
sà kè sī ɡuǎn
  • saxophone;sax
  1. 他在即兴吹奏萨克斯管。

    He was jamming with his saxophone .

  2. 他从救世军那里拿了一支萨克斯管,但却被抓住了,只得将其交还。

    He took a saxophone from the Salvation Army but was caught and had to hand it back

  3. 在MRI机器的大型磁场中无法吹奏小号或萨克斯管。

    You can 't play trumpet or sax inside the giant magnet that is an MRI machine .

  4. 萨克斯管乐团由音乐学院木管乐器讲师、澳洲大学首位全职古典萨克斯管教师MichaelDuke(迈克尔•杜克)博士进行指导。

    The Saxophone Ensemble performs under the direction of Dr Michael Duke , the Conservatorium 's Lecturer in Woodwind and the first full-time classical saxophone teacher at an Australian university .

  5. 利用MATLAB软件中的曲线拟合功能对萨克斯管的轮廓曲线数据进行了分析拟合,得到了相应的参数方程和参数曲线;

    Using structural parameters of saxophone obtained by measuring , the parametric equation and contour curve about saxophone are built with MATLAB . On the basis of the function curves and parameters , it sets up the 3D-solid feature modeling of saxophone with Pro / E.

  6. 《回家》是一首著名的萨克斯管乐曲。

    Going Back Home is a famous piece of saxophone music .

  7. 萨克斯管主要用于爵士乐和舞曲。

    The saxophone is used mainly in jazz and dance music .

  8. 例如,如果你能演奏萨克斯管。

    For example , let 's say you play the saxophone .

  9. 爵士萨克斯管手查理帕克是个即兴演奏的大师。

    Jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker was a master of improvisation .

  10. 他在一支爵士乐队中吹次中音萨克斯管。

    He plays the tenor saxophone in a jazz band .

  11. 萨克斯管是真理、恐惧、吊钩。

    Saxophones are the truth , the funk , and the hook .

  12. 你会吹萨克斯管,真酷。

    So you play the sax ? That 's cool .

  13. 作为一个萨克斯管演奏家,他以其充满生机的演奏著名。

    As a saxophonist , he was known for his vibrant playing .

  14. 他在一个大乐队里吹萨克斯管。

    He plays the saxophone in a big band .

  15. 他在一个爵士乐队演奏萨克斯管。

    He plays the saxophone in a jazz band .

  16. 单簧管、长客、萨克斯管及大管都是木管乐器。

    The clarinet , fltae , saxophone and bassoon are all woodwind instruments .

  17. 我希望听到你的萨克斯管的演奏。

    I hope to hear your saxophone performance .

  18. 在街上吹萨克斯管赚钱来和你约会。

    Guy who plays the saxophone on the street to pay for your date .

  19. 他在乐队中与我紧挨&我们都吹萨克斯管。

    He sat next to me in band – we both played alto saxophone .

  20. 音乐家用萨克斯管即席演奏。

    The musician noodled on his ax .

  21. 咖啡厅里适宜放萨克斯管或钢琴一类的轻音乐。

    Soft music like those played on saxophone or piano is preferable in coffee houses .

  22. 他彻底改变了爵士乐中萨克斯管的演奏。

    He revolutionized jazz saxophone playing .

  23. 萨克斯管吹奏演员兼做鼓手。

    The saxophonist doubles on drums .

  24. 他把自己的萨克斯管作为质押。

    His saxophone was in pledge .

  25. 他经常将女声与喇叭或单簧管混合,男声和长号或萨克斯管混合。

    He often combined female voices with trumpets or clarinets and male voices with trombones or saxophones .

  26. 高音;高音萨克斯管;这个男孩仍旧有极好的高音;高音谱号。

    Soprano voice ; soprano sax ; the boy still had a fine treble voice ; the treble clef .

  27. 我玩萨克斯管几乎每天都有,但感觉最像艺术家时扣除是我的乐器。

    I play the saxophone almost every day , but feel most like an artist when deduction is my instrument .

  28. 嘿,杜克,我想我已经找到那个在你的萨克斯管里撒尿的家伙了。

    Hey , Duke , I think I got a lead on the guy that pissed in your saxophone last night !

  29. “尤其是克里斯托弗,”我回答说。咖啡厅里适宜放萨克斯管或钢琴一类的轻音乐。

    " Especially Christopher ," I replied . Soft music like those played on saxophone or piano is preferable in coffee houses .

  30. 我想我遗传了父亲对音乐的热爱,我父亲曾是个萨克斯管手。

    I think I may have inherited a pa ion for music from my father who used to be a saxophone player .