
sū táng
  • threose
苏糖[sū táng]
  1. 结果表明:面包酵母C可选择性地利用蔗糖,而水苏糖和棉子糖的保留率大于96%;

    The results showed that S.cerevisiae C could selectively utilize sucrose and the residual rate of stachyose and raffinose could be more than 96 % .

  2. 二硫苏糖醇和β-巯基乙醇在SDS-PAGE电泳过程中的扩散效应

    Diffusing effect of DTT and 2-ME during SDS-PAGE electrophoresis

  3. 脱色后产品进行HPLC分析,其产品的低聚糖组成为:棉籽糖含量为6.21%,水苏糖为22.91%,蔗糖为70.88%。

    The syrup after decoloring is composed of sucrose 70.88 % , raffinose 6.21 % , stachyose 22.91 % analyzed by HPLC .

  4. 在精子冷冻保存液中加入二硫苏糖醇(DTT),观察复温后精子复苏率、运动速度、测定精子内ATP和精浆内GOT含量。

    Dithiothreitol ( DTT ) could significantly improve the recovery and velocity of frozen-thawed spermatozoa when it was added in the protective medium .

  5. 方法以胃蛋白酶酶解结合二巯基苏糖醇(DTT)还原法制备单抗Fab′片段;

    Methods Monoclonal antibody Fab ′ fragment was obtained by enzymolysis with pepsin and DTT reduction .

  6. 目的:评价用二硫苏糖醇代替2巯基乙醇灭活IgM抗体在IgG抗A(B)测定中的应用。

    Objective to evaluate the application of dithiothreitol ( DTT ) instead of 2-Mercaptoethanol ( 2-me ) in the detection of anti-type A ( or B ) IgG antibody .

  7. 二硫苏糖醇对小鼠运动耐力、肝组织自由基代谢、肝糖原含量及血清GPT活性影响研究

    Effect of DTT on Endurance , free radical in liver tissues and activity of serum GPT in trained mice

  8. 针对板栗加工过程中的褐变问题,研究了沸水浴、pH值、缓冲液、维生素C、二硫苏糖醇等不同处理对板栗果实过氧化物酶和多酚氧化酶活性的影响。

    According to the browning phenomenon of chestnut , the research on characteristics of the activities of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase were performed by various treatments such as boiled water , pH , buffer solution , organic acid and DTT on ripening fruits .

  9. 在氧化重折叠反应液中加入还原剂二硫苏糖醇(DTT)后,不但没有分子间二硫键形成,也没有异肽键形成。

    No dimmers / oligomers were detected when the refolding and unfolding solution contained the reducing agent dithiothreitol ( DTT ) .

  10. 巯基还原剂&二巯基苏糖醇(DTT)显著抑制As2O3诱导的ΔΨm下降。

    The disulfide bond reducing agent dithiothreitol ( DTT ) significantly blocked As 2O 3 induced ΔΨ m collapse and apoptosis .

  11. 在8mol/mL尿素溶液中,以二硫苏糖醇(DTT)为还原剂,对基因工程血管抑素3A包涵体进行溶解实验。

    The inclusion bodies of 3A were dissolved in 8 mol / mL urea buffer , and dithiothreitol ( DTT ) was added as reducing agent .

  12. 二硫苏糖醇(DTT)对复合物中联结R&PE与APC间的脂族二硫桥键的还原导致分子内能量传递的阻断这一现象进一步证实了复合物中存在分子内能量传递现象。

    The phenomena of by DTT reduced the aliphatic disulfide bridge between R-PE and APC in the conjugate further verified the intramolecular energy hansfer from R-PE to APC .

  13. 用光谱法研究了二硫苏糖醇(DTT)还原马脾铁蛋白(HSF)释放铁的动力学。

    The kinetics of iron released from the ferric core of horse spleen ferritin ( HSF ) by dithiothreitol ( DTT ) was determined by electronic spectroscopy method .

  14. 二巯基苏糖醇(DTT)修饰,NR/R单向SDS-PAGE、NR/R双向对角线SDS-PAGE的结果均表明蔗糖酶分子内没有二硫键存在。

    Dithiothreitol ( DTT ) modification , NR / R one-dimensional SDS-PAGE and NR / R two-dimensional SDS-PAGE showed there is no disulfide bond in sucrase . Activity differences of the enzyme were determined when metal ions effected on the sucrase .

  15. 方法用二硫苏糖醇还原,邻苯二醛柱前衍生,用长(150mm)或短(30mm)反相C18柱色谱分离,再用荧光检测器测定血浆GSH。

    Method Reduction with dithiothreitol and Pre-column derivation with o-phthalaldehyde followed by high-performance liquid chromatographic ( HPLC ) method with a short or long reversed-phase C18 column and fluorescence detection are described .

  16. 采用二硫苏糖醇还原IgG,研制成99mTc-IgG一步法药盒,并与配体交换二步法标记进行对比。

    The preparation of one-step kit for the 99mTc labeled human IgG with dithiothreitol reduction and a comparison of the one-step method with the ligand exchange method were reported , The stability was good , and labeling efficiency was over 95 % .

  17. 还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)或二硫苏糖醇参与反应时,甲醛的累积量明显降低,表明SLO对灭害威脱甲基作用时,产生自由基。

    A significant decline in the formaldehyde accumulation in the presence of either reduced glutathione or dithiothreitol suggested generation of a free radical species as an initial oxidation intermediate during the demethylation of aminocarb by SLO .

  18. 通过叶绿素荧光技术研究了二硫苏糖醇(1,4dithiothreitol,DTT)对大豆叶片光系统I(PSI)和光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)间激发能分配的影响。

    Chlorophyll fluorescence technique was used to investigate the effect of 1,4-dithiothreitol ( DTT ) on the distribution of excited energy between photosystem I ( PS I ) and photosystem II ( PS II ) in soybean leaves under high irradiance .

  19. 在无二硫苏糖醇(DTT)存在下得到部份纯化的氧化型PFP酶,在广泛的pH范围内(pH6.0~9.0)失去其大部分对果糖2,6-二磷酸的敏感性。

    The thio-dependent activation of Fru-2 , 6-P_2 to tomato fruit PFP has been investigated . The enzyme partially purified in the absence of dithiothreitol almost lost its sensitivity to Fru-2 , 6-P_2 over the range from pH 6.0 to 9.0 ( Fig. 2 ) .

  20. 碱性Ⅱ在果柄与果实中的表达量与果实各部位RFOs的含量呈正相关,表明其可能参与果实水苏糖的卸载。

    Compared with pedicel , the expression of alkaline form II decline with the change of the RFOs content in the fruit , suggesting that it may be involved the unloading of the stachyose .

  21. 苏糖醇对人胚和鸡雏肢体软骨组织的作用

    Effect of threitol on human embryo and newly-born chicken limb cartilage tissue

  22. 水苏糖对小麦粉加工品质影响的研究

    Research on Effect of Stachyose on the Processing Quality of Wheat Flour

  23. 成份:蛋黄卵磷脂精华、水苏糖精华、棉子糖、果糖等。

    Composition : Yolk Lecithin Essence , Stachyose Essence , Raffinose , Functose etc.

  24. 高效液相色谱法测定地黄寡糖中水苏糖含量

    Determination of Stachyose Contents in Rehmannia Glutinosa Oligosaccharides by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  25. 水苏糖对面团流变学特性影响的研究

    Effect of Stachyose on Wheat Dough Rheological Properties

  26. 种子中不含水苏糖,这可能是玉米种子较其他种子耐干力下降的原因之一。

    Seeds . This could be one of the reasons for its sensitivity to desiccation .

  27. 纯化蛋白的氧化还原活性通过二硫苏糖醇还原牛胰岛素的反应得到证实。

    The redox activity of the purified protein was confirmed by reduction of insulin disulfides .

  28. 水苏糖与排铅

    Stachyose and elimination of Pb

  29. 重组酶Aga-MJ11-H对低聚糖如蜜二糖、水苏糖和棉子糖进行了水解实验,对这三种底物均有一定的水解能力。

    The recombinant enzyme showed the hydrolytic activity for oligomeric substrates such as raffinose , stachyose and melibiose .

  30. 新糖类研究表明水苏糖具有重要的医疗保健作用,市场开发潜力大。

    The last research of carbohydrate showed the stachyose has important health protection function and big marketing potential .