
  • 网络nutrition therapy;Nutritional Therapy;Medical Nutrition Therapy;MNT
  1. 目的:探讨营养治疗对维持血透(MHD)患者的疗效。

    Objects : This study is to perceive the effects of nutrition therapy on maintenance hemodialysis ( MHD ) patients .

  2. 基于证据的糖尿病营养治疗推荐标准

    New Approaches in Medical Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes-Evidence-based Nutrition Recommendations

  3. 目的:研究营养治疗对妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)和糖耐量减低(IGT)的意义。

    Objective : To study the nutritional therapy of GDM and IGT .

  4. 结果:小肝癌术后早期联用肠内高营养治疗1周后,患者细胞因子IL-2和IL-2Rα水平迅速上升,sIL-Z2水平明显下降;

    Results : IL-2 and IL-2R α levels markedly increased and sIL-2R level decreased in early enteral hyperalimentation therapy group one week later ;

  5. 为了给予她时间康复,医护人员不得不对她进行了TPN全肠外营养治疗。

    To allow time for her to heal , they had to put her on19 ) TPN ( total parenteral nutrition ) .

  6. 结果:2004年全部胃癌手术病例的营养治疗率为100%(单纯PN治疗率为69%,EN加PN的治疗率为31.0%);

    Results : Nutritional cure rate of all gastric cancer surgeries in 2004 was 100 % ( PN only accounted for 69 % , while PN plus EN 31.0 % ) .

  7. 分别在静脉营养治疗的前1d、治疗后第4、7、14d测定氮平衡、营养指标、免疫功能指标和患者耐受性指标。

    Nitrogen balance , nutrition , immune functions and patient tolerance parameters were determined at pre treatment and 4th , 7th , 14th days after treatment .

  8. Prader-Willi综合征病人的营养治疗艾滋病合并消耗综合征的营养治疗疗效观察

    Diet therapy of prader-Willi syndrome : 4 cases report Supplementary nutrition therapy for washing syndrome in patients with AIDS

  9. 糖尿病医学营养治疗个体化应用的健康促进模式

    Healthy accelerating pattern for individualized application of diabetes medical nutrient treatment

  10. 蛋白质对呼吸肌营养治疗的实验研究

    Experiments study on the therapeutic effects of protein on respiratory muscle

  11. 79例胃癌术后患者肠内营养治疗的护理

    Nursing of Postoperative Intestinal Nutrition in 79 Patients with Gastric Cancer

  12. 肠外高营养治疗重症溃疡性结肠炎119例分析

    Clinical Analysis of Parenteral Hyperalimentation in 119 Severe Ulcerative Colitis Patients

  13. 全胃肠外营养治疗胎儿宫内发育迟缓的临床观察

    The clinical observation of total parenteral nutrition treating intrauterine growth retardation

  14. 药师在临床肠外营养治疗中提供药学服务的实践

    Practice of Pharmacist Offer Pharmaceutical Care in Clinical Parenteral Nutrition Treatment

  15. 脑血管意外患者早期肠内营养治疗的护理观察

    Nursing observation on early enteral nutrition support in craniocerebral injuries patient

  16. 营养治疗在老年急性胰腺炎伴高脂血症患者中的意义

    Significance of nutritional treatment in aged patients with acute pancreatitis following hyperlipidemia

  17. 临床营养治疗与饮食管理系统的设计

    The design of clinic nutrition treatment and diet management system

  18. 糖尿病患者的营养治疗及护理干预

    Nutrition treatment and nursing intervention about diabetic mellitus ( DM ) patients

  19. 营养治疗对溃疡性结肠炎肠道免疫屏障的疗效

    The effect of nutritional treatment on intestinal immunological barrier in ulcerative colitis

  20. 55例妊娠期糖尿病营养治疗的效果分析

    The effect of the nutrition therapy on 55 cases of gestational diabetes

  21. 能量消耗测定在老年外科病人营养治疗中的意义

    The role of energy expenditure measurement by CCM system in surgical elderly patients

  22. 早中期慢性肾功能不全营养治疗的研究

    Study on nutritional therapy for chronic renal failure in early and middle term

  23. 早期消化道营养治疗新生儿破伤风

    Tetanus Neonatorum Treated by Early Alimentotherapy through Digestive Canal

  24. 炎症性肠道疾病患者的围手术期营养治疗

    Perioperative Nutritional Therapy in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  25. 重症急性胰腺炎肠内营养治疗的大鼠模型

    Establishment of a severe acute pancreatitis rat model for evaluating enteral nutrition therapy

  26. 126例糖尿病患者营养治疗的临床研究

    Clinical studies on nutrition therapy in 126 diabetic patients

  27. 液体膳对手术病人营养治疗效果观察

    The Effect of Liquid Diet on the Nutritional Status of Patients after Operation

  28. 除合理喂养外,还应注意在加强营养治疗同时保护各系统器官功能。

    It is important to protect the function of systemic organs while improving nutritional .

  29. 老年重症肺炎病人肠内外营养治疗的效果观察

    Clinical effect of enteral and parenteral nutrition support in elderly patients with severe pneumonia

  30. 胃肠外营养治疗新生儿疾病的临床评价

    Clinical evaluation on parenteral nutrition in neonatal disease