
sè bān
  • stain;patch;fleck;speckle;colored patches;colour spot
色斑 [sè bān]
  • [patch]和周围颜色不同的斑点

色斑[sè bān]
  1. 铜蒸气激光光动力疗法治疗葡萄酒色斑的临床评价

    Clinical assessment of photodynamic therapy with copper vapor laser for port-wine stain

  2. 二是适应防止杂交泡桐木材表面红、褐色斑的产生。

    The second technique is adopted to prevent the creation of red , brown stain .

  3. 色斑:植物叶片或花表面出现的彩色斑块

    Variegation The occurrence of patches of different colors on leaves or flowers .

  4. 功效:因维生素C诱导体有理想的美白效果,能抑制黑色素的生成,预防由于日照产生的色斑。

    Result : Vitamin C inductor will bring ideal whitening effect to restrain melanin and prevent flecks caused by sunshine .

  5. 不同色斑型异色瓢虫COⅠ和COⅡ基因序列系统进化分析

    Phylogenetic analysis of CO ⅰ and CO ⅱ gene sequences of different splash types of Harmonia axyridis

  6. IPL治疗面部色斑、毛细血管扩张及皮肤衰老108例

    Clinical observation of IPL for face splash capillarectasia and skin consenescence

  7. 其中Web服务器安装后台内容管理系统,数据库服务器安装色斑图雨量图绘制模块和内容管理系统的数据,以实现数据和业务逻辑的分离。

    Web server is to install the back-end content management system ; database server is to install the system of rainfall mapping module and the database of content management systems , in order to achieve the separation of data and business logic .

  8. 脂类成分组成经TLC图谱分析,玉米粉发酵培养基培养的菌丝层析斑点数和斑点Rf值与野生隐孔菌在同一薄层板色谱的相应位置,显相同的色斑;

    The analysis on TLC spectrum of lipid composition showed that , the number and Rf value of spots in maize flour cultured hypha was the same to that in wild one .

  9. 结果:运用色斑检测系统分析图像采集结果显示:经Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗后,30名雀斑患者治愈率为53.3%,有效率为90%。

    Results We used image analysis system to evaluate images and pictures of the freckles , and we could conclude that the cure rate of laser treatment to freckles was 53.3 % , the total effect of laser treatment was 90 % .

  10. 异色瓢虫(Harmoniaaxyridis)鞘翅色斑二个新等位基因和嵌镶显性遗传学说的再证实

    On two new alleles of the color pattern gene in the lady-beetle , harmonia axyridis and further proof of the mosaic dominance theory

  11. 葡萄酒色斑的Waner分型与治疗

    Classification and treatment of port - wine stains

  12. 目的探讨葡萄酒色斑(PWS)的Waner分型、治疗选择及临床疗效。

    Objective To explore the classification of the port-wine stains ( PWS ), the choice and the clinic efficacy of its treatment .

  13. 面部、颈、躯干、四肢散在分布直径0.1~3.0cm黑褐色斑或斑片,无瘙痒。

    The lesions were 0.1 ~ 3.0 cm in diameter on face neck trunk and limbs which were not pruritic .

  14. 方法:应用IPL-Queen皇后光子嫩肤仪治疗面部色斑、毛细血管扩张及皮肤衰老108例。

    Methods We treated 108 cases face splash capillarectasia and skin consenescence with IPL-Queen photon treating apparatus .

  15. 结论:IPL治疗面部色斑、毛细血管扩张及改善皮肤衰老状态有效、安全,且能量、脉宽、脉冲、脉冲间隔的应用影响治疗效果。

    Conclusion IPL in treating face splash capillarectasia and skin consenescence was efficient and safely . We find in clinical that the rational using energy , pulse width , impulse and impulse alternation could effect the impression .

  16. 方法采用DD探测29例患者牙洁治前后颊、舌面的荧光值,分析不同的色斑计分等级对DD探测龋齿时的影响程度。

    Methods We collected 29 patients who wanted to do scaling , and examined the buccal or lingual surface of their posterior teeth with DD before and after scaling . We analyzed the deviance means of fluorescence values according to pigments ' scores ranking .

  17. 结果:IPL-Queen皇后光子嫩肤仪可以有效地去除面部色斑、毛细血管扩张,改善皮肤衰老状态,总有效率98%。

    Results The curative effect was obviously of IPL in treating face splash capillarectasia and skin consenescence . The efficient rate was 98 % .

  18. 自由曲面检测中点云偏差色斑图的显示

    The Display of Deviation Color Map in Inspection of Free-Form Surface

  19. 人工培养冬虫夏草菌祛除色斑临床观察初报

    The Preliminary Clinical Observation of Mottle Elimination by Artificial-cultured Sphaeria sinensis

  20. 这块白棉布有些色斑。

    There are some color stains in this piece of calico .

  21. 皮肤上出现色素沉着或色斑极大影响面容,且大部分属于后天性色素沉着。

    Pigmentation or stains appearing on the skin greatly affect their appearance .

  22. 出土纸张上硬结物和深褐色斑的定性分析

    Qualitative Analysis of Hard Pieces and Brown Coloured Spot on Ancient Paper

  23. 高度对色斑法测量雨滴粒径影响的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Height Effect on Raindrop Size in Splash Method

  24. 你会在你的皮肤上发现皱纹、色斑和干燥等症状。

    You might notice wrinkles , age spots and dryness .

  25. 纸面色斑与纸张的最大信息容量

    Mottle of Paper Surface and the Maximum Information Content of Printing Stock

  26. 对照组只取面部色斑区,合谷穴。

    Control group was given needling of color patterns area and Hegu .

  27. 一种基于人脸皮肤图像的色斑检测算法

    A Facial Spots Detection Algorithm Based on Human Face Images

  28. 欧泊结晶状态和色斑研究的新发现

    New discovery of opal crystalline state and colour patch

  29. 异色瓢虫人工饲养及色斑遗传多样性的研究

    Artificial Breeding and Genetic Diversity Research of Different Splash Stain of Harmonia Axyridis

  30. 神经束内神经纤维阳性色斑的识别和统计。

    Recognition and statistics of nerve fibers positive stains within the nerve bundle .