
  • 网络jishan county
  1. 稷山县婴幼儿常用发育指数的分析

    An analysis of common development index of infants in Jishan County

  2. 稷山县城区排水系统规划方案的研究

    Study on Planning Project on Drainage Systems in Jishan County Area

  3. 正因境内有稷王山,而得名稷山县,是中华民族农业发祥地。

    The Jishan county name after this mountain was the agricultural birthplace of our nation .

  4. 本文报道稷山县婴幼儿5种发育指数随年龄变化的特点及各组的正常值,此可做为对小儿发育与营养状况评价的依据。

    The article describes the characteristics varied with age groups about five development indexes of infants and normal value in each group in Jishan county . The normal value can be used as an evaluation criterion of infant 's development and nutritional condition .