- pure culture

Studies on the Isolation , Pure Culture and DNA Identification of Mycelia of Lactarius Deliciosus
Samples from pond sediments were inoculated to obtain the pure culture of Methanosarcina sp. by repeated enriching and isolating . Growth was fasted on H_2 + CO_2 or methanol .
The content of lactate in both co-culture and monoculture had no significant differences ( P0.05 ) .
The purification cultivation experiments have shown that the bacteria grow best when the temperature is 30 ℃ and the pH value is 2.0 . The taming cultivation experiments of T.
The time for pure cultivation could shorten 12 h , isolation shorten 24 h. All the test indexes were typically .
The study of pure culture illuminate that some microbes of Fe ( III ) reduction can utilize aromatic compounds as electron donors , and stimulate the oxidation of aromatic compounds .
Methods Rat cerebral cortical astrocytes obtained from 2-day newborn Wistar rat underwent the pure culture and its model of cell dehydration was established by exposure to hypertonic medium .
The isolated strains from tissue were identified as their own pure culture by comparing the rDNA-ITS sequences differences of fruiting body and isolated strains .
Nitrogen fixation activities and morphological characteristics of 14 Frankia strains isolated from different host plants were determined .
After three-passage cultivation , the pure-culture was inoculated to fluid medium , cultured for 24 - 48h at 37 ℃ . Antibiotic-resistance of the isolate was studied .
Study on Pure Culture of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Amanita Verna Separation , Purification and Characterization of Polysaccharide from Grifola frondosa
Koch realized very early that the development of simple methods for obtaining pure cultures of bacteria was a vital requirement for the growth of the new science .
Sporocarps of Amanita pseudoporphyria was collected and the pure culture was obtained by way of tissue culture .
Sensitivity of the assay was 104 CFU / ml of bacteria samples and 3-4 CFU / g of chicken meat that underwent enrichment culturing for 8 hours .
This paper introduces the role of methanobacterium ruminantium pure culture in the ferment of methane .
A polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) assay targeting the gene encoding hly was developed for detecting Listeria monocytogenes in pure cell cultures and on artificially contaminated water , milk and pork .
Chicken meat water , enrichment fluid and colony from the pure culture were detected by PCR , and 16 % , 24 % , 20 % of them were found respectively to be positive for C. jejuni . The detection rate of biochemistry identification is 20 % .
44 isolates of ectomycorrhizal fungi comprising 38 species were cultured on MMN medium at 15 temperature gradients from 5 ℃ to 40 ℃ for 2 weeks .
A bacterium endophyte 84G from root nodules of Spinacia oleracea has been isolated as pure culture . The strain is aerobic , fast-growing .
For this reason , we have done the isolation , screening and identification for the pure culture strains-Mucor mucedo of Lunan Chinese cheese .
Methods Two pure cultures , N 1 and N 2 , were enriched and isolated based on the procedures for ammonia oxidizer and nitrite oxidizer from activated sludge of a aeration tank in a brewery plant in Wuhan .
Metabolic labeling with [ 35 S ] cysteine and electrophoresis analysis also revealed for each cloned isolate a predominant protein that corresponded in size to the major surface protein demonstrated by surface labeling techniques .
It would get the normal fermentation beer acidification . The experiments of inhibitary suggested that the dead rate of the four strains was above 90 % when they were treated by respectively by pasteurization , acidity condition for pH < 2 and 2 % NaOH treatment for 1 h.
Twenty strains of actinomycetes , originally isolated from nodules of Coriaria nepalensis wall in Hubei , Sichuan and Yunnan provinces of China , were shown to fall in the genus of Frankia according to the morphological characteristics .
We used DAPI method to calculate the biomass of strain of 0503 and 0501 , the results revealed that the calculating method of DAPI and cell counting chamber was almost the same . DAPI method was very clear in which the bateria can easily distincted from the background .
Metabolism of physiologically active substances of ectomycorrhizal fungi in pure culture
Degradation effect of several pure cultured ectomycorrhizal fungi on mineral oil
Plasmid detection for pure cultures of nodular endophytes of Coriaria nepalensis
The Establishment of Axenic Culture of a Fujian Strain of Giardia Lamblia
The observation of acetylene reduction in pure cultures of Rhizobium