
  • 网络space physics
  1. 现在常用白光日冕仪的观测来研究日冕物质抛射的传输和演化过程,因而如何恰当地理解白光日冕仪中的CME的观测特征对太阳和空间物理领域的许多相关研究至关重要。

    Observations of white-light coronagraphs are widely used to study the propagation and evolution of CMEs , and thus how to properly understand CMEs viewed in white-light coronagraphs is crucial to many relative researches in solar and space physics .

  2. 地磁与空间物理资料的组织和相关坐标系

    Data organization in geomagnetism and space physics and relevant coordinate systems

  3. 本文介绍了EiCompendexWeb数据库,对EiCompendexWeb数据库中的EICompendex数据库1999~2001年所收应用物理和空间物理类的期刊进行了统计和分析。

    This papr introduces the Ei Compendex Web database , then it statistics and analyses the applying physics periodicals from 1999 to 2001 which are registered by Ei Compendex database of Ei Compendex Web .

  4. GIS已广泛运用于滑坡灾害研究,但GIS和数值方法相结合研究边坡问题的文献很少。原因在于边坡失稳和滑坡形成是复杂的三维空间物理力学过程,而三维空间数据模型理论还不成熟。

    GIS is widely used in the research of landslide hazard , but the literature that studies landslide hazard with the conjunction of GIS and numerical method is very less because the slope problem is the complicated physics-chemic process and the theory of 3D data model is immature .

  5. 半导体带电粒子探测器的研制及其在空间物理中的应用

    Semiconductor Charged Particle Detector and Its Application in Space Physical Science

  6. 引导中心的动力学方程及其在空间物理中的应用

    The dynamic equations of guiding center and their applications to space physics

  7. 论轧制时三维空间物理场的研究

    A study of the three-dimensional physical field during rolling

  8. 状态空间物理参数识别法

    Identification of Phisical Parameters in State Space

  9. 良好的空间物理环境是塑造全面人性化空间环境的前提条件。

    The good spatial physics environment is the prerequisite of comprehensive human nature space environment .

  10. 拉丁美洲空间物理学校

    Latin American School on Space Physics

  11. 他的父亲是物理学家,他在进行空间物理研究。

    His father is a physicist ; he is doing his research ( es ) in space physics .

  12. 以科学的态度分析了空间物理的发展史、现状和趋势;

    The history , current situation and developing trends of the space physics science are introduced and analysed .

  13. 在空间物理中,磁场重联是最重要的等离子体和能量转换的过程。

    The magnetic reconnection is arguably the most important plasma transport and energy conversion process in space physical plasma .

  14. 磁场重联是空间物理和实验室等离子体物理中重要的研究课题,也是研究热点和难点。

    Magnetic reconnection is one important subject of space physics and laboratory plasma physics . It is a very difficult issue and hot topic also .

  15. 2002&2020年日地空间物理探测和研究的发展趋势和新的创举;

    The developmental tendency of solar-earth space exploration and research during 2002-2020 , as well as the new measures that will be taken in solar-earth detection ;

  16. 最后,根据国外的经验和发展趋势,对国内航天器充放电在轨测试的目的、发展步骤,以及与各种空间物理量的关系等提出了相应的建议。

    The purpose , development and relationship with various space physical quantities of on-orbit charging and discharging experiment of spacecraft in domestic were suggested at last .

  17. 侗族村落环境作为一种空间物理形态,其结构布局是按照侗族的生态观和文化观营建的。

    Being a kind of space physical shape , village environment of the Dong Nationality was constructed on basis of their ecological views and cultural views .

  18. 磁场重联是等离子体物理研究的基本现象之一,它是许多重要空间物理现象和磁约束核聚变问题的重要理论基础。

    Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental phenomenon in plasma physics . It provides a theoretical basis for many phenomena in space astrophysical and magnetic confinement fusion plasmas .

  19. 设计了一个二维三分量的粒子模拟程序,并用它计算了空间物理中两种常见的物理现象:束流不稳定性和磁场重联。

    Using this method , we design a2D particle simulation code , and numerically study two common physical phenomena in space physics : beam instability and magnetic reconnection .

  20. 磁场重联作为一个基本过程,被用来解释自然界中的能量的突然释放现象,例如在空间物理和磁约束聚变中。

    Magnetic reconnection , as a fundamental process , has been used to explain many natural phenomena of the sudden release of energy in space physics and magnetic confinement fusion .

  21. “这是大卫和歌利亚的决战,但是这次大卫输了。”德国马普外层空间物理学院的贡特尔·哈辛格说。

    " This is the ultimate David versus Goliath battle , but here David loses ," said Gunther Hasinger , of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany .

  22. 本文导出了引导中心的四个动力学方程并推广到相对论形式,讨论了这些方程之间的联系及其在空间物理中的应用。

    In this paper four dynamic equations of guiding center are derived and generalized to the relativistic form . Relations between these equations and their applications to space physics are discussed .

  23. 前者考虑了空间物理定位和射束跟踪问题;后者考虑了治疗计划中与肿瘤特性相适应的生物放射剂量学问题。

    The former considered the space physics positioning and beam tracking problem ; The latter considered the treatment plan and tumor characteristics that adapt to the biological the radiation dose problem .

  24. 卫星上携带了三套探测工具。其中的一套是由科罗拉多大气和空间物理实验室建造,其余的两套是由帕洛阿尔托(美国加州)的马丁建造。

    It carries three instrument packages , one built by the University of Colorado 's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and two built by Lockheed Martin in Palo Alto , California .

  25. 可在较严酷的环境下工作,尤其适用于中、小规模的核物理、空间物理及大型实验系统的前端和预先研究系统中。

    It can operate to grim environment and is suitable for intermediate or small scale systems in nuclear physics , particle physics , nuclear medicine , high energy cosmic ray study , astrophysics experiments etc.

  26. 所以分子束技术在原子物理、分子物理以及气体激光动力学、等离子体物理、化学反应动力学,甚至在空间物理、天体物理、生物学中都有重要应用。

    Therefore , the technology of molecule beam has important appliance to molecule physics 、 gas laser dynamics 、 plasma physics 、 chemistry reaction dynamics 、 of course , to space physics 、 globe physics and biology .

  27. 去年,董亚雪加入了美国科罗拉多大学大气与空间物理实验室,通过投简历和电话面试之后,她开始了马文号的工作。

    Last year , Dong joined the Laboratory for Atmospherics and Space Physics ( LASP ) at the University of Colorado and began working for MAVEN after handing in her resume and taking part in a phone interview .

  28. 重力场是反应地球特性的地球物理基本物理场,重力场信息对固体地球物理学、空间物理、地球动力学和地震学等基础学科的研究具有重要意义。

    Gravitational field is one of Geophysical fields which reflected the properties of the Earth , the information which contain are meaningful to the research of fundamental subjects such as solid Geophysics , space Geophysics , Geodynamics and seismology .

  29. 湖泊生态系统的服务功能划分为供给功能、支撑功能、调节功能和美学功能,各项功能的发挥程度与水文特征、水质状况、生物多样性、空间物理结构和湖滨景观5个影响因子有关。

    The ecosystem service function of lake includes supplying function , supporting function , regulating function and aesthetics function . Exertion of all functions is related to hydrologic features , condition of water quality , biological diversity , spatial physical structure and landscape of the lake zone .

  30. 网络控制系统打破了传统控制系统在空间物理位置上的限制,拓宽了控制活动的场所,降低了系统的链接复杂性、运行成本和维护费用,便于实现管控一体化,提高了信息集成度。

    Networked control systems break the space constraints of physical location in traditional control system , broaden the control sites , reduce the complexity of links in system , cut the running and maintenance cost , facilitate the achievement of control incorporation , and enhance the information integration .