
zǐ jīn shān
  • Purple Mountain
紫金山 [zǐ jīn shān]
  • [Mount Zijin] 中国江苏省西部,南京市东郊的山岭,汉代称钟山。南坡有中山陵,西侧有明孝陵,东侧有灵谷寺等名胜,西边的天堡山有中国最大的天文台紫金山天文台

  1. 灰色GM(1,1)模型在紫金山金矿定量预测中的应用分析

    Application of Grey Model GM ( 1,1 ) to quantitative prognosis of Zijinshan Gold Mine , Fujian Province

  2. 紫金山金铜矿矿山点源数据库及三维可视化系统中MFC属性页自动创建技术研究

    Research on Autogeneration of MFC Property page in Digital Zijin

  3. 基于RS和GIS技术的生态环境影响回顾性评价&以福建紫金山矿区为例

    Retrospective Evaluation of Ecological Environment Impact Base on RS and GIS & Taking the Zijinshan mine in Fujian province as an example

  4. 本文描述紫金山天文台的萨尔托累型光瞳光度计(SartoriusIrisPhotometer)的改装工作。

    This paper describes the work of modifying the Sartorius iris photometer at the Purple Mountain Observatory .

  5. 紫金山背斜成矿流体系统包裹体类型主要为富液相包裹体(Ⅰa)、富H2O相包裹体(Ⅱa)及少量富气相包裹体(Ⅰc);

    The main types of fluid inclusions for Zijinshan metallogenic fluid system are liquid-rich inclusions ( I a ), H2O-rich inclusions ( II a ) and subordinate vapor-rich inclusions ( I c ) .

  6. 在混合和沸腾过程中,随着温度和压力的降低,pH值和fO2逐渐降低,这是紫金山铜金矿成矿流体的重要特征。

    During mixing and boiling , the fugacity of oxygen and pH value of the ore forming fluids decreased with the falling of temperature and pressure , as is an important characteristic of the Zijinshan copper gold deposit .

  7. 中国科学院紫金山天文台青岛观象站从1996年4月开始到1997年5月1日结束,在138个观测夜,共拍摄Hale-Bopp彗星底片508张。

    The results of photographic Observations of Comet Hale-Bopp made at Qingdao Station of Purple Mountain Observatory .

  8. 停车场里泊满了一排排崭新的轿车和运动型多功能车(SUV),在葱翠的茶山和著名的紫金山映衬下,显得格外耀眼。

    The rows of car lots filled with shiny new sedans and sport utility vehicles stand out against the backdrop of lush tea-growing hills and the legendary Purple Mountain .

  9. NE向构造控制了燕山早期花岗岩的展布,NE与NW向构造结点控制了紫金山火山机构以及中酸性浅成&超浅成岩体。

    In the mining area , the NE trending structures control the distribution of early-Yanshanian granite , while the juncture of the NE and NW trending structures control the volcanic apparatus and intermediate-acid hypabyssal and sub-hypabyssal rock masses .

  10. 1957年紫金山天文台发现了一颗新星,经由张钰哲同意这颗编号为1957UN1的新星取代了找不到的1928UF被命名为1125“中华号”。

    In 1957 , the Purple Mountain Observatory in China discovered a new asteroid , and with his agreement the new object 1957 UN1 was re-assigned the official designation 1125 China in place of the lost 1928 UF .

  11. 这一结果显示,紫金山地区的酸性硫酸盐型浅成热液矿化比绢云母冰长石型浅成热液矿化早5Ma左右。

    The dating result shows that the sericite_adularia type epithermal Ag_Au mineralization was formed 5 Ma later than the acid_sulfate type epithermal Cu_Au mineralization in Zijinshan area .

  12. 紫金山花岗岩体为A/CNK>1.1的强过铝花岗岩,并富K、Rb、Th、Y、HREE,贫Sr、Ba、Ti,具地壳泥质岩石熔融的特征。

    Zijinshan pluton is regarded as peraluminous granites with A / CNK > 1 . 1 , and possesses the geochemical feature of crust-derived mud materials by partial melting with enrichment in K , Rb , Th , Y , HREE and depletion in Sr , Ba , Ti .

  13. 主要研究结果如下:(1)以植物重要值、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener旨数、Pielou指数以及Sorenson相似性指数,对紫金山6个主要森林群落进行了研究。

    Followings are the main results . ( 1 ) The important value , Simpson index , Shannon-wiener index , Pielou evenness index and Sorenson similarity coefficient were applied to study the main forest communities in the Purple Mountain .

  14. 运用专业遥感影像处理软件ERDAS8.7,对福建省紫金山地区的TM遥感影像进行预处理,并采用最佳指数因子(OIF)选择最佳组合波段,进行彩色合成。

    Professional remote sensing image processing system of ERDAS 8.7 was used to pre-process the TM image of Zijinshan in Fujian , which was developed by American ERDAS Company . Optimal Index Factor ( OIF ) was applied to choose the best band combination and color composition .

  15. 对紫金山不同海拔土壤元素含量及pH值的分析表明:紫金山土壤整体呈现弱酸性;高海拔(418m)处的养分含量显著大于中,低海拔的养分含量。

    The analysis of nutrient content and pH of soil samples collected from different altitudes in Zijin Mountain indicated that the soil in Zijin Mountain was weakly acid and the nutrient contents at the 418 m altitude was significantly higher than those at low and middle altitudes .

  16. 研究区自早-中侏罗世(180Ma)以来已有岩石圈伸展的岩石学记录。紫金山强过铝花岗岩是这种伸展机制延续的结果。

    There have been the petrological records of lithosphere extension since Early-Middle-Jurassic ( 180Ma ) in the region , and formation of Zijinshan peraluminous granites is resulted from the extension mechanism .

  17. 1977年我们继续对Sco-Oph区进行联合照相观测.使用北京天文台施密特镜和紫金山天文台及北京天文台的双筒拆光镜。

    In 1977 , we continued our cooperative observations in the Sco-Oph region with the Schmidt telescope of the Beijing Observatory and the double astrographs of the Purple Mountain Observatory and the Beijing Observatory .

  18. 紫金山金矿把矿石的最低入选品位定为0.2g/t,根据低品位矿石特点采用不同的选矿工艺,既提高了资源利用率,又获得了较好的经济效益。

    In Zijinshan gold mine , the cut-off grade is determined to be 0.2g/t . Different dressing processes are carried out according to the characteristics of low-grade ore . As a result , the utilization rate of resources is enhanced and better economic benefit is obtained .

  19. 紫金山金矿露天采剥方法优化设计

    An Optimal Design for Open mining Method in Zijinshan Gold Mine

  20. 紫金山天文台图书资料的国际交流及其展望

    On Literature , Information and International Exchange at Purple Mountain Observatory

  21. 紫金山金矿低品位资源的评价与开发利用

    Assessment and development of low-grade deposit resource in Zijinshan gold mine

  22. 紫金山低品位金矿资源的开发利用

    Exploitation and Utilization of Gold Resources with Lower Grade in Zijinshan

  23. 上杭紫金山金矿废水废渣的处理及生态环境影响

    Waste Treatments and Environmental Impacts in Zijinshan Gold Mine of Shanghang

  24. 紫金山铜矿生物堆浸提铜酸铁平衡工艺研究

    Acid and Iron Balance in Bacterial Heap-Leaching of Zijinshan Copper Ore

  25. 福建紫金山铜金矿床地质地球化学找矿模型及应用

    The geological-geochemical prospecting model of the Zijinshan copper-gold deposit and its application

  26. 紫金山金铜矿勘查与开发的思考

    Thought on the Exploration and Development of Zijinshan Gold - copper Mine

  27. 福建紫金山铜金矿床类型与环太平洋浅成低温矿床的比较

    Comparison of the Zijinshan Copper-Gold Deposit and Circum-Pacific Epithermal Deposits

  28. 地质统计学储量计算方法在紫金山铜矿床中的应用

    Application of Geological Statistics on Calculating Reserves of the Zijin Copper Deposit

  29. 紫金山金矿四期技改工程建设场地滑坡原因分析及防治技术措施

    The Reasons and Protective Measures of Construction-Site Landslide in Zijinshan Gold Mine

  30. 紫金山金矿露天采场平硐溜井技术分析

    Technical Analysis of Adit - pass at Zijinshan Open Pit