
  • 网络socialist commodity economy
  1. 社会主义商品经济是一种新型的商品经济。

    The socialist commodity economy is a new type of commodity economy .

  2. 发展包装工业,推动社会主义商品经济的发展

    Developing the Packaging Industry to Promote the Development of Socialist Commodity Economy

  3. 适应社会主义商品经济发展的需要深化成人高等教育改革

    Adult Higher Education to Adapt the Needs of Developing Socialism Commodity Economy

  4. 建立社会主义商品经济新秩序必须加强审计监督

    Establishing the New Order of Socialist Commodity Economy Must Strengthen the Audit Supervision

  5. 试论社会主义商品经济的特性问题

    A Trial Comment on Charateristics of Socialist Commodity Economy

  6. 社会主义商品经济与会计改革

    On Socialist Commodity Economy and Accounting Reform

  7. 按社会主义商品经济规律发展化学试剂的经营

    Developing management of the chemical reagents according to the commodity economic law of the socialist

  8. 社会主义商品经济条件下高教运行机制探讨

    Approaches to the Motion Mechanism of Higher Education in the Conditions of Socialist Commodity Economy

  9. 本区的开发建设主要是利用本地自然资源优势,发展社会主义商品经济。

    To use local natural resources to develop the commodity economy is the main developing way .

  10. 不但要善于在社会主义商品经济的环境下开展业务,还要学会在市场经济的环境下开展业务。

    Construction enterprise would be adept in developing its business in the condition of both commodity and market economy .

  11. 从理论上阐明价值增殖及其表现形式,对于研究社会主义商品经济理论具有重要意义。

    As theoretic elucidation of it and its forms of presentation is of great significance to the study of socialist commodity economy .

  12. 振兴我国天然气工业研究报告之一&振兴天然气工业必须走社会主义商品经济的道路

    To Develop Vigorously Natural Gas Industry Must Follow the Road of the Socialist Commodity Economy One of the research reports developing of our natural gas industry

  13. 从20世纪80年代我国开始对长期以来形成的计划经济体制进行了全面改革,提出并逐渐构建起了社会主义商品经济体制。

    From the 1980s , China began on the long-planned economic system to a comprehensive reform , and gradually built up a system of the socialist commodity economy .

  14. 借鉴这些经验教训,有益于我们探讨和解决社会主义商品经济新秩序创造过程中的道德问题。

    To consult to these experiences and lessons avails to us to discuss about the moral issues in the creative course of new orders of socialistic commercial economy .

  15. 此外,他还提出要正确处理积累和消费的关系,注重提高经济效益,发展社会主义商品经济。

    In addition , he also offered to correctly handle the relationship between accumulation and consumption , pay attention to improve the economic benefit , developing the socialist commodity economy .

  16. 了解和研究这些在一定历史条件下的经济思想,对于我国当前发展社会主义商品经济是有借鉴意义的。

    It is worthwhile for us to note and study the economic thoughts under specific historical conditions and draw lessons from it for the benefit of developing socialist commodity economy .

  17. 而我们现在所要解决的经济运行机制的核心又在于怎样从中国的现实国情出发,大力推进社会主义商品经济的发展。

    However , the core of the economic moving system , which will be resolved by us , is how to greatly push on the development of socialist commodity economy from China 's real situations .

  18. 在社会主义商品经济条件下,工程建设企业承接建设任务,由单纯按系统自上而下下达计划任务的方式转变为以招标承包、委托承包为主,下达指令性任务为辅的方式。

    In the condition of socialism 's commodity economy , the style of accepting undertaking by construction enterprise was changed from the only form of planning by superior to mainly depending the public bidding and contract .

  19. 在我国,外商投资股份公司作为一种独立的公司形式,是伴随着经济体制改革的不断深入、利用外资手段的不断扩大和社会主义商品经济的发展而形成和完善起来的。

    As an individual corporate form in China , foreign-invested joint stock company has established and perfected with the development of the reformation of economic system , enlarging of making use of the foreign investment method and developing of socialism commodity economy .

  20. 本文从三方面较详尽地论述了特区国营企业股份化问题:一、国营企业股份化是发展社会主义商品经济和特区有控制的市场经济的重要途径,是一场深刻的社会经济变革;

    The essay examines the issue of share-capitalization of state-run SEZ enterprises in the following three aspects . A , Share-capitalization of state-run enterprises represents an important approach for the development of socialist commodity economy and the SEZ market economy with control to a certain extent .

  21. 社会主义与商品经济、市场经济是不相容的。

    Socialism and the commodity economy , the market economy are not accommodating .

  22. 初步建立社会主义计划商品经济新体制。

    To establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy .

  23. 关于社会主义须兼容商品经济的理论分析

    An Analysis of the Theory That the Socialism Must Be Compatible with the Commodity Economy

  24. 与社会主义有计划商品经济的内在规定性相吻合的改革取向是计划-市场双向改革,既要完善计划体制,又要扩展市场关系。

    The reform orientation compatible with socialist planned commodity economy is dual reform of planning and market , improving and perfecting plan-ning system and expanding market relations at the same time .

  25. 第四部分,描述我国政府与市场关系的重大发展,即社会主义有计划商品经济体制下的政府与市场关系内在统一发展。

    The fourth part , it presents the significant development of relation of relation between the government and market , I . e , socialism planned commodity economy system 's consolidation and development .

  26. 顾准是1957年在《试论社会主义制度下的商品经济和价值规律》一文中提出这一观点。

    This theory was illustrated in the essay of On the Laws of Commodity Economy and Value in Socialism .

  27. 在社会主义计划经济、商品经济和市场经济的不同时期,我们分别把追求产值最大化、利润最大化和股东财富最大化当作财务管理的基本目标。

    In the age of plan economy , the objectives of financial management were maximization of the output . At the time of market economy , the objectives of finance management were maximization of the profit and the stockholder 's wealth .

  28. 建立社会主义市场经济,就是在社会主义条件下实现商品经济现代化。

    Establishing socialistic market economy means to realize modern commercialization under the socialistic conditions .

  29. 他把社会主义公有制、有计划按比例规律与商品经济和价值规律联系起来考察,显露出思想深处关于社会主义有计划商品经济的端倪。

    He examined socialist public ownership and the law of planned proportionality together alongside the commodity economy and law of value , revealing the intellectual glimmerings of a socialist planned commodity economy .

  30. 坚持社会主义计划经济,在国家计划指导下,大力发展社会主义的商品经济;

    Stick to socialistic planned economy , and develop socialistic commodity economy underthe guidance of national plan .