
  • 网络Space Surveillance System;Space Surveillance System, SSS;SPASURE;SPASUR
  1. 概括了现有空间监视系统(地基雷达系统、地基深空光电监视系统、天基可见光监视系统、天基雷达系统)的主要技术参数。

    The parameters of the main surveillance system ( ground-based radar system , ground-based optical system , space based visible system , space based radar system ) were outlined .

  2. 用于微卫星星座的空间监视望远镜系统设计

    System design of space surveillance telescope aboard microsatellite constellation

  3. 介绍了空间目标监视系统的发展现状,及其在未来军事作战中的主要应用。

    The development and function in the future wars of the surveillance to space targets were reviewed .

  4. 在这种新的军事斗争形式中,空间目标监视系统起着基础性和关键性作用。

    In the new form of space war , the supervised system based on the space target plays a leading role .

  5. 对分布式卫星协同控制方法和分布式空间目标监视系统任务的系统仿真验证了相关方法的正确性。

    Simulation for coordination and control of DSS and distributed space surveillance mission were made to validate the methods studied in the thesis .

  6. 天基光学空间目标监视仿真系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Simulation System for Space-based Optical Space Target Surveillance

  7. 开发建立了基于网络的空间目标数据库实时监视系统,并实现了TCP/IP协议的双行轨道根数自动下载的关键技术。

    A real time space surveillance system based on web and database technology has been developed , and it can realize downloading automatically and updating TLE data based on TCP / IP protocol .

  8. 提出并设计了一种面向亚毫米级微零件装配的基于正交方式实现的立体显微视觉方案,形成对三维微装配空间的立体监视,系统的精度为2.5μm,满足了微装配要求。

    A stereo microscopic vision framework based on orthogonal implementation is proposed and designed to provide 3-D visual information for assembling micro-parts sub-millimeter sizes . The accuracy of the system is 2.5 μ m , which meets the requirement of micro-assembly .

  9. 利用两个短弧段的天基测角资料实现对GEO空间目标的轨道确定是天基空间目标监视系统需解决的重要问题之一。

    Orbit determination for GEO objects using two short arcs from space based optical observations plays a key role in the space-based space surveillance systems .

  10. 分析了国外天基空间目标监视的研究现状与特点,提出了发展天基空间目标监视系统的几点启示。

    The paper draws several important inspirations from analyzing current development and characteristics of foreign space-based space surveillance .