
  • 网络administrative security
  1. 依法行政与安全生产

    Administration According to Law , Safety in Production

  2. 核电厂人因及组织行政管理安全审查体系

    Periodic Safety Review of Human Factor and Organizational Administration in the Nuclear Power Plant

  3. 第二个条件涉及使用特别行政区的安全没有表现出显着的趋势。

    The second proviso relates to the use of SAR on a security that is not exhibiting a significant trend .

  4. 中国香港警方将成立新部门支持特别行政区国家安全立法的实施。

    Hong Kong police will set up a new unit to support the implementation of the national security legislation in the special administrative region .

  5. 应用LotusDomino/Notes开发行政办公系统的安全设计

    Design of security applying to intranet office automatic system based on Lotus domino / notes

  6. 日本行政部门还就安全措施问题向消费者和生产方提供建议。

    Japanese authorities are also giving advice to consumers and producers regarding safety measures .

  7. 行政助理负责确保安全和风险管理部门行政业务的有效运行。

    The Administrative Assistant is responsible for ensuring efficient and effective administrative operations within SRM .

  8. 行政指导在食品安全监督领域的运用(用来指植物和动物)以动物为食。

    Application of Administrative Guidance to Food Safety Administrative Management ( used of plants as well as animals ) feeding on animals .

  9. 6月30日,中国人大代表投票通过了《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区维护国家安全法》。

    Chinese lawmakers on June 30 voted to adopt the law on safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .

  10. 坚持依法行政,保障农机安全生产,以促进农村社会和谐,乡风文明;

    Persisting legally thead ministration , safeguarding the agricultural machinery safety and rural society to be harmonious and local custom to be civilized ;

  11. 有关部门在各自职责范围内负责本行政区域的食品安全监督管理工作。

    These departments shall , within the scope of their respective functions , be responsible for the food safety supervision and administration within that administrative region .

  12. 中国驻欧盟使团表示,坚决反对欧盟针对中国香港特别行政区维护国家安全法的行动,并敦促泛欧机构停止干涉中国内政。

    The Chinese Mission to the European Union says it firmly opposes the EU 's moves against the national security legislation for Hong Kong and urged the pan-Europe body to stop China 's internal affairs .

  13. 改革开放以来,在对粮食生产进行不同程度、不同方式的管制时期,尽管小农的农业生产自主性却没有得到充分发挥,但国家通过各种形式的行政手段实现粮食安全的目标。

    During the periods of many kinds of regulations on food production since the economic reform , although the autonomy of plant decisions has not been granted to smallholders , macro food security is realized successfully .

  14. 相对落后的安全生产指导思想、行政管理体制、安全技术体系已经不能和现阶段安全生产工作相匹配,为达到新形势下的要求,应不断提出新的对策。

    Our country is at the primary stage of socialism , the guiding ideology , the administrative management system and safety technology system cannot meet the requires of safety production . To meet the requirements of the new situation , we should continuously work out new countermeasures .

  15. 如《生产安全事故调查和报告条例》(国务院493号令)明确规定本条例规定的罚款的行政处罚,由安全生产监督管理部门决定。

    Such as " the production safety accident investigation and report regulations " ( the state council the 493 order ) specific provision " of the provisions of these regulations , the administrative penalty of a fine by the supervision and administration of production safety department decisions " .

  16. 明确规定了这四种犯罪的具体构成和相应的刑事责任。”他补充说,警方会支持和协助香港特别行政区维护国家安全委员会,并与其他执法机关合作,将违法者绳之以法。该法于6月30日度过。

    lates the specified composition and corresponding criminal liability for those four types of crimes . " He adds that the police will support and assist the committee for safeguarding national security of Hong Kong and work with other law enforcement authorities to lawbreakers The law was adopted on June 30th .

  17. 因而,现阶段食品安全行政检查是发现食品安全违法行为的主要手段,离开行政机关日常的食品安全行政检查,食品安全将无法得到保障。

    Thus , the food safety administrative inspection is the primary means of finding food safety violations at this stage , and which guarantees the food safety .

  18. 从性质上讲,公路行政涵盖了公路经济行政、公路军事行政和公路交通安全行政等等。

    Administration of highway includes economic administration of highway , martial administration of highway and traffic safety administration of highway and so on .

  19. 周三,他会见了香港特区行政长官林郑月娥,听取了特区政府对香港特别行政区维护国家安全立法问题的意见。

    He met with chief executive Carrie Lam on Wednesday to hear the Hong Kong government 's opinions on the national security legislation for the city .