
  1. 在唐代羁縻政策基础上演化而来的土司制度,经过元、明两代的发展,到清代已日臻完善。

    Stemmed from pacifying policy of Tang Dynasty , and further developed in Yuan and Qing Dynasties , China chieftain system gradually matured in Qing Dynasty .

  2. 但在清朝后期,对边疆少数民族的羁縻政策最终给沙皇俄国的侵略以可乘之机,换来了丧失疆土的恶果。

    But in the later , the limo policy finally given the Czarist government the opportunity to be aggressed , ended in the evil consequence of losing the territory .

  3. 认为两汉的属国制度是我国古代羁縻政策初步形成和发展的一种特殊形式,其积极作用大于消极作用。

    1 think it was a special form that the policy of Jimi first step form and develop in ancient times , its positive effect is big in negative effect .

  4. 秦汉时期研究,包括整体研究和对于和亲、羁縻等具体政策的研究,以及对于匈奴、羌、西南夷等具体民族的政策研究;

    The study of Qin-Han period includes the research for the overall and pro Jimi specific policies , as well as the specific national policy towards the minorities , the Huns , Qiang nationality , Southwest Barbarian and so on ;

  5. 辽宋都继承了唐朝在民族地区设置羁縻府州的政策,奉行因俗而治的方针,在边疆民族地区设立了具有民族特点的行政建置。

    Both the Liao and Song dynasties carry on the Tang policy toward the nationalities of establishing the Jimi division in the minority nationality region and pursuing the principle of administrating according to different customs .