
  • 网络Longitudinal muscle
  1. 多沙唑嗪选择性增强5-HT诱发兔胃体纵肌收缩反应的作用研究

    Selective Potentiation by Doxazosin of 5-HT-induced Contractile Responses in the Isolated Longitudinal Muscle of Rabbit Gastric Body

  2. 组织胺在兔十二指肠纵肌收缩中的作用及递质间的相互关系

    Effect of histamine on contraction of longitudinal muscle of rabbit duodenum in vitro and interactions of transmitters

  3. 结果:①ICC分布于肠肌间神经丛、纵肌和环肌层面;

    RESULTS : ① ICC was distributed in circular muscle layer , longitudinal muscle layer and the myenteric plexus .

  4. 肌间神经丛、纵肌层、环肌层、黏膜肌层均可见大量SY免疫反应阳性产物。

    SY immunoreactivity was abundant in the intermuscular plexus , longitudinal and circular muscle layers , and submucosal layer .

  5. 结果丰富的NGFR染色阳性神经纤维分布于正常结肠环肌层及粘膜下层,少量分布于纵肌层,NGFR染色阳性神经元分布于肌间神经丛及粘膜下神经丛;

    Results Extensive NGFR staining was found in the nerve fibers of muscularis and mucosae , neural tissue of the submucosal and myenteric plexuses of normal colon .

  6. 成虫中胸背纵肌干重从饥饿后96h开始下降,至120h时饥饿粘虫(5·1mg)显著低于对照(5·86mg)。

    Dry weight of the thoracic dorsal-longitudinal muscle in the starved female moths ( 5.1 mg ) was also significantly lower than that in the control ( 5.86 mg ) at 120 h after starvation . The starved moths exhibited lower flight potential than the control .

  7. 结果ICC主要分布于小肠环肌层与纵肌层间区(称之为ICC-MY),以及环形肌的内薄层与外厚层间(称之为ICC-DMP)。

    [ Results ] ICC were located mainly between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers ( called ICC-MY ) and between the internal thin layer and the thick outer layer of the circular muscle ( called ICC-DMP ) in the small intestine .

  8. 但两者均能抑制乙酰胆碱诱发纵肌的收缩幅度。

    They are both inhibit the amplitude of contraction excited by Ach .

  9. 肌层由内环肌和外纵肌组成。

    The muscular layer consists of internal-circular muscle and external - longitudinal muscle .

  10. 回肠环肌和纵肌收缩反应的对比观察

    Comparative Observation on Contractile Responses of Circular And-Longitudinal Muscle of Guinea-pig And Rabbit Ileums

  11. 在核周区和纤维层下可见发育较好的环肌与纵肌。

    Muscle bundles can be seen within the perinuclear region and just below the fibrous layer .

  12. 肛管联合纵肌及肛腺的巨&微解剖学研究纵向联合[托拉斯]

    Macro-microscopic Anatomy of Anal Conjoined Longitudinal Muscle and Anal Glands a vertical combination [ trust ]

  13. 在食管前庭上端的浅层,可见两条肌束,其肌纤维为管状食管纵肌的延续,斜行向下移行为胃纵肌。

    They are continuous with longitudinal muscle fibers of the tubular esophagus and runs to the stomach .

  14. 柄袋沙蠋体壁主要由表皮、环肌、纵肌组成。

    The body wall of Arenicola brasiliensis is composed of epithelium , circular muscle and longitudinal muscle .

  15. 吗啡对离体兔小肠平滑肌电变化及环肌和纵肌收缩活动的影响

    Effects of morphine on electrical activity and contractile motility of longitudinal and circular muscles of isolated rabbit intestine

  16. 体被下层中外环肌和内纵肌不易辨认。

    As a result , both the outer circular muscle and inner longitudinal muscle were difficult to recognize .

  17. 肌肉层中有环肌、纵肌、脂肪细胞和结缔组织。在受精过程中,受精囊外的肌肉层在神经调控下对精子的释放起作用。

    In the muscle layer , circular and longitudinal muscles , fat cell and connective tissue may be included .

  18. M-胆碱药物对大鼠皮层、腮腺和豚鼠小肠纵肌中M-乙酰胆碱受体的作用比较

    Comparison of effects of M-cholinergic compounds on m-acetylcholine receptors in rat cortex parotid gland and longitudinal muscle from small intestine of guinea pig

  19. 制备大鼠结肠纵肌和横肌肌条,以生理盐水和乙酰胆碱为对照,观察11味中药对离体结肠肌收缩活性的效应。

    The transverse and longitudinal contraction role of colonic smooth muscle strips of 11 Chinese herbal medicines and other medicines was separately observed .

  20. 肾上腺素能神经不参与由电场刺激所诱发的豚鼠回肠纵肌的抑制效应

    Evidences of adrenergic fibers taking no part in the inhibitory effect on myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle strip of guinea pig ileum induced by electrical field stimulation

  21. 方法:制备豚鼠结肠纵肌和横肌肌条,观察不同剂量白芍总甙及工具药对离体结肠肌收缩活性的效应。

    Methods : the transverse and longitudinal contraction role of smooth colon muscle strips at the different dosage of TGP and other medicine was separately observed .

  22. 远端壁内扩散可同时或分别沿黏膜层、黏膜下层、内环肌层、外纵肌层和浆膜层进行。

    Distal intramural spread could be via mucosa , submucosa , inner circular muscular layer , outer longitudinal muscular layer or serosa , either separately or concomitantly .

  23. 运用离体结肠肌条动力测定方法研究11味中药对结肠横肌和纵肌的收缩效应,并以此为依据,筛选出具有较强促结肠动力作用的中药。

    To study the kinetogenic effects of 11 Chinese herbal medicines on colonic smooth muscle of rats in order to select the valuable one that could be studied further .

  24. 以金属电极和胃肠运动传感器同时记录鸡离体腺胃的电和收缩活动,观察两种经典递质及其受体阻断剂对快波和纵肌收缩的作用。

    Electrical and contractile activity of the chicken glandular stomach in vitro were observed , and the effects of various transmitters and receptor blockers on the fast wave and contraction were investigated .

  25. 中肠很长且膨大,其肠壁细胞由柱状细胞和再生细胞组成,肠壁细胞外分别为环肌和纵肌,未观察到胃盲囊和围食膜。

    The midgut is very long and distensible considerably with the longitudinal muscles located outside of the circular muscles ; the epithelium consists of large columnar and small regenerative cells . Gastric caeca and peritrophic membrane were not observed .

  26. 耻骨直肠肌并非单一肌袢,其会阴体部、肌袢部及联合纵肌部共同牵拉作用于肛管,分别与肛管直肠前、后角的形成和维持有关。

    The puborectal muscle is not a single muscle ansa , and the tractive functions of different parts of the muscle act on the anal canal , which is related to the formation and maintenance of anterior and posterior horns of the anal canal .

  27. 在黏膜下层与环形肌之间,环形肌和纵形肌之间,呈线形或呈簇分布,有时围绕在血管周围。

    In the interspace between the submucosa and circular muscle layer , between circular and longitudinal muscle layer , bipolar c-Kit + ICCs showed as shape of line or cluster . Sometimes , these cells were surrounded the blood vessel .

  28. 这些细胞分布于大肠黏膜下层,小肠和大肠的黏膜下层与环肌层之间、环形肌内、环形肌和纵形肌之间、浆膜。

    Bipolar c-Kit + ICCs were present in the large intestine submucosa , in the interspace between the submucosa and circular muscle layer , the circular muscle layer , between circular and longitudinal muscle layer , serosa of small and large intestine .

  29. 后方借纵形牵引肌与肛后囊相连。

    The back was joined with the postanal sac through the longitudinal muscle .

  30. 砂仁减小胃窦纵、环行肌条收缩波平均振幅;

    Sharen decreased mean contractile amplitude of the longitudinal and circular strips of antrum .