
  • 网络comprehensive evaluation method
  1. 农业品牌价值模糊综合评估法分析

    Analysis of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for the agricultural brand value

  2. 综合评估法是应用比较普遍的一种评标方法。

    The comprehensive evaluation method is a popularly used bid evaluation method .

  3. 然后考虑到评估系统可靠性的失效模式影响因素具有模糊性和不确定性,常规分析方法难于给出有效而准确的评估结果,因此引入模糊综合评估法进行CA(危害性分析)。

    On Evaluation secondly , introducing the fuzzy evaluation to the CA ( criticality analysis ) .

  4. CIMS项目的分级多目标综合评估法

    Multilevel and multiobject evaluation about CIMS project

  5. TOPSIS综合评估法在计算机招标采购中的应用

    Application of TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation in computer-aided bidding purchase system

  6. 接着,在构建基于客户满意度的政府部门绩效评估指标体系的基础上,利用层次分析法(AHP)确定各项指标权重,并运用模糊综合评估法(FCE)对政府部门的绩效进行评估。

    Subsequently , based on the index system in performance evaluation of the government from the perspective of customer satisfaction , this paper uses Analytic Hierarchy Process to determine the index weight and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to assess government performance .

  7. 宗地估价的模糊综合评估法

    A method of fuzzy synthetical evaluation and application in land appraisal

  8. 听神经-听觉通路完整性综合评估法

    Integrated methods for assessing auditory nerve - auditory pathway integrity

  9. 综合评估法在南京地铁项目评标中应用研究

    Research on Application of Integrative Evaluation in Tender Offer in Nanjing Metro

  10. 水面舰艇作战指挥效能的灰色模糊综合评估法

    Grey Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Surface Warship Command Effectiveness

  11. 企业多风险的综合评估法

    Integrated Evaluation Method in the Multi-risk System of Enterprise

  12. 在对各指标进行量化评价时,本研究提出采用模糊综合评估法。

    And the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to assess the indicators .

  13. 基于无损综合评估法的古建城台安全性能评估

    Safety property evaluation for ancient building platforms based on nondestructive comprehensive evaluation method

  14. 均匀分布随机数的一种综合评估法

    A Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Uniformly Distributed Random Numbers

  15. 综合评估法施工招标评标模型研究

    Study on Construction Bidding and Evaluation Model in Light of Comprehensive Evaluation Method

  16. 最后,利用模糊综合评估法来对培训的绩效进行评估。

    Finally , the text uses fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of training to assess the performance .

  17. 结论:本小组建立的听神经听觉通路完整性综合评估法简便可行,结论可靠。

    Conclusion : The integrated methods for assessing auditory pathway integrity is feasible and valuable .

  18. 最后分析了综合评估法所存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出相应的改进措施。

    Then , this paper analyzed existing problems about the method of evaluation and put forward improvement measures .

  19. 在专家咨询基础上,经过对权重计算方法的对比,采用秩和比法确定了各指标的权重,并运用模糊综合评估法进行了试评估验证。

    Further more , we adopt Rank Sum Ratio method ( RSR ) to decide the weight of indexes .

  20. 最后得出结论:在目前复杂的经济环境下,针对公司不同资产采用不同的评估方法的综合评估法,能够比较准确的揭示公司的价值。

    So we will get the conclusion that integrated valuation method can evaluate relatively exactly the value of companies .

  21. 目前评标中最常用的方法有两种,即经过评审的最低投标价法和综合评估法。

    Lowest bid price method , value and function system analysis method were mostly used in evaluation of bid .

  22. 提出综合评估法之后,用该评估方法对中兴通讯股份有限公司进行了价值评估,而且用综合评估法计算出的中兴通讯的股票价值与该公司股票市场价值比较接近。

    The value of ZTE ' stock calculated by integrated valuation method is close to the market value of ZTE ' stock .

  23. 建筑工程施工招标综合评估法的研究

    On the Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Construction Bid Evaluation ; A Research on Framework of Comprehensive Factors for No Base Price Bid Invitation

  24. 根据不同评估方法的特点,选取模糊综合评估法,基本其基本理论建立应急预案的三级模糊综合评估模型。

    Respective theories are chosen according to the characteristics of various estimation methods , thus creating a three-tier fuzzy comprehensive model of emergency plans .

  25. 在风险识别的基础上,对风险的大小进行了全面细致的评估,主要引进了层次分析法和模糊综合评估法;

    Then a comprehensive method was worked out to assess level of SCR , which combined the merits of AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation ;

  26. 案例分析表明:供应商综合评估法能够有效、简便、快捷地解决制造企业选择供应商的问题。

    The case study shows that the overall evaluation method can effectively , simply and conveniently solve the problem of choosing suppliers in manufacturing industry .

  27. 通过对存在失衡指标的招投标实例进行分析,发现常权的综合评估法对此类投标的评价存在偏差。

    Based on analyzing of bidding which has unbalance value , we found deviation on evaluating this kind of bidding by constant weight comprehensive evaluation .

  28. 对指标评估结果的计算则采用了定量与定性相结合的模糊数学综合评估法。本文采取了定量与定性相结合的研究方法,来分析数据资料和总结研究结果。

    And adopts the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation law to determine the concrete assessment result . Both quantitative method and qualitative method are used in analyzing the data .

  29. 模糊综合评估法较好的解决了桥梁结构的模糊性和算法的确定性之间的矛盾。

    Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of bridge structure is a good way to solve the contradiction between the fuzziness of the bridge and the certainty of the arithmetic .

  30. 同时在试验过程中采用四点响应信号综合评估法,证实能有效地分离出混杂在扭转振动信号中的弯曲振动的频率成分,提高了结果的准确性。

    In the experiment , 4 signals are evaluated synthetically to separate the bending component intermixed in the torsional vibration so as to improve the accuracy of test results .