
kōng qì shī dù
  • air humidity;air dampness
空气湿度[kōng qì shī dù]
  1. 近地层空气湿度的日变化与温度相反。Air(初三适用)

    The daily change of air humidity in surface layer is contrary to that of temperature .

  2. 空气湿度与树干呼吸日变化显著负相关(P0.05),与季节变化不相关。

    A significant negative correlation was found between stem respiration and air humidity t ( P0.05 ) . 5 .

  3. 降雨会影响空气湿度。

    Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere .

  4. 空气湿度对Zn-Al复合膜的影响与决策

    Influence of Humidity on Zn-Al Composite Film and Countermeasures

  5. 室内氡浓度与TSP浓度、空气湿度呈正相关,与气温呈负相关。

    There was a positive correlation between radon concentration and TSP level , air moisture and negative correlation between radon level and air temperature .

  6. 对DH5,DH7,硅胶和13x用于除湿制冷过程的动态特性进行了研究;讨论了吸附量、空气湿度、再生温度和单位质量吸附剂的制冷量对固体除湿过程的影响。

    The performance parameters of adsorption capacity , air humidity , regeneration temperature and cooling volume were tested and discussed in detail .

  7. 樱花扦插不易生根,但一定浓度的NAA、IBA或ABT生根剂处理,并保持插床较高空气湿度可大大提高成活率。

    The rooting rate of current year shoots was increased obviously treatment with IBA , NAA or ABT in different levels of concentrations and keeping high humidity of air .

  8. 合理控制工作温度、空气湿度等参数,可以减少欧姆极化损失,提高PEMFC的工作效率。

    To study the PEMFC 's ohmic internal resistance can predict the membrane 's dryness . To control the operating temperature and the cathode humidity can reduce PEMFC 's ohmic loss and improve PEMFC 's efficiency .

  9. 利用线性回归方法建立了边材液流速率与环境因子关系的多元线性模型,影响边材液流速率的主导因子是5cm和20cm土壤温度、太阳辐射强度、空气湿度和风速。

    Multiple linear models of sap flow velocity and environmental factors were developed at significant level , of which the important factors were soil temperature in depths of 5 cm and 20 cm , solar radiation , air humidity and wind speed .

  10. 酒泉地区苜蓿蚜虫Aphiscraccivora主要在夏初造成危害,适宜繁殖温度为25~30℃,尤其当空气湿度大的时候容易发生。

    In Jiuquan prefecture , alfalfa aphids ( Aphis craccivora ) mainly result in damage in early summer , suitable regeneration temperature is 25 ~ 30 ℃, it is especially easy to occur when there is high air moisture .

  11. 桥梁钢箱梁内空气湿度状态的研究

    Study of humidity of air in the steel box - beam

  12. 空气湿度对致敏小鼠气道反应性的影响

    Influence of Relative Humidity on Methacholine-induced Airway Reactivity in Sensitized Mice

  13. 承德市城市化对气温及空气湿度的影响

    The Influence of Urbanization on Air Temperature and Air Humidity in Chengde

  14. 而释放速率与空气湿度的关系不能很好确定。

    Release rate were not well determined with air humidity .

  15. 空气湿度过高或过低都容易使移栽苗萎蔫。

    Higher or lower air humidity is prone to make transplanted plants wither .

  16. 而当空气湿度大,气温变化缓慢时,太阳辐射就成为光抑制的主要气候因子。

    Meanwhile , the sun radiation was the main factor of causing photoinhibition .

  17. 石河子绿洲空气湿度和降水的长期变化趋势分析

    Analysis on Secular Variation of Air Humidity and Precipitation in the Shihezi Oasis

  18. 空气湿度对聚丙烯腈纤维稳定化过程的影响

    Effect of moisture on the stabilization of PAN fibers

  19. 黄、东海近海面空气湿度分析及估算

    Analysis and estimation of the atmospheric moisture over the yellow and East China

  20. 那里的空气湿度会彻底毁了你的发型。

    The humidity here will totally kill your hairstyle .

  21. 一种新颖的热电阻式多功能空气湿度计

    Novel multi-function humidity gauge for air based on thermistor

  22. 空气湿度对硅光电二极管响应度的影响

    Effects of Humidity on the Sensitivity of Si Photodiode

  23. 空气湿度计算中大气压的影响

    Influence of the atmospheric pressure on air humidity calculation

  24. 低空气湿度对空调车厢热舒适性的影响

    Low Relative Humidity Effect on Air Conditioning Carriage

  25. 空气湿度对新闻纸裂断长的影响及补正系数的探讨

    On influence of air humidity on tensile strength of newsprint and the correcting coefficient

  26. 一种高温空气湿度测量的方法

    Method to measure humidity of high temperature air

  27. 一种实用的空气湿度传感电桥

    A Practical Bridge Circuit for Sensing Air Humidity

  28. 空气湿度是环境质量的重要指标,对湿度的控制一直以来是一个重要的课题。

    Humidity is a significant factor of environment , therefore humidity-controlling is an important issue .

  29. 空气湿度对人体热舒适的影响

    Impact of air humidity on thermal comfort

  30. 原砂温度及空气湿度对冷芯盒法砂芯强度的影响

    Effects of the Sand Temperature and Air Humidity on the Strength of Cold-box Sand Cores