
  • Robin;Robyn;Christopher Robin;Anthony robbins
  1. 我要把你放到罗宾能干的手中——当然,这只是打个比方。

    I 'll leave you in Robin 's capable hands ─ metaphorically speaking , of course !

  2. 罗宾实际地考虑了一下她的处境。

    Robin took a pragmatic look at her situation .

  3. 做得不算顶好,罗宾,但要论卖力气我给你打满分。

    Not brilliant , Robyn , but I 'll give you ten out of ten for effort .

  4. 克鲁克一心想着罗宾,忽略了其他一切事情。

    In his preoccupation with Robyn , Crook had neglected everything .

  5. 阿曼达耍手段在市政部门给罗宾找了份差事。

    Amanda had wangled a job for Robyn with the council .

  6. 罗宾有一张更加善变、表情更加丰富的脸。

    Robyn had the more mobile , more expressive face .

  7. 他有些惊讶地瞥了罗宾一眼。

    He gave Robin a mildly quizzical glance .

  8. 罗宾对自己没有信心。

    Robin didn 't feel good about herself .

  9. 罗宾从未真正喜欢过他。

    Robin never really liked him at all

  10. 罗宾的失忆是心理问题,而非生理问题。

    Robyn 's loss of memory is a psychological problem , rather than a physical one .

  11. 罗宾是奶酪制作专家。

    Robin is an expert at cheesemaking

  12. 罗宾开了一些香槟。

    Robin opened some champagne

  13. 罗宾先生把他的房子建在一棵树上。

    Mr Robin had his house in a tree .

  14. 罗宾先生说:“你只要努力就能做到。”

    " You can , if you try , " said Mr Robin .

  15. 罗宾先生说:"你该上飞机了。"

    " It is time for you to fly , " said Mr Robin .

  16. 罗宾先生对他们说:"来吧,小鬼们,该你们唱歌了。"

    Mr Robin said to them , " Come , little robins , it is time for you to sing . "

  17. 那个叫作罗宾好伙计的精明而又顽皮的小妖精

    That shrewd and knavish sprite call 'd Robin Goodfellow ( Shakespeare )

  18. 罗宾过去从未生过病

    Never in his life had Robin ailed before .

  19. 最佳化妆与发型:罗宾-马修斯、阿德瑞萨-李《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

    Best makeup and hairstyling : Robin Mathews , Adruitha Lee , Dallas Buyers Club

  20. 但是,位于伦敦的公共政策智囊机构查塔姆研究所(ChhathamHouse)的中东问题专家罗宾.洛说,欧洲人的外交影响力有限。

    But Robin Lowe , a Middle East expert at Chatham House , a London-based public policy institute , said the Europeans have limited diplomatic clout .

  21. 伯切尔曾与同事珍妮佛•罗宾合作出版过一本引人入胜的新书,书名是《不找借口:最佳工作场所是如何炼成的》(NoExcuses:HowYouCanTurnAnyWorkplaceIntoaGreatOne)。

    Burchell is co-author , with colleague Jennifer Robin , of a fascinating new book , no excuses : how you can turn any workplace into a great one .

  22. 拉利称这台机器人为罗宾先生(MrRobin),它能监测血压和探测到是否有人倒地。

    The robot , which Ms Ralli calls Mr Robin , can monitor blood pressure and detect whether somebody falls down .

  23. 这两名研究者分别是拉塞尔•希尔(RusselHill)和罗宾•邓巴。

    The researchers were Russell Hill and Robin Dunbar .

  24. 罗宾•哈丁(RobinHarding)东京补充报道

    Additional reporting by Robin Harding in Tokyo

  25. 通过科学研究和马丁?罗宾的博客已经论证多次的是,人们在网上看东西的方式遵循着一种F型模式。

    It has been demonstrated many times , in scientific studies and Martin Robbins ' blog , that the way people read things on the internet follows anF-shaped pattern .

  26. 据NPR新闻的泰德·罗宾报道,近一半的投诉案都发生在今年。

    NPR 's Ted Robbin says nearly half of the complaints occurred this year .

  27. 交通运输企业家、Zipcar的联合创始人罗宾.蔡斯(RobinChase)认为,无人驾驶汽车再有三年零三个月就会来临。

    Robin Chase , the transportation entrepreneur who co-founded Zipcar , reckons driverless cars are three-and-a-quarter years away .

  28. 今年1月份,该公司聘请曾任黑莓公司(BlackBerry)首席信息官的罗宾o比恩菲特来领导一支新组建的团队。

    In January , it hired Robin Bienfait , the former chief information officer of BlackBerry , to lead a newly formed team .

  29. ThamesRiverCapital多重经理人联席主管加里•波特(GaryPotter)认为,它是一只直截了当的基金,他还补充称,基金经理罗宾•格芬了解俄罗斯市场。

    Gary Potter , co-head of Thames River Capital 's multi-manager calls it is a " straightforward fund " and adds that fund manager Robin Geffen understands the Russian market .

  30. PFCEnergy董事长罗宾•韦斯特(RobinWest)表示:问题并非全球石油正在耗尽,而是石油产能正在枯竭。

    Robin West , chairman of PFC Energy said : The concern is not that the world is running out of oil , but rather it is running out of oil production capacity .