
  • 网络Red Boy;RED
  1. 红孩儿只是杀死了孙悟空的一条命!

    The Red Boy has just killed one of his lives .

  2. 菩萨降服了红孩儿,把他带回南海。

    The goddess vanquished Red Boy and brought him to the South Sea .

  3. 《西游记》中红孩儿原型在元杂剧中的叙事线索

    Narrative Clues of Hong-haier 's Prototype in the Yuan Dynasty 's Zaju

  4. 但是昨天,他却说改口说他是红孩儿,不是孙悟空了。

    However , yesterday , he said he was the Red Boy , not the Monkey King .

  5. 牛魔王和铁扇公主的孩子红孩儿,修炼得道,神通广大,为益寿延年,他一心想各异唐僧肉。

    Red Boy , the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fans son , had cultivated his physical and mental capacities and pollessed magic abilities .