
  1. 不可分效用函数和经济增长的不确定性

    Non-separable utility and indeterminacy in economic growth model

  2. 企业与家庭不愿借贷、银行不愿放款,这会加剧经济增长的不确定性,因为在收入下降的同时,投资和需求也会下降,而不是通过借贷而为投资和消费铺平道路。

    The reluctance of businesses and households to borrow , and of bankers to lend , makes growth more volatile because , rather than borrow to smooth the path of investment and consumption , when income declines , investment and consumption fall too .

  3. 从金融可持续发展理论看金融发展对经济增长影响的不确定性

    Research on the Uncertain Contribution of Financial Development to Economic Growth

  4. 多数交易员预计,由于经济增长前景呈现不确定性,加之铜矿产量有所上升,明年铜的均价将小幅走低。

    Most traders expect average prices next year to be slightly lower as the uncertain growth outlook combines with a rise in mine output .

  5. 利润增速下滑的预测,反映出华尔街对美国企业健康状况的担忧。目前,美国经济增长方面的不确定性日益加大,全球信贷市场处于紧张状态。

    The predicted slowdown in earnings growth reflects Wall Street 's concerns over the health of corporate America amid rising uncertainty over the strength of the US economy and jitters in global credit markets .

  6. 摘要如何阐释和说明世界各国经济发展路径的差异性、增长状态的多样性,建立经济增长不确定性理论,是90年代末以来国外经济增长研究的一个重要分支。

    Since the end of1990s , it has been an important branch in the foreign economic growth research field that how to explain and show the differences in economic development paths and the diversities of economic growth states in various countries , and how to establish economic growth indeterminacy theory .