
  • 网络Structural Economics
  1. 更确切地说,该书倡导新结构经济学。

    More precisely , the book promotes a new structural economics .

  2. 与旧结构经济学相同的是,林毅夫倡导的学说也认识到了企业家无法独力克服的经济发展障碍的重要性。

    As in the old structural economics , the version advanced by Lin recognises the importance of obstacles to economic progress that individual entrepreneurs cannot overcome on their own .

  3. 本文第二部分依据SCP范式对中国民航业的市场结构进行经济学分析。

    Part two of this dissertation analyses market structure of Chinese civil aviation industry according to the SCP model .

  4. 个人教育投资与市场结构的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Personal Education Investment and Market Structure

  5. 企业竞争能力的层次结构及其经济学分析

    On the Hierarchical Structure of Competitive Competence and Economics Analysis

  6. 主要研究经济学原理的性质、理论的形式结构与经济学解释、辩护及理论发展的逻辑。

    Its study mainly covers the nature of economics principle , the theoretical form logic , the economic explanations and defence and the logic of theory development .

  7. 自1958年MM理论诞生以来,资本结构理论在经济学界引起广泛的关注,1996年度诺贝尔经济学奖同时授予在资本结构理论研究做出过杰出贡献的三位经济学家:马可维茨、夏普和米勒。

    Since the birth of MM theory in 1958 , capital structure theory caused widespread concern in economic circles ; Nobel Prize in economics awarded three economists who have made outstanding contributions in the capital structure .

  8. 安徽省农业结构现状及经济学思考

    Actuality of Agricultural Structure and Economic Thoughts in Anhui Province

  9. 城市空间结构是区域经济学研究的主题之一。

    Urban spatial structure is one of the themes of regional economics .

  10. 农业结构调整的经济学思考及分析

    Reflecting and Analyzing on the Adjustment of Agricultural Structure by Economic Theory

  11. 企业组织结构的马克思经济学分析及启示

    The Marxist Economics Analysis of Enterprise Organization and Suggestions

  12. 消费结构问题及其经济学分析

    The problems of Consumption Structure and Its Economics Analysis

  13. 摘要产业结构问题在经济学领域是一个古老而永恒的主题。

    The issue of industrial structure is an old and long debate in economics .

  14. 融资结构的信息经济学分析

    Analysis of Information Economics on Financing Structure

  15. 市场结构是产业经济学研究的核心问题之一,产业集中度又是衡量市场结构最普遍的指标,钢铁产业集中度是当前以及将来钢铁产业所要重点研究的问题之一。

    Market structure is the core in industry economics and industrial concentration is the most widely studied area among various elements of it .

  16. 融资结构进入主流经济学的视野是50年代后期以后的事情,经济学关心企业融资结构有三方面的原因:一是融资结构影响企业的融资成本和市场价值;

    The reason that economists focus on corporate finance structure theory lies in three aspects : the first reason is finance structure will affect corporation 's financing cost and corporation 's market value .

  17. 交易成本经济学中的缔约和保护性治理结构理论融合经济学和法学,深入地分析了缔约的特征和作用,在经济组织研究领域取得了创新性成果。

    The theory of contracting and protective management structure in transaction cost theory combines jurisprudence with economics , analyzes thoroughly the features and functions of contracting and obtains creative achievement in the study of economic organizations .

  18. 在第四章中,作者简要介绍了四种重要的用来解释利率期限结构形状的经济学理论,并回顾了国内外学者对这些假设理论所作的实证研究。

    In the forth chapter , I introduce in brief four kinds of economic theories for interpreting the various shape of yield curve and review the corresponding empirical analysis on the hypotheses performed by the scholar .

  19. 封面女郎之所以成为当今杂志封面最普遍的视觉元素,是因为女性美在消费社会结构中被经济学法则所操纵,青春美的女性形象已转化为有视觉吸引力的商品。

    The reason why the cover girl has become the most common visual factor of the contemporary magazine cover is that the female beauty is manipulated by the economic principles in the consuming social structure and the female image of the youth beauty has converted to the visually attractive merchandise .

  20. 自从MM定理诞生以来,公司的资本结构理论一直是经济学界关注的焦点之一。

    Since the birth of MM theory , the capital structure theory of corporation has been one of the focuses of the field of economics .

  21. 自从MM不相关定理诞生以来,企业资本结构理论引起了经济学界的广泛关注。

    Since the birth of MM irrelevance theorem , the economic circles have been paying intensive attention to the theory of capital structure in enterprises .

  22. 对于产业结构的研究是经济学的一个古老而永恒的话题。

    Industrial structure research is an ancient and eternal topic for economics .

  23. 传统经济学将二元结构归为发展经济学的研究范畴。

    Dual structure is classified to research category of development economics in the traditional economics .

  24. 产业结构问题一直是经济学研究的热点问题。

    The problem of industrial structure has been a hot economic issue for a long time .

  25. 产业结构趋同是区域经济学中一个引人关注的课题,同时也是一个争议很大的课题。

    The convergence of industrial structure is an attracting topic and also a controversial one in regional economics .

  26. 目前,对产业结构多集中于经济学方面的定性研究,从环境学的视角,量化研究的成果还鲜见报道。

    At present , the study of industrial structure is more focused on the economics and by qualitative research .

  27. 正是由于这个原因,从地区角度研究产业结构已经成为国际经济学和区域经济学研究中的一个重要领域。

    For this reason , to study the industrial structure from a regional perspective has become an important area in international economics and regional economics researches .

  28. 从产业结构学和区域经济学的角度分析了县域经济主导产业对经济发展的影响以及主导产业选择的标准。

    Based on the regional economics and industrial economics , this paper argues the effects of the leading industry on economic growth and the criteria of how to select the leading industry .

  29. 把二元结构理论引入区域经济学,从而导出区域二元结构的概念和初步的理论框架,有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    It has important theoretic meaning and realistic meaning that dual structure be led into regional economics to educe the concept and the primary theoretic frame of regional dual structure ( RDS ) .

  30. 新古典主义、激进主义和结构主义是发展经济学的三大基本思路,在外国直接投资与发展中国家经济发展的关系问题方面,它们各自建立观点不同的理论体系。

    New classicism , radicalism and structuralism are three essential thought of development economics , each established different theory system on the relationship between foreign direct investment ( FDI ) and economic development in developing countries .