
  • 网络Yushan Hill;yushan mountain
  1. 江苏常熟虞山土壤动物群落多样性研究

    Diversity of soil invertebrate communities at Yushan Hill , Changshu , Jiangsu Province

  2. 江苏常熟虞山国家森林公园鸟类资源

    Bird Resources in Yushan Mountain National Forest Park of Changshu , Jiangsu Province

  3. 桂林虞山景区造园艺术赏析

    Appreciation of the Landscape Architecture Art of Yushan Park in Guilin

  4. 常熟虞山森林空气环境效应测定分析

    Analysis of environmental impacts of the air of Changshu Yushan Forest

  5. 常熟虞山森林植被类型及木本植物区系分析

    Analysis of vegetation types and woody plants flora in Yushan of Changshu

  6. 常熟市虞山园林植物病害调查

    Diseases of Ornamental Plants of Yu Mountain in Changshu of Jiangsu Province

  7. 虞山诗派是清代的一个重要的诗歌创作群体。

    Yushan School was an important group of poets .

  8. 清初虞山派及其诗文化圈

    Poems convey ambition Yushan Poetic School and Its Poetic-cultural Circle in the Early Qing Dynasty

  9. 你们的学校在哪儿?它在虞山脚下。

    Where is your school ? It 's at the foot of Yu Shan hill .

  10. 尘梦半生吹短发,清歌一曲送残阳&清代女词人顾太清和她的词清代虞山诗派的创作气局

    Gu Tai-qing and her Creations of Ci

  11. 严天池是明代虞山琴派的创始者之一。

    Yan Tianchi was one of the founders of Yushan Guqin School in Ming Dynasty .

  12. 常熟虞山地区共有木本植物61科124属227种(变种)。

    There are 227 species of woody plants , belonging to 61 families and 124 genera .

  13. 尤其是清代广陵琴派在虞山琴派的基础上,又作了创造性的发展。

    Guang-ling School of Qin made a creative development on the basis of Yu-shan School of Qin .

  14. 虞山琴派的产生,传承与流变的过程,体现了古琴音乐不断继承、发展并得以生生不息的历史规律。

    The process of Yu-shan School 's founding , developing and changing showed the historical rule of Qin 's heritance , development and immortality .

  15. 冯舒、冯班的诗学理论与批评,在虞山诗派的确立和发展中占据重要地位。

    FENG Shu and FENG Ban 's poetic theory and criticism plays an important role in the establishment and development of Yushan School of Poets .

  16. 北区以虞山公园为中心,有观音山、铁峰山、芦笛岩等景观;

    The northern section centres around Yushan Park where the places worth visiting are Goddess of Mercy Hill , Iron Peak , Reed Flute Rock , etc.

  17. 赵用贤的政治文化活动对明末清初虞山文化发展兴盛具有重要的作用和贡献。

    His political and cultural activities had great impact on the political practice of intellectuals of Yushan and the development of area culture of Yu shan .

  18. 王翚(1632~1717),字石谷,常熟人,虞山画派的巨檗(擘)。被尊为中国画史上的第二位“画圣”。

    Wang Hui ( 1632 ~ 1717 ), with adult name as Shigu , born in Changshu , a giant of Painting of Mount Yu School , had been honored as the second'Painting Sage ' .