
  • 网络Breakfast;nutritional breakfast;Nutritious breakfast
  1. 挤压营养早餐谷物及茶叶减肥谷物食品研究

    Nutritional Breakfast Cereals and Tea Fitness Cereals Food by Extrusion Technology

  2. 起来又有什么用起来吃营养早餐啊

    What 's the use ? Arise for a nutritious breakfast !

  3. 高粱挤压加工特性及高粱&蚕豆复配营养早餐粉的研究

    Study on Extrusion Properties of Sorghum Flour and Sorghum-Bean Nutritional Breakfast Powder

  4. 黑甜玉米营养早餐食品的工艺研究

    Study on Processing Technology of Nutrient Morning Foods with Black Sweet Corn

  5. 只有11.20%的学生了解营养早餐应包括哪些内容。

    Only 11.20 % students knew about the contents of nutritional breakfast .

  6. 好一份适合女王享用而诱人的营养早餐。

    An attractive , nutritious breakfast fit for a queen .

  7. 均匀设计法对营养早餐奶配方的优化研究

    The Research on Optimum Ingredient of Nutritional Breakfast Milk by Uniform Design Method

  8. 因此开发营养早餐食品和减肥食品是值得研究的课题。

    So the study on the development of the nutritional breakfast and slim food is worthwhile .

  9. 在开车当中、在走路的时候或在夺门而出时能吃成的营养早餐。

    Nutritious morning meals you can eat while driving , walking , or sprinting out the door .

  10. 目的研究小学生营养早餐的实施及营养素摄入水平,以便更好地为小学生早餐提供合理的营养搭配。

    Objective To study the implementation of nutritious breakfast for pupils and their intake levels of the nutrients .

  11. 这一宣传活动还倡议人们利用早起的一小时全面改善生活方式,比如跑步、做瑜伽、吃顿营养早餐等等。

    The campaign also proposes that people take advantage of an extra hour of morning sunlight by improving their lifestyles in general by running , doing yoga and eating a nutritious breakfast .

  12. 在我自己的家里,我只有其中两种食品&南瓜籽,我经常烤熟放在沙拉上;冰冻蓝莓,我用来混合奶、酸奶和其他水果作为营养早餐。

    In my own house , I only have two of these items & pumpkin seeds , which I often roast and put on salads , and frozen blueberries , which I mix with milk , yogurt and other fruits for morning smoothies .

  13. 营养谷物早餐食品的挤压工艺研究

    Extruding technology research of breakfast cereals food

  14. 运动+营养组早餐25%,中餐45%,晚餐30%。

    The exercise + nutrition group : breakfast was 25 % , lunch 45 % and supper 30 % .

  15. 如果孩子在上学前吃了有营养的早餐,那么在早晨课堂上发生的问题就会少些。

    If children were fed nourishing breakfasts before they left for school , there would be fewer problems in the early morning classes .

  16. 专家还推荐吃一顿包含蛋白质、纤维以及健康脂肪的营养均衡早餐,这样可以平衡一整天的血糖。

    Experts also recommend eating a balanced breakfast that combines protein , fiber , and healthy fats to regulate blood sugar throughout the day .

  17. 举例来说,按照工业法的新法规许多本来没有什么营养的早餐食物已取得了更适合你食用的食品的资质。

    For example , under the industry 's new standards many of the least nutritional cereals qualify as " better for you " foods .

  18. 3餐热量分配:营养组早餐25%,中餐50%,晚餐25%;

    The caloric content proportion for 3 meals : the nutrition group : breakfast was 25 % , lunch 50 % and supper 25 % ;

  19. 之后我会吃几片复合维生素。对于一个时间很紧的工作狂来说,没有医生可以推荐比这更有营养的早餐了。

    I supplement this with a multi-vitamin pill , and I doubt if any doctor could recommend a more nourishing breakfast for a working girl in a hurry . Dinner .

  20. 小学生营养知识和早餐行为干预效果评价

    Evaluation of intervention effect on nutritional knowledge and breakfast practice in pupils

  21. 初中生营养知识及早餐行为的现状调查

    A survey of nutritional knowledge and attitude to the breakfast among students of junior middle school

  22. 但话说回来,一顿营养丰富的早餐并不意味着把乱七八糟的东西扔进牛奶泡来吃。

    But eating a nutritious breakfast doesn 't have to mean eating bark and gravel in a bowl with a bit of milk on top .

  23. 以一顿营养丰富的早餐、安静的时间、和/或锻炼开始新的一天,是开启成功一天好方法。

    Starting the day with a good breakfast , some quiet time and / or exercise is a great way to set your day up for success .

  24. 吃完营养丰富的早餐,我穿上漂亮的衣服和舒适的鞋子,带着宝宝去菜市场。

    After having a nutritious breakfast , I put into beautiful clothes and a pair of comfortable shoes , then , I go to market with my baby .

  25. 营养学家表示,早餐能帮助人们保持健康的体重,通过启动身体的新陈代谢功能,还有助于减肥。

    Nutritionists say that breakfast helps us maintain a healthy body weight and assists in losing weight by jump-starting your metabolism .

  26. 场地不足、路程较远是影响篮球锻炼的主要因素。(4)广州市城市社区篮球锻炼群体比较注重日常的饮食,注重营养搭配和吃早餐,这些习惯与其他文献的结果较接近。

    The main factors affecting the basketball workout are playground deficiency and far distance . ( 4 ) Guangzhou urban community basketball exercise group people pay more attention to the daily diet , nutrition match and having breakfast , which is close to other literature results .

  27. 应尽快对学生加强营养知识教育,推广营养早餐,合理调配膳食,提高大学生营养健康水平。

    Nutrition education to the students should be taken as soon as possible , to promote nutritious breakfast , rationally distribute food , nutrition and health to improve the level of students .