
  • 网络automated storage and retrieval system;ASRS;AS/RS
  1. 自动化仓储系统优化过程中涉及到的相关问题,如堆跺机、自动导向车、龙门吊等路径的优化问题。

    The main contents including : ( 1 ) The related questions involved in the optimization process of Automated Storage and Retrieval System . Such as Crane , AGV , Gantry Crane and so on .

  2. 自动化仓储系统(AutomatedStorageandRetrievalSystem)是现代物流系统的一个重要组成部分,广泛地运用于各行各业中。

    AS / RS ( Automated Storage and Retrieval System ) is an important part of modern material flow system and is widely applied to every walk of life .

  3. 可扩展物流VR仿真平台研究及其在自动化仓储系统的应用

    Research on Extensible Logistics VR Simulation Platform and Its Implementation on Automatic Warehouse System

  4. 采用VR技术能更有效的对自动化仓储系统进行仿真研究,从而实现对系统的规划、运行分析等功能。

    Using VR technology , the simulation research of automatic warehouse system becomes more effective , especially in system design and process analysis fields etc.

  5. 备品备件自动化仓储系统的规划设计

    Planning and design of automatic spare parts warehouse

  6. 仓库布局优化研究就是针对当前国内外在自动化仓储系统方面激烈的市场商业竞争而提出的一个基础理论研究项目。

    The research on warehouse optimization layout is a basic academic project , which is aimed at the furious commercial competition of domestic and oversea automatic storage system .

  7. 自动化仓储系统中的调度问题主要包括:库位优化问题、堆垛机优化调度问题、输送系统调度问题等。

    There are mainly three scheduling problems in AS / RS , including optimization of rack zone , crane route scheduling and optimization of load and unload system .

  8. 巷道堆垛机是自动化仓储系统实现货物自动存取的关键设备,通过对其平均单作业周期的计算可以得出单作业周期的等效货位,从而为自动化仓储系统的建设设计和高效管理提供依据。

    The average single task cycle of stacker crane can be used to get the equivalent slot of single task cycle , which provides the gist to design and run automated storage retrieval system effectively .

  9. 基于VRML的自动化仓储存取系统的仿真

    The Simulation of Automatic Storage and Retrieval System Based on VRML

  10. 本文从自动化仓储物流系统的特殊性分析出发,较为系统的论述了可扩展物流VR(virtualReality)仿真平台的构建理论和实现方法。

    This dissertation is based on the unique property analysis of automatic warehouse system , discussing the theory and implementation of extensible VR ( Virtual Reality ) simulation system .

  11. 基于EXE的自动化仓储信息系统关键技术研究

    The Critical Technology Research of Automatic Storage Information System Based on EXE

  12. 设计了一个高效、便捷的自动化仓储管理系统。

    Design of an efficient and convenient automated warehouse management system .

  13. 浅析物流自动化立体仓储系统设计新技术

    Analysis on the New Design Technology of AS / RS

  14. 自动化立体仓储系统在冷藏库中的应用

    Application of automatic tridimensional storage system to cold store

  15. 基于面向对象和多线程的自动化仓储仿真系统的研究

    The Study of Automatic Warehouse Simulation System Based on Object-oriented and Multi-thread Techniques

  16. 介绍了制造业自动化仓储物流系统的总体组成,提出了基于以太网的可扩展物流控制系统的设计方法;

    The design strategy of Automatic warehouse system and its extensible control system based on Ethernet are given .

  17. 随着工业化水平的提高,仓储系统由普通的人工叉车形式向自动化立体仓储系统发展。

    With the development of industrialization , the storage system is changing from the ordinary forklift system to the automatic tridimensional system .

  18. 自动化仓储物流系统是企业内部生产物流和流通物流的重要环节,是结构及运行过程非常复杂的物流系统。

    Automatic warehouse system is an important component of both internal manufacturing logistics and circulating logistics . It behaves as complicated logistic system both in its operating process and structure .

  19. 仓储控制系统作为自动化仓储物流系统软件的两个重要组成部分之一,集现代物流装备、计算机及其网络系统、信息识别和信息管理系统、控制系统于一身。

    Warehouse control system is one of the two most essential parts of automatic storage system applications , a combination of modern logistical equipments , computer network , information identification and information management system .

  20. 探讨了物流自动化立体仓储系统的组成及设计技术,详细给出了设计思想和设计步骤,最后对自动化仓储系统设计技术发展趋势作了展望。

    The paper discusses the structure and design technology of Logistics AS / RS , gives out the design idea and steps and looks forward to the future trend of the AS / RS design technology .

  21. 针对仓储物流系统存在多种活动以及事件并行的情况,提出了一种基于事件驱动的流程建模方法,分析了自动化仓储物流系统流程模型,并将模型应用于仓储物流系统的动态三维可视化研究。

    Considering that events and activities happen at the same time in warehousing system , this paper presents event-driven modeling method for automatic warehousing system operation process , analyzes the model built with the given method and applies the model to research on dynamic 3D visualization of warehousing system .

  22. 物流自动化无线仓储信息系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of the Logistics Wireless Storage Information Integrated System

  23. 自动化仓储与管理系统仓库管理系统分析研究

    Automatic Storehouse and Management System Study on Warehouse Management System

  24. 在仓储管理系统中,自动化立体仓储管理系统以其有效的空间利用率及其灵活的货物运拣形式在仓储业中倍受重视。

    In the system of warehouse management , automated warehouse management system with its three-dimensional effective space utilization and flexibility of the goods picked in the form of attention devoted to the warehousing industry .

  25. 自动导引小车AutoGuidedVehicle(AGV)作为一种自动化搬运工具,以其灵活的组网能力,成为自动化仓储系统中主要的运输手段。

    As an automated handling tool , Auto Guided Vehicle ( AGV ) becomes the main means of transportation in the automation storage systems with its flexibility .