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Seismic p_g sub-wave and study of crystalline basement features in artifical earthquake sounding in Yunnan
Au distributing character of Liaoning crystalline basement
This paper presents the characteristics of the velocity structure of crystalline basement and the interface with 5.9 ~ 6.0km/s P wave velocity in the crystalline basement .
Reconstruction of the basement velocities and time-terms using PG waves in North China region
In northern China , evolution of the sedimentary sequences since formation of the early Proterozoic crystal basement can be divided into five stages , i.
Te and Se are enriched in those deposits which relate with alkali-magma activities , Cd in those deposits which occur in crystalline basement mylonite , and Tl in Carlin-type gold deposits .
The upper crust of the Altun orogenic belt has a high average Q value ( about 500 ) . It is likely caused by shallow depth of crystalline basement , outcrop of basement rocks , and slow attenuation of seismic wave .
In the paper , Au distributing character of Liaoning crystalline basement was discussed on the points of primitive and regional concentration degrees , the correlation relations of elements concerned with Au and analysis on Au country rock types .
The crystallized basement is higher in the north and lower in the south .
The Eyre Peninsula , South Australia , makes up the southern part of the Gawler Craton . It contains a major portion of Archean to mid Proterozoic crystalline basement province of the Gawler Craton .
It is suggested that the interface R1 not only marks the top of the crystalline basement but also represents the possible one , along which STD is spreaded , i. e. the R1 interface at the same time is a detachment between the sedimentary cover and the basement .
The final model indicates that the thickness of the main part of Tarim basin varies in the range of 38 ~ 46 km . The model also reveals that the Moho dips southward beneath southern Tarim basin at an angle in concordance with the angle of the crystalline basement .
The source area was proved to be composed of the Paleoproterozoic crystalline basement rocks at the lower part of the original middle crust by the dominantly Paleoproterozoic Nd model ages of the granite and from the comparison with the crustal structure-constitution in East Qinling .
Classification of the crystalline basement in the Panzhihua-Xichang area , Sichuan
Discovery of the old crystalline basement and komatiite on Hainan island
Study on crystal basement of north part of Jiyang De-pression
Tectonic units of the Archean crystalline basement in Eastern Hebei
Then the buried depth of crystal basement was inversed using wavelet analysis .
The feature 0f the crystal basement in mian-lue-ning triangular area during late Archean Era
Zone of stretched and thinned continental crystalline basement
The distribution of the crystalline basement has a symmetrical relation with the Moho .
Discussion about the crystalline base of Hunan by the information of stable isotopic aging
A study of the crystalline basement in chai-da-mu basin by low frequency refraction seismic method
The materials of the deposit are derived from the source rock of middleAgnotozoic crystalline basement .
Structure styles and characteristics in early Precambrian crystalline basement in the northern margin of Yangtze Platform
Discovery of the ancient crystallization basement in eastern margin of the Devonian Fengxian-Taibai basin , shaanxi
Large ductile shear zones in the early Precambrian crystalline basement in the northern part of North China
Baoyintu Group is recognized as an ancient fragment from crystalline basement in stage of continental margin disjoined .
Division and design of elemental organization department ; TECTONIC UNITS OF THE ARCHEAN CRYSTALLINE BASEMENT IN EASTERN HEBEI
Reconstruction of deformation and metamorphic processes and conditions can be carried out by studying micro-features of rock and minerals .