
  • 网络spin up;spin-up
  1. 在外加磁场的作用下,自旋向上的电子与自旋向下的电子具有不同的隧穿系数。

    The tunneling coefficients of electrons with spin up and spin down are different when a magnetic field is applied .

  2. 它能一分为二的,事实告诉我们,电子一定有某种新的性质,我们叫它自旋向上或者自旋向下。

    And that the fact that it split into two was telling them that there must be some new property to the electron , and what we call that now is either being spin up or spin down .

  3. 磁击穿发生在自旋向上和向下的两片Fermi面之间。

    Magnetic breakdown occurs at the gap between the spin-up and spin-down sheets of the Fermi surface .

  4. 首先放入一个自旋向上的。

    I put in the first one spin-up .

  5. s层也是这样,自旋向上,自旋向下。

    Likewise with2s , spin-up , spin-down .

  6. 我们发现自旋向上和自旋向下电子对电导和散粒噪声的贡献是不同的。

    We find that spin-up and spin-down electrons have different contributions to the conductance and the shot noise .

  7. 结果表明,在零偏压下自旋向上的构型有利于电子的输运。

    The computed results demonstrated that the spin-up electrons is preferred to the electron transport at zero bias .

  8. 施加磁场后,自旋向上和自旋向下两电子通道的对称破缺导致磁阻巨幅下降的现象。

    Applied magnetic field , the symmetric broken between spin-up and spin-down channels gives rise to the great decrement of resistance .

  9. 所以我们意味着,它们都是自旋向上,记住我们的自旋量子数,是第四个量子数。

    So by parallel we mean-they 're either both spin up remember that 's our spin quantum number , that fourth quantum number .

  10. 锯齿状石墨烯纳米条带是半导体,费米能附近有两个能量简并的边缘电子态,分别被自旋向上通道和自旋向下通道所占据。

    Zigzag edge graphene nano-ribbon is semiconductor with two degenerate electronic edge states near the Fermi level occupied by different spin channel each other .

  11. 耦合的相位和振幅被系统的电子结构、电子自旋向上或自旋向下的费米面的几何特征所约束。

    The Phase and the amplitude of couple are restrained by the electronic structural and specific property of system , especially the geometry feature of Femi surface of the up-and down-spin .

  12. 半金属铁磁体因为自旋向上电子和自旋向下的电子在费米能级处不同的性质,具有特殊的应用,在本章中简要介绍了半金属铁磁体的发展和具有半金属性材料的种类。

    The half metallic ferromagnets due to spin up electrons and spin down electrons have different nature around the Fermi level , and have special applications . Then the development and types of half metallic ferromagnets are introduced briefly .

  13. 这意味着在一个原子内,每个轨道上可以有两个电子,对吧,因为对任何轨道,我们可以有自旋向上或者自选向下或者两者都有。

    So what that means is that we 're limited in any atom to having two electrons per orbital , right , because for any orbital we can either have a spin up electron , a spin down electron , or both .

  14. 相对于自旋向下电子态,自旋向上电子态的透射系数比自旋向下电子态的更复杂并包含更多的共振峰。

    Transmission for spin-down electrons is smoother than that for spin-up electrons , which is more complex and includes more resonant peaks .

  15. 基于二能级体系的速率方程,获得了椭圆偏振光泵浦注入非完全自旋极化初始条件下的自旋向上和向下载流子布居的解析解。

    Based on the rate equations of two-level system , the solutions of spin-up and spin-down carrier populations are obtained under the condition of incompletely initial spin polarization photoinduced by elliptically polarized pump light .

  16. 自旋向下电子的位相发生改变,与自旋向上电子的隧穿系数之间的位相差增大;

    The phase of the spin-down electrons moves so the phasic difference between the spin-up electrons and spin-down ones increases .