
  1. 在加入WTO的背景下,中国应当建立符合国情的社会保障法律制度,这种制度要区分不同层次不同水平和不同内容,在这个基础上覆盖全国和全体公民。

    On the background of China 's entry into the WTO , the thesis puts forward some suggestions in the light of present situation of social security law system to construct a social security legal system in China , emphatically elaborates tentative plans .

  2. 社会保障法律制度建设应处理好的五个关系

    The Legal System of Social Security Should be Dealt with Five Relations

  3. 论构建我国社会保障法律制度

    On Building the Legal System of Social Security in China

  4. 民族地区社会保障法律制度的完善

    Improvement of Legal System of Social Security in Ethnic Regions

  5. 第一章为社会保障法律制度的基本涵义。

    Chapter One is the basic connotation of social security law system .

  6. 环境公害社会保障法律制度刍议

    The comment on social security system of environmental hazards

  7. 论社会保障法律制度的模式划分

    On Classifying the Modes of Social Security Law System

  8. 欧盟社会保障法律制度研究

    On the Social Security Legal System of European Union

  9. 首先介绍了德国社会保障法律制度的产生与发展及其特点,并分析了现代社会保障法产生于德国的原因。

    And analysis of the modern social security law in Germany have reasons .

  10. 城乡统筹的社会保障法律制度的建立既有法律依据,又有经济基础和现实基础。

    Urban and rural legal system has legal basis , economic and realistic foundation .

  11. 社区发展背景下的农村社会保障法律制度&以农民权益保护为视角

    The Legal Regime of Rural Social Security under the Background of the Community Development

  12. 社会保障法律制度的完善与否和公民的社会保障权实现程度,是一个国家社会文明进步程度的标志之一。

    Soundness of social security law and realization of civilian security rights manifest national civilization .

  13. 德国社会保障法律制度述评

    On Social Security Legal System in Germany

  14. 本文的第二部分对保险营销员的社会保障法律制度进行了域外考察。

    The second part of the social security insurance salesmen were extra-territorial legal system inspection .

  15. 但真正具现代意义的社会保障法律制度最早出现在德国。

    But the real significance of a modern legal system of social security first appeared in Germany .

  16. 不同模式的社会保障法律制度虽然存在很大差异,但也有其共性。

    There is commonness among different models of social security legal system although they have great differences .

  17. 社会保障法律制度是当代各国法律制度的重要组成部分。

    The system of social security law is an important department of law system in all contemporary countries .

  18. 所以,对农村社会保障法律制度相关理论问题的研究意义重大。

    So the study on relevant theoretical issues of the legal system of rural social security is greatly meaningful .

  19. 目前,我国的社会保障法律制度还不完善,对农民工的社会保障立法目前主要还是依靠地方政府规章和规范性文件。

    At present , legislation on social security of peasant workers mostly depends on local governments ' regulations and documents .

  20. 但由于涉及每个人的切身利益,改革阻力很大、改革过程举步维艰。总的来看,福利国家型社会保障法律制度的改革不可逆转,发展趋势是减少国家职责、增加个人责任,提高社会保障效率、减少浪费。

    The trend of the social security reform of welfare states is to increase individual duty and decrease security level .

  21. 第一部分从法理的角度分析了在中国建立农村社会保障法律制度的必要性。

    The first part is about the jurisprudential analysis of the necessity of establishing the legal system of rural social security .

  22. 实现社会保障法律制度的城乡统筹,还应健全与完善配套法律制度。

    The realization of social security legal system in urban and rural areas as a whole should improve and perfect the legal system .

  23. 但是,建立城乡统筹的社会保障法律制度是一个长期的艰巨过程,必须分步骤、分阶段进行。

    However , build urban and rural balancing social security legal system is a long-term and arduous process , must step by step .

  24. 德国社会保障法律制度的建立和发展有着其深刻的社会历史背景,首先是文化传统,其次是工人运动,再次是经济体制&社会市场经济。

    There exists profound social background behind German social security legal system , including cultural tradition , workers movement and economic system-social market economy .

  25. 第二部分分析了在我国建立农村社会保障法律制度的必要性和可行性。

    Analysis of the second part of our country set up in the legal system of social security in rural areas the need and feasibility .

  26. 完善的社会保障法律制度是我国少数民族地区经济发展与社会稳定的重要保障。

    The improvement of legal system of social security is an important guarantee for economic development and social stability of ethnic minority regions in China .

  27. 因此,完善社会保障法律制度是构建和谐社会的基础,是经济社会协调发展的必然要求。

    Therefore , the improvement of social-security legal system is the basis to construct harmonious society and a necessary requirement for harmonious development of economic society .

  28. 在第五章,文章得出研究结论,提出了完善我国扩大农村消费需求的社会保障法律制度的建议。

    In chapter 5 , article draw the conclusion , puts forward the expanding consumer demand in rural areas the law system of social security advice .

  29. 福利国家型社会保障法律制度起源于英国,主要存在于北欧国家,但目前最具有代表性的国家是瑞典。

    Welfare state model of social security legal system originated from Great Briton , mainly existing in North Europe . But at present , its model is Sweden .

  30. 所以,建立和完善农村社会保障法律制度,正是保障每个农民都能够拥有可以维持最低限度生活所必需的财产的有效途径。

    Therefore , establishing and perfecting rural social security institution is the very effective approach for each farmer to possessing the property which can maintain the minimum life necessities .