
huánɡ zāi
  • plague of locusts
蝗灾 [huáng zāi]
  • [plague of locusts;locust pest] 成群的蝗虫吃掉大量农作物的茎和叶而造成的灾害

  1. 清代广西蝗灾研究

    Research on the Plague of Locusts of Guangxi in Qing Dynasty

  2. 蝗灾的综合治理及资源开发

    RESOURCE Comprehensive prevention and control of the plague of locusts

  3. 这些庄稼遭到蝗灾。

    These crops are attacked by locusts .

  4. 新疆天然草地面积辽阔,近年来,每年夏季的蝗灾发生面积都在230万hm2以上。

    There is wide natural grassland in Xinjiang . Acreage of locust disaster covers at least 2 , 300 , 000 hm2 in the summer during these years .

  5. 科学家发现,中国历史上的蝗灾与气候冷周期相关,这意味着中国预计的未来气候变暖可能导致蝗虫数量有所下降。这项研究昨天发表在《美国科学院学报》(PNAS)上。

    Scientists have found that historical outbreaks of migratory locusts in China were associated with cold periods , suggesting that China 's projected climate warming could decrease locust numbers .

  6. 蝗灾对当时社会的生产与生活产生了破坏性影响。

    Locust produced a bad influence on social production and life .

  7. 清代华北的蝗灾与社会控制

    Locust Plagues in North China and Social Control in the Qing Dynasty

  8. 聚集在大平原上形成了大规模蝗灾

    They join up over the Great Plains and become a plague .

  9. 同时有两个地区遭到蝗灾。

    Two areas have been struck by the locust plague at once .

  10. 另外,西撒哈拉沙漠南部也有蝗灾的报告。

    Others were reported in the south of Western Sahara .

  11. 蝗灾通常由群居型蝗虫所引发。

    The plague of locusts is usually led by the gregarious locusts .

  12. 蝗灾发生的年份42个,其中有6次灾情特别严重。

    There are 6 serious disasters of all 42 plagues of locusts .

  13. 这次蝗灾是西部非洲15年以来最大的灾害。

    This is West africa 's biggest locust disaster in 15 years .

  14. 对草原蝗灾应该下决心治理。

    The locust plague on the grasslands should be determined to governance .

  15. 在乌利亚等人看来蝗灾是上帝的惩罚

    To men like Uriah , the locust are the wrath of God .

  16. 野外数据采集是蝗灾管理的重要信息来源。

    Collecting field data about locust is important to management of locust plague .

  17. 对蝗灾时的特派官员、捕蝗措施进行分析。

    It analyses the specially appointed officials , and measure of catching locusts .

  18. 20世纪唐代蝗灾研究综述

    On the 20th Century Survey of Plagues of Locusts in the Tang Dynasty

  19. 1941~1947年豫东黄泛区的蝗灾

    Locust Disaster in the Flood Area of East Henan during 1941 ~ 1947

  20. 思嘉绝望地觉得这比经受一次蝗灾还要可怕。

    Scarlett thought despairingly that a plague of locusts would be more welcome .

  21. 论中国历史上的蝗灾及其社会影响

    On Plagues of Locusts in the History of China and Their Social Influence

  22. 综合利用蝗虫资源实现蝗灾可持续治理明清时期江淮地区的蝗灾探析

    Integrated Utilization on Locusts Resource Realizing the Sustainable Control for the Plague of Locusts

  23. 蝗灾数量、为害程度远超出其他害虫。

    The number and degrees of damage of locusts were much greater than others .

  24. 蝗灾使西非撒黑尔地区的收成遭受了严重的打击。

    The harvests in the Sahel region of West Africa have been severely damaged .

  25. 20世纪20年代河南发生了频繁的灾荒。灾荒以水灾、旱灾为主,并多发匪患、兵荒、雹灾、蝗灾等等灾荒。

    In 1920s , disasters such as flood and drought occurred frequently in Henan .

  26. 蝗灾管理系统中若干技术问题研究

    Research on Technologies of Locust-disaster Management System

  27. 第五章分析蝗灾与社会的关系。

    Chapter 5 , have analysed the relation of plague of locusts and society situation .

  28. 我国古代蝗灾社会反应机制定型期研究

    Study on the Formation Period of Social Response Mechanism of Locust Plagues in Ancient China

  29. 有人说蝗灾有可能蔓延到亚洲地区。

    Some say it could reach asia .

  30. 在织带存在严重的蝗灾。

    In severe infestations webbing is present .