
  • 网络felting property
  1. 毛毡用天然羊毛不采用经纬交织而利用羊毛的缩绒性毡合而成,它富有弹性,不松散,保温隔热,组织紧密,耐磨性好。

    Do not use natural wool felt with the use of warp and weft woven wool felting fulling made it flexible , not loose , insulation , well organized , good wear resistance .

  2. 兔毛的缩绒性比羊毛小,毡缩规律与羊毛相同,兔毛衫染色速度比羊毛衫快,上色率比羊毛衫高。

    The felting effect of rabbit hair is lower than that of wool , but the process of felting is the same . The dyeing speed of rabbit hair sweater is faster than that of wool one , and its dye uptake is higher than wool 's.