
  • 网络Formosa;Ilha Formosa;formose
  1. 福尔摩沙的货币也必需转型。

    The currency of Formosa also had to be reformed .

  2. 一位远从福尔摩沙而来的厨师师姊,为大家做现场烹饪示范。

    A sister who is a cook from Formosa gave a cooking demonstration .

  3. 日本已经像倒水般的把钱倒入福尔摩沙。

    Japan has poured money like water into formosa .

  4. 日本放弃对福尔摩沙(台湾)及澎湖的一切权利,主张(名称)及所有权。

    Japan renounces all right , title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores .

  5. 中国人建议荷兰东印度公司以福尔摩沙作为和中国贸易据点。

    B.The Chinese suggested to the VOC to use Formosa as base for trade with China .

  6. 市面上有卖素热狗,或者也可以从福尔摩沙进口。

    They sell vegetarian hot dogs in the market , or you can import them from formosa .

  7. 福尔摩沙现年19岁的天才音乐家李尚轩,不仅弹得一手好钢琴,同时也精通打击乐。

    Li Shangxuan , a19-year-old talented musician from Formosa , excels at playing the piano and percussion instruments .

  8. 西班牙人和荷兰人曾经尝试殖民福尔摩沙,但是都失望的放弃。

    The Spanish and the Dutch made attempts at colonizing Formosa , but they gave it up in despair .

  9. 福尔摩沙台南同修以点燃圣火的方式,象徵师父是一盏黑暗中的明灯,照亮每个人的心。

    In formosa , Tainan fellow practitioners lit a holy torch that symbolized master as a lighthouse illuminating every heart in darkness .

  10. 两个月后,终于有假期可回福尔摩沙了!

    Two months later , the chance I had been waiting for came . I could return to Formosa for a holiday .

  11. 在福尔摩沙的这些日子,天天和圣人在一起,我感受到师父提升的力量越来越强烈。

    Throughout my stay in formosa , Ive been in the company of saints , and can feel masters elevating power more strongly each day .

  12. 其结果乃在岛上设立了做为中央银行体系的福尔摩沙银行,而私人银行也开设多重要的办公中心。

    Consequently , the Formosan bank was established as the central banking organ in the island , and private banking offices were opened in the more important centers .

  13. 福尔摩沙和日本是高度互补之经济体,不应骤然改变相互之贸易关系。

    In the third place , there should not be any abrupt change in trade relations between Formosa and Japan , where there were two highly complementary economies .

  14. 接着我便打电话给台北小中心,将我们的福尔摩沙之行告诉他们,并请他们代为安排一个住宿的地方。

    Therefore I telephoned the Taipei center and told them about my plans to visit formosa , and asked if they could help us find a place to stay .

  15. 在那同时,我也读过有关福尔摩沙的森林,在日本统治时,被快速大量的砍伐,因而樟树可能很快就灭绝了。

    At the same time I read that the forests of Formosa , then under Japanese control , were being exploited at a rapid rate and camphor trees might soon become extinct .

  16. 在依对日和约决定福尔摩沙未来归属以前(其前景是不乐观地倒退),美国毫无疑问有权力维持及保护在福尔摩沙之现状。

    Pending such a settlement ( the prospects of which are unhappily receding ) there can be no doubt of the right of America to preserve and protect the statu quoin Formosa .

  17. 为响应世界环保日,福尔摩沙中部地区同修老老少少欢喜参与清扫通宵市区及秋茂园防波堤。

    Fellow initiates , young and old , in central Formosa happily volunteered to clean the streets of Tongxiao and the breakwater of rich autumn garden in response to international environmental protection day .

  18. 饮过茶点后,当大夥沿著海边追逐鸟儿的同时,我却暗自思量:在福尔摩沙的崎岖高山中,是否仍有一片巨大的樟树林仍屹立在某个神秘的山谷?

    After tea , while pursuing birds along the sea shore , I am wondering : is there a grove of giant camphor trees still standing in a secret valley in Formosa 's rugged mountains ?

  19. 无论谁来治理福尔摩沙,美国应考虑为经常处于不安及压迫状态下之福尔摩沙人,发展某些程度之地方自治。

    Second , we should consider the development of some measure of local autonomy for the people of Formosa , who had always been in a constant state of unrest and oppression , no matter who rules Formosa .

  20. 福尔摩沙曾经是像中国一样靠的是金银块做为交易的工具,而非货币,而曾经做为商业交易而体积较大的铜的硬货造也几乎是不可能。

    Formosa used to be a country where the medium of exchange was bullion , not coin , exactly as in china , and the bulky copper coinage used to make commercial transactions of any magnitude wellnigh an impossibility .