
  • 网络chamber pressure;bore pressure;gun pressure
  1. 在某高膛压火炮的研制中,发现其膛内P-t曲线有阶跃现象,压差曲线表明其压力波较大。

    In the development of a high chamber pressure gun , the existence of characteristic " steep " has been found in the pressure vs time curves and the pressure difference profiles show that the amplitude of pressure wave is rather high .

  2. 水下发射装置膛压测量方法探讨

    Discussion on the Methods for Chamber Pressure Measurement of Underwater Launcher

  3. FPGA在膛压无损检测仪中的应用

    Application of the FPGA in the Non-Destructive Testing Meter for Bore Pressure

  4. 初始弹道阶段膛压反常现象分析

    Analysis of Phenomena of Abnormal Pressure in Initial Ballistic Phase

  5. 一种新型火炮膛压测量传感器研究

    The Study of a New-type Transducer for Gun-chamber Pressure Measurement

  6. 膛压测试系统动态误差分析及其数字补偿

    Dynamic Error Analysis and Numerical Compensation of Pressure in Bore Measuring System

  7. 高膛压火炮火药破碎模型及数值计算

    A fracture model of grain and numerical calculation for high pressure gun

  8. 火药性能对膛压及初速的影响研究

    The Research on Propellant Performance Effect To Chamber Press and Initial Velocity

  9. 火药起始参量对最大膛压影响的方差分析

    Variance Analysis of the Effects of Initial Parameters of Propellant on Maximum Pressure

  10. 高膛压火炮多点点火数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of multi - point ignition in a high - pressure gun

  11. 基于遗传算法的零维内弹道模型最大膛压的计算

    Determination of Internal Ballistics Zero Dimension Model Maxi-pressure Point Based on Genetic Algorithm

  12. 膛压随机过程最大值的概率分布规律研究

    Research on Maximum Distribution of Gun Pressure Stochastic Process

  13. 计算膛压曲线与实验符合良好。

    Calculated pressure curves reproduce the experimental results well .

  14. 高膛压楔式炮闩闭气形式分析

    Obturation Pattern Analysis of High Pressure Wedge Breechblock

  15. 给出了高膛压的一个明确界定。

    Clear definition of high pressure is given .

  16. 武器膛压测试传感器动态响应误差分析方法

    The dynamic response error in chamber pressure measurement

  17. 膛压随机过程的离散-单调性原则及其应用

    Tht straggling and monotonic principle about the stochastic process of gun pressure and its application

  18. 同时,计算的膛压、初速、放电参数与实验基本符合。

    And calculated breech pressure , muzzle velocity and discharge parameters agree with experimental results .

  19. 合理增加装药量、大幅度提高膛压是提高初速的基本方法。

    Reasonably increasing charge mass and considerably increasing pressure are basic methods to improve muzzle velocity .

  20. 高炮身管高膛压区残余应力的测试

    Measurement and Test of Residual Stress on High Bore Pressure Area of Barrel of a Antiaircraft Gun

  21. 高膛压闭气机构的设计原则是避免构件发生塑性变形。

    Design principle of Obturation mechanism in high pressure is to avoid structural component from plastic deformation .

  22. 火药弧厚和装药量是影响火炮最大膛压的两个重要的随机因素。

    Propellant web size and charge weight are important random factors , which affect gun maximum pressure .

  23. 膛压测试技术的发展对火炮系统的发展起着举足轻重的作用。

    The development of the chamber press measure technique is very important to the development of canon system .

  24. 我国的铜柱测压法基本上仍沿用静态标定体制,而静标铜柱用于动态膛压测量会产生严重的静动差。

    In our country the method of pressure-measuring with copper cylinders adopts the system of static calibration on the whole .

  25. 试验数据处理模块可用于内弹道试验中膛压与初速试验数据的标准化处理和分析。

    Experiments data processing model is used to standardization treatment and analysis interior ballistic chamber pressure and muzzle velocity data .

  26. 一般情况下,压力波强度与最大膛压之间不存在对应关系。

    Generally , there does not exist a correspondence relationship between the degree of pressure wave and maximum chamber pressure .

  27. 研究了片状随行装药火炮的膛压、压力波、气固相速度以及空隙率等参量的分布情况。

    The distribution of pressure , pressure wave , the velocity of gas and propellant and so on were researched .

  28. 进行联合仿真,模拟膛压特征曲线及活塞和弹丸运动规律;

    Go on joint simulation , simulating the characteristic curve of bore pressure and the sport law of piston and shot ;

  29. 高装填密度-高膛压-高初速火炮内弹道特点及解法

    The Characteristics and the Solution of Interior Ballistic Problem for High Loaded Density of Charge High Pressure High Muzzle Velocity Guns

  30. 膛压是身管发射武器设计、研制、验收中必须测量的重要参数之一。

    Peak chamber pressure is one of the important parameters which must be measured in the firing weapons design , manufacture and acceptance .
