
  • 网络Fine management;precision management;refined management;meticulous management;lean management
  1. 市场化精细管理的目标,就是要朝着以人为本的和谐矿山的方向去努力,并最终实现人本化的和谐矿山。

    And the goal of market-based refined management is just to build a humanistic harmonious Mine .

  2. 煤矿企业内部市场化精细管理的机理与动因煤炭企业实施精细化管理的实践与思考

    Market oriented refined management in coal mines : reasons and mechanism Practice and deliberations on refined management in coal mines companies

  3. 以ERP提升精细管理水平,用信息化改变传统管理模式

    Precise Management Level Improved with ERP and Traditional Management Mode Changed with Information

  4. 实施HSE管理体系加强安全精细管理

    Implementing HSE Management System and Strengthening Safety Painstaking Management

  5. 对如何实施HSE管理体系,开展安全精细管理的具体做法进行了介绍,并提出了建议。

    Some feasible methods how to implement HSE management system and develop safety painstaking management were introduced , and several suggestion were put forward .

  6. 动力环境网络监控精细管理

    Fine Management of the Supervision & Control on Power Environment Network

  7. 精细管理在冶金企业铁路大修工程中的实践

    Practice of the fine management in metallurgical enterprise railway overhaul engineering

  8. 浅谈精细管理在医院感染管理中的应用

    Discussion for the application of fine management for hospital infection management

  9. 因此,从规范化入手进行精细管理尤为重要。

    Therefore , standardization of management is particularly important to fine management .

  10. 基于精细管理的企业生产管理体系的构建

    Establishment of enterprise production management based on precise management

  11. 强化精细管理提高分析检验数据的准确性

    Improving the Accuracy of Data Analysis and Test by Strengthening the Fine Management

  12. 精细管理优化运行降低动力消耗

    Reducing Power Consumption by Meticulous Management and Optimal Operation

  13. 依靠技术支持和精细管理实施气源转换工程

    Implementation of Gas Source Conversion Project Depending on Technical Support and Fine Management

  14. 煤炭企业精细管理探讨

    Study on the precision management of coal enterprises

  15. 基于方法分析的企业精细管理思想

    Corporate Lean Management Based on Approach Analysis

  16. 试论实施岗位价值精细管理的方法和途径

    Discussion on the Methods and Paths for Carrying out the Fine Management Based on the Post Value

  17. 该成果可为城郊农业的定位施肥、灌溉以及其它的农田精细管理提供依据。

    All these results could serve as a basis for precision fertilization , irrigation and management in suburb farms .

  18. 通过抽样、统计,分析了台湾草、假俭草草坪精细管理区、粗放管理区春夏季杂草的优势种和对草坪构成危害的主要杂草种类。

    Meanwhile , the dominant and harmful weed species were analyzed and proposed under fine and extensive management conditions , respectively .

  19. 精细管理是企业生产管理发展的一个里程碑,是先进的现代化管理方式。

    Fine management is coal power enterprise production and management , is a milestone in the development of advanced modern management mode .

  20. 精细管理是一种新的管理思想,以实现“零缺陷”为根本目标。

    The fine management is a new management idea to take the realization of " zero defect : " as the fundamental objective .

  21. 在实践中,摸索出了一套适合部队医院财务管理的优质体系,严格制度、集体理财、精细管理、创新发展。

    In our practice , we implemented a first class set of management system which was suitable for financial management of military hospital .

  22. 精细管理文化是源自精细管理要求而升华的一种态度,一种作风,一种思想理念。

    Fine management culture is an altitude , a working style and an ideological concept which is oriented in fine management requirement and developed .

  23. 打造精细管理文化,必须以目标理念引领,以先进典型示范,以规章制度固化,以实践活动推进。

    Making fine management culture , we must be directed by goal concept , demonstrate with advanced model , solidified by regulations , and promote with practice .

  24. 市场化精细管理模式,坚持的是以人为本的管理思想,这也正是构建和谐矿山的基本理念;

    In the coal mine market-based refined management mode , the Humanism management thought is insisted on , as a basic concept of constructing a harmonious mine .

  25. 企业利用各种先进、可行、有效的管理软件对不同过程进行精细管理,消除了依靠人为管理带来的各种主观因素的干扰。

    Enterprises make use of the advanced , feasible and effective management software to mange different process subtly , which eliminates the interference caused by the people subjectively .

  26. 和谐矿山发展的基点,在于矿山机体内各要素的和谐,而市场化精细管理,有利于促进矿山机体各要素的和谐;

    Moreover , the root of development of a harmonious mine is the harmony of all factors in mine system , to which the market-based refined management does good .

  27. 削减规模,精细管理和创新渠道战略虽然使企业保持了相对于竞争对手的竞争力,但企业必须对自身资源所能提供的机会进行选择。

    Downsizing , lean management , and innovative channel strategies have maintained the competitiveness of an enterprise amongst its competitors , but an enterprise must be selective of the opportunities its resources can win .

  28. 于是,人们意识到,为核电施工项目创建一套完善的便于精细管理、过程控制的成本管理体系,才能治病除根,培育核心竞争优势,使企业具备可持续发展能力。

    Therefore , it becomes imperative that contractors design and install a comprehensive cost management system ( CMS ) for nuclear power construction projects so as to sharpen their competitive edges and develop sustainable growth abilities .

  29. 探讨了目前实施岗位价值精细管理存在的问题,提出了实施岗位价值精细管理的方法和途径。

    This paper probes into the problems existing in the fine management based on the post value , and puts forward some methods and paths for carrying out the fine management based on the post value .

  30. 吸取先进管理方式结合自身企业生产特点,针对性的开展精细管理,对提高目前电力行业生产水平,增强电力行业竞争力具有重要的现实意义。

    Absorb the advanced management mode with enterprise production characteristics , pointed out the lean production , to improve the level of production electric power industry currently , strengthen the competitiveness of electric power industry has important practical significance .