared with today .

  13. 当时微软的财务总监彼得•克莱因也对Skype的成就多有耳闻,于是在今年四月与德班进行了接洽。微软的手机软件业务还处在襁褓阶段,正是四处物色强援的时候。

    Peter Klein , Microsoft 's chief financial officer , had been hearing the chatter and reached out to Durban in April .

  14. 他还在襁褓中的时候就被他母亲遗弃了。

    As a baby he 'd been abandoned by his mother .

  15. 我离开你的襁褓太久了,母亲!

    I left your swaddle long time ago , my mother .

  16. 即使在芬兰,移动商务也仍处于襁褓阶段。

    M-commerce is still in its infancy , even in Finland .

  17. 襁褓中的新人类中国电影第六代终成气候?

    Has the sixth generation of Chinese films become prevailing now ?

  18. 冲破你的襁褓,我的心啊,出来吧!

    Burst your sheath , my heart , and come forth !

  19. 伦理宽容是抚育新道德的襁褓

    The Ethical Tolerance Is the Infancy of Cultivating New Morality

  20. 当她还在襁褓中就开始做一些事情了。

    It 's something she began doing as a baby .

  21. 看着襁褓中熟睡的小婴儿,阿尔伯特感到疑惑不解。

    Looking down at the tiny sleeping bundle , Albert was puzzled .

  22. 他们的伊思奇勒想像的事物,我们在襁褓中的孩子们都能感觉到。

    What their Aeschylus imagined our nursery children could feel .

  23. 这些问题不是说我们从此和婴儿襁褓说再见。

    These issues do not mean we need to drop swaddling altogether .

  24. 每换一次尿片,婴儿就脱离襁褓多一些。

    Every nappy changed is a step away from babyhood .

  25. 有几个因素一直困扰着依然处于襁褓期的可穿戴技术市场。

    Several factors have dogged the nascent wearable technology market .

  26. 若那孩子还未长大就死于襁褓,我们也无须害怕。

    If the babe dies in infancy , we need not fear .

  27. 一层层同心的虚无是我心的襁褓,裹着一口永不敲响的钟。

    Concentric nothingnesses swaddle my heart , a bell that never rings .

  28. 在两次婚姻中生下的二十个孩子,有十个在襁褓中就夭折了。

    Out of twenty children of two marriages , ten died in infancy .

  29. 救援人员在襁褓里发现了他妈妈的手机。

    A rescue worker found his mom 's cell phone in his wrapper .

  30. 那小孩还在襁褓中。

    The small child was still in long clothes .