
qǔ mai cài
  • endive;sonchus brachyotus
苣荬菜 [qǔ mǎi cài]
  • [endive] 多年生草本植物。野生,叶子互生,广披针形,边缘有不整齐的锯齿,花黄色。嫩苗可供食用,叶可制农药

苣荬菜[qǔ mai cài]
  1. 棚栽与野生苣荬菜中黄酮含量的分析

    Determination of total flavones from chicory growth in wild and plastic shed

  2. 对热烫条件的优化可同时改善罐藏青刀豆和苣荬菜的质构和颜色。

    The blanching treatments were optimized to improve bath the texture and color of canned green bean and endive .

  3. 近年来,由于大豆连作普遍、土壤耕作次数减少且无防除苣荬菜的特效药,导致大豆田苣荬菜的危害日趋严重。

    During recent years , continuous cropping Soybean , lack of soil tillage and lack of effective herbicide for Perennial sowthistle caused Perennial sowthistle rampant .

  4. 是大蒜黄油蜗牛,罐焖珍珠鸡加炒米饭,敦苣荬菜,棕榈心色拉和松脆饼。

    They are snails in garlic butter , guinea hen under glass with wild rice , braised endive , heart of palm salad , and croquembouche .

  5. 采用超声波法提取棚栽与野生苣荬菜中黄酮类化合物并探讨出最佳提取条件,建立了苣荬菜中黄酮化合物的光谱分析方法并对棚栽与野生苣荬菜中黄酮进行了分析。

    The ultrasonic extraction method was used for extracting total flavonoids from chicory growth in wild and plastic shed , the optimum extracting conditions was investigated . The flavonoids in chicories were determined by spectrophotometry .

  6. 宽叶莴苣一种菊莴苣(苣荬菜菊苣属)具有不整齐的装饰边缘,经常被用作制沙拉买菜做沙拉用的蕃茄莴苣黄瓜和葱头。

    A variety of endive ( Cichorium endivia ) having leaves with irregular , frilled edges and often used in salads . The shopping : the salad : tomatoes , lettuce , cucumbers , and onions .

  7. 菊苣一种印度植物(菊苣属苣荬菜),因其冠状的脆而肥厚的叶子可用于沙拉中而种植是大蒜黄油蜗牛,罐焖珍珠鸡加炒米饭,敦苣荬菜,棕榈心色拉和松脆饼。

    An Indian plant ( Cichorium endivia ) cultivated for its crown of crisp , succulent leaves used in salads . They are snails in garlic butter , guinea hen under glass with wild rice , braised endive , heart of palm salad , and croquembouche .