
há ma
  • toad;frog
蛤蟆 [há má]
  • (1) [frog]∶青蛙

  • (2) [toad]∶蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆

蛤蟆[há ma]
  1. 所有的癞蛤蟆吞食东西时都会眨眼皮

    All toads blink when they swallow .

  2. 她是一只嫉妒心很强的蛤蟆。

    She was an envious1 frog .

  3. 最后,蛤蟆狂妄的行为超过了她的限度;她的肚皮永远不可能膨胀到牯牛那般大小;由于用力过猛,她的肚皮胀破了。

    At last her wild attempts the bounds of nature passed , she never swelled4 to bullock 's size , but strained so hard , she cracked and burst .

  4. 墨子回答说:“青蛙和癞蛤蟆的叫声从早到晚没有停过,但是,却几乎没有引起人们的注意。公鸡仅仅只在黎明时分叫上几声,便能将天下的人都唤醒.”因此,话多不一定有好处。

    Mohist answered , " The grog and hop never stop shouting from day to night , but they get little from people . The rooster only sings only for a few minutes in the morning and wakes up all the people . So , it is not necessarily advisable to speak a lot . "

  5. 癞蛤蟆出来了,算他一个,水獭回答道。

    Toad 's out , for one , replied the Otter .

  6. 噢,我真是聪明的癞蛤蟆,而且—

    Oh , I am a clever Toad , and - '

  7. 最后癞蛤蟆结束了,水鼠抬头看着他。

    When at last he finished , the Rat looked up .

  8. 我知道癞蛤蟆应怎么做,他应该—

    I know what Toad should do . He should - '

  9. 癞蛤蟆答道,这是什么意思?

    replied Toad . ' What is the meaning of this ?

  10. 一天早上,轮到水鼠看管癞蛤蟆。

    One day the Rat was the guard for the morning .

  11. 少说点,癞蛤蟆,你听着,我想我有个计划。

    Now listen , I think I have a plan . '

  12. 癞蛤蟆骑着向前,为他自己伟大的聪明之举开怀大笑。

    Toad rode on , laughing at his own great cleverness .

  13. 癞蛤蟆看着三位朋友严肃的表情,

    Toad looked at his three friends ' serious faces .

  14. 癞蛤蟆自言自语道,旅行的真正方式!

    whispered Toad to himself . ' The real way to travel !

  15. 所有的朋友甚至将忘记蛤蟆这个名字!

    All my friends will forget even the name of Toad ! '

  16. 癞蛤蟆兴奋得浑身发抖,他付完账冲了出去。

    Shaking with excitement , Toad paid his bill and hurried out .

  17. 癞蛤蟆叫道,这才是属于你们的真正的生活。

    cried the Toad . ' There 's real life for you .

  18. 癞蛤蟆;讨厌的家伙蟾蜍的腿比青蛙短,而且通常比青蛙笨拙。

    toad Toads have shorter legs and are generally clumsier than frogs .

  19. 然后她对癞蛤蟆耳语了一番。

    And here she whispered in the Toad 's ear .

  20. 癞蛤蟆认出了汽车和车里的人。

    Toad recognized the car and the people in it .

  21. 从现在起,我应该做一个安静,理智的癞蛤蟆。

    I shall become a quiet , sensible Toad from now on .

  22. 但癞蛤蟆的好运没有维持多久。

    But Toad 's luck didn 't last for long .

  23. 车身很长,锃亮耀眼,是蛤蟆最喜欢的艳红色。

    It was long , shiny , and bright red-Toad 's favourite colour .

  24. 癞蛤蟆张大嘴巴准备争辩,马上又决定放弃了。

    Toad opened his mouth to argue , and then decided not to .

  25. 但是癞蛤蟆似乎并没有变好。

    But Toad did not seem to get better .

  26. 乡村的惬意生活被癞蛤蟆先生的出走给扰乱了。

    The rural idyll and everyday routine is interrupted by Toad 's escapades .

  27. 此后,癞蛤蟆就一直特别安静。

    After that , the Toad kept very quiet .

  28. 否则我把你变成蛤蟆

    Or I 'll zap you into a toad !

  29. 癞蛤蟆游到岸边爬了上来。

    Toad swam to the bank and climbed out .

  30. 刚开始癞蛤蟆怎么也不能相信这件事。

    At first Toad couldn 't believe it .