
  • 网络mullite brick
  1. 我国热风炉平均风温一般为1000~1100℃左右,应用的耐火砖主要有粘土砖、高铝砖、莫来石砖和硅砖等。

    The temperature of hot blast stove unusually worked is 1000-1100 ℃ in China . The clay brick , the high alumina brick , mullite brick and silica brick etc. are used for construction of linings of hot blast stove .

  2. 低温烧成稀土锆莫来石砖的研究

    Study on Low Temperature Sintering Rare Earth Zirconium Mullite Brick

  3. 采用旋转法于1450℃和1500℃下研究了刚玉莫来石砖在Al2O3含量不同的CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2渣中的侵蚀过程。

    Erosion process of corundum-mullite block ( CMB ) in CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 molten slag was studied by using rotary immersion test method at 1450 ℃ and 1500 ℃ .

  4. 烧结锆莫来石砖是我厂开发的新产品,填补国内空白。

    Burned Zr-mullite bricks are new product developed by us .

  5. 前脸墙鼻部烧结锆莫来石砖的侵蚀

    Corrosion of zircon mullite sintered brick on the part of the nose of gable wall

  6. 烧结锆莫来石砖在玻璃熔窑中的蚀变

    Glass corrosion on zirconium mullite sintered brick

  7. 煤矸石制作轻质莫来石砖研究

    A study of producing light refractory bricks of mullite by using coal gangues as raw materials

  8. 用于高炉、热风炉砌筑刚玉砖、莫来石砖、硅线石砖、低蠕变高铝砖。

    Used for corundum bricks , mullite bricks , silicate bricks masonry in blast furnaces , hot air stoves .

  9. 刚玉莫来石砖抵抗碱金属的侵蚀能力差,对碱容易渗透、且与基质成分反应性强的耐火材料,结构致密化是以后改进的一个方向。

    Densifying the structure of refractory material which is attacked easily by alkali and is of high reactivity is a improvement goal for further research .

  10. 通过设定高炉使用条件,将塑性相结合刚玉复合砖与现在高炉使用的刚玉莫来石砖及棕刚玉碳化硅砖在同等实验条件下进行了高温性能的比较。

    High temperature properties of plastic phase bonded corundum brick were studied and also compared with those of corundum-mullite brick and brown corundum-SiC brick under the blast furnace process .

  11. 针对前脸墙鼻部烧结锆莫来石砖侵蚀物结石中常常只看到铝硅质晶相而被误判,详细介绍了烧结锆莫来石砖的蚀变过程及侵蚀产物的岩相分析。

    In the petrographic analysis of the corrosion product of zircon mullite sintered brick only the aluminosilicious crystal phase was observed , which often leads to mistake analysis result .

  12. 产品特点:高炉用莫来石砖采用人工电熔或烧结莫来石原料为主要原料,经高压成型、高温烧结而成,主要矿物组成为莫来石。

    Properties of Products : Mullite bricks for blast furnaces were made from fused or sintered mullite , being high pressure pressed and sintered in high temperature , main minerals are mullite stones .

  13. 从抵抗高温气流冲蚀、抗炭黑粒子化学侵蚀和抵抗炉气杂质化学侵蚀等三个方面对高纯刚玉砖、刚玉莫来石砖、铬刚玉砖、高铬砖和氧化锆砖作了分析比较。

    The high temperature gas impact resistance , carbon black corrosion resistance as well as slag corrosion resistance abilities of high purity corundum brick , mullite-corundum brick , corundum-chrome brick , high chrome brick and zirconia brick lined on high temperature carbon black reactor are discussed , respectively .