
xiāo xiāo
  • the sound of a horse neighing or whinnying;the sound of whistling wind, pattering rain, etc.;whistling ;whinnying
萧萧 [xiāo xiāo]
  • (1) [whinny and neigh]∶形容马嘶鸣声

  • 马鸣萧萧

  • 萧萧班马鸣。--唐. 李白《送友人》

  • 车辚辚,马萧萧。--唐. 杜甫《兵车行》

  • (2) [sough;whistle]∶风声

  • 风萧萧兮易水寒。--《战国策.燕策》

  • 风萧萧

  • (3) [desolate]∶冷落凄清的样子

  • (4) [thin]∶[头发]花白稀疏的样子

  • 祖父看见了镜里的白发萧萧

萧萧[xiāo xiāo]
  1. 风声萧萧。

    The wind is soughing .

  2. 风萧萧

    The wind soughs and sighs .

  3. “我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?”

    We , the rustling leaves , have a voice that answers the storms , but who are you so silent ? “

  4. 我要在黄昏时,向静静的萧萧的竹林里窥望,在这林中,萤火虫闪闪地耗费它们的光明,只要遇见一个人,我便要问他:“谁能告诉我偷睡眠者住在什么地方?”

    In the evening I will peep into the whispering silence of the bamboo forest , where fireflies squander10 their light , and will ask every creature I meet , " Can anybody tell me where the Sleep-stealer lives ? "

  5. 社会激烈变动时期完整人格的女人&以莉娜·格洛夫(LenaGrove)与萧萧为例

    Women of Integral Personality in Turbulent Days : Taking Xiaoxiao and Lena Grove as Examples

  6. 《萧萧》的叙事结构及其深层意蕴

    The analysis of narrative structure and deep implication of Xiao Xiao

  7. 你的谈吐是你自己山上的松林的萧萧;

    Your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines .

  8. 在旅途中我听音乐消(萧萧)遣。

    I beguiled my journey by listening to the music .

  9. 萧萧怀抱足何藉世人知&从王绩的山林田园诗透视其文心与文体

    About the Idyllic Poems and the Style of Wang Ji

  10. 并在七月雨夜的萧萧叶片间化做抒情诗。

    And becomes lyric among rustling leaves In rainy darkness of July .

  11. 昨晚,我们听到了萧萧风声。

    We heard the moan of the wind last night .

  12. 浪漫:解读《风萧萧》的必备钥匙

    Romanticism : the Key to Decoding Wind 's Whistling

  13. 萧萧叶落飘飞漫舞的诗篇;

    Falling leaves whistle a poem of dancing ;

  14. 茫茫的夜里独剩我的身影伴着那飞花萧萧旋落

    The boundless night remains my form to accompany that fly alone whinny to turn on lathe falls

  15. 唱吧,如风之萧萧

    Sing like the whinnying wind

  16. 我听见有些东西在我心的忧闷后面萧萧作响,--我不能看见它们。

    I hear some rustle of things behind my sadness of heart , & I cannot see them .

  17. 马鸣风萧萧微风燕子斜&浅论宋词的阳刚美与阴柔美

    Horses neigh with the wind and Swallows dance with breezee & On Masculine Beauty and Feminine Beauty of Song poem

  18. 风萧萧,江水寒,壮士一去不复返。

    10th , Meng Xiangbin The wind whinny , the river water is cold , the brave soldier never to returns .

  19. 冬风吹进心里,我仿佛看到了无边落木萧萧下的场景。

    Winter wind blows into my heart , I seem to see the scene that the boundless leaves falling from the woods , rustling .

  20. 特劳特还是落叶树木专家,他在校园里设计种植了一排排琥珀色的树木,营造出一副“无边落木萧萧下”的秋天意境。

    An expert in deciduous trees , Trout planted rows of liquid amber trees to give the students " a sense of autumn " come fall .

  21. 他心里涌出许多思想,像提琴的调子,像滚动的珠子,像吹过森林的萧萧风声。

    Thoughts rose up within him like the tones of the violin , falling like pearls , or rushing like the strong wind through the forest .

  22. 23.“我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?”“我不过是一朵花。”

    We , the rustling leaves , have a voice that answers the storms , but who are you so silent ? " I am a mere flower .

  23. 就是这离愁整夜地悄望星辰,在七月阴雨之中,萧萧的树籁变成抒情的诗歌。

    It is this sorrow of separation that gazes in silence all nights from star to star and becomes lyric among rustling leaves in rainy darkness of July .

  24. 本文从文本研究的角度,探究徐訏《风萧萧》一书的风靡现象的多维原因,通过流行文本的解剖,让流行的真相出现于研究者的面前。

    From the angle of text research , this thesis tries to pursue the multidimensional reasons of the book " The Wind Is Rustling ", which is written by XuJie , being so fashionable .

  25. 妾继之昔日之愚钝,斤斤计较妾之少女之自尊,却悄悄徜徉于君之允诺,忘情于彼岸之白雪皑皑。飞雪萧萧下,妾心步步高。依偎君之怀抱,聆听圣诞钟鸣。

    I c ontinued my role of a fool , clinched to my maiden pride , yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land -- snow measuring down to us , in your arms I am lifted up .

  26. 第四章考察在大后方重庆时期,讨论他的第一部长篇小说、代表作品《风萧萧》,包括该作品所涉及的时代社会现实、个人生活方式与追寻人生理想三个层面。

    The fourth chapter studies the period of rear area in Chongqing , mainly discussing the Wind Soughing and Sighing , his first fiction and representative work completely containing the three aspects of the social reality , the individual life style and the pursuing of the life ideal .

  27. 他想做风,吹过你的萧萧的枝杈;想做你的影子,在水面上,随了日光而俱长;想做一只鸟儿,栖息在你的最高枝上;还想做那两只鸭,在芦苇与阴影中间游来游去。

    He longed to be the wind and blow through your rustling branches , to be your shadow and lengthen with the day on the water , to be a bird and perch on your top-most twig , and to float like those ducks among the weeds and shadows .