
  • 网络magnetostratigraphy;magnetic stratigraphy
  1. 保德阶层型剖面磁性地层学研究

    Magnetostratigraphy of stratotype section of the Baode stage

  2. 衡阳盆地红层的磁性地层学研究

    Magnetostratigraphy of the red beds in Hengyang Basin

  3. 北京怀柔HR(88-1)钻孔剖面磁性地层学研究

    On magnetostratigraphy of the borehole HR_ ( 88-1 ) in Huairou area , Beijing

  4. PC-1500计算机及其在磁性地层学研究中的应用

    Application of PC - 1500 microcomputer in magnetic stratigraphy

  5. 对渭南阎村W7孔岩心地层样品的磁性地层学研究,确定了黄土组、三门组地层的时代。

    The ages of Huangtu Formation and Sanmen Formation were determined by magnetostratigraphic study for Borehole W7 from Yancun , Weinan .

  6. 用磁性地层学方法研究云南江川盆地的成煤时代及沉积速率

    Study of Coal & forming Age and Sedimentary Rate by Magnetic Stratigraphic Method

  7. 气候地层学与磁性地层学的研究一致。

    The results of climatic stratigraphy are consistent with that of magnetic stratigraphy .

  8. 南京仙林地区中更新统红色粘土的磁性地层学特征

    Magnetism stratigraphy of middle Pleistocene red clay in Xianlin area , Nanjing City

  9. 陕西大荔遗址更新世黄土&古土壤剖面磁性地层学年代研究

    Magnetostratigraphic Age of Pleistocene Loess / Paleosol Sections At Dali , Shaanxi , China

  10. 南海深海短柱样的磁性地层学特征

    The Magnetostratigraphic Characteristics of some Shorter Cores from the Deep South China Sea Basin

  11. 塔里木地块北部二叠-三叠系的磁性地层学研究

    Permo-Triassic magnetostratigraphy in the northern Tarim block

  12. 江西九江红土堆积的磁性地层学及其成因研究

    Magnetostratigraphy and Origin of the Red Earth Formation in Jiujiang City of Jiangxi Province China

  13. 地磁场倒转和长期变的理论、观测和应用以及磁性地层学;

    Theory , observation and application of the geomagnetic polarity reversal and secular variation , magnetostratigraphy ;

  14. 广南安乐村石炭-二叠系界线层型剖面的磁性地层学研究

    A magnetic stratigraphy study on the candidate stratotype section of C-P boundary at anle , Guangnan

  15. 运用磁性地层学研究岩石单元磁性特征,是一种有效的地层对比方法。

    The application of magnetostratigraphy to study magnetic features of lithologic units has an effect upon stratigraphic correlation .

  16. 湖北郧县人化石地层的磁性地层学初步研究

    A preliminary study on magnetic stratigraphy of the geological section with the fossil bed of Yunxian Homo of Hubei

  17. 铁磁/反铁磁双层膜中的磁化性质与界面微结构泥河湾盆地层序地层学与磁性地层学综合研究

    Computer Simulation of Magnetic Properties of Composite Bilayer Magnetic Films Interfacial microstructure dependence of magnetization feature in ferromagnetic / antiferromagnetic bilayers

  18. 本文通过云南广南安乐村剖面的磁性地层学研究,获得了该剖面石炭-二叠系的极性序列。

    The Carboniferous-Permian polarity sequence of the Anle Village section , Guangnan , Yunnan is established by the magnetic stratigraphy study of this section .

  19. 对黄土高原的灵台和泾川黄土-红粘土序列进行了磁性地层学和沉积学研究。

    In this study , two thick loess-red clay sequences located at Lingtai and Jingchuan , the Chinese Loess Plateau , are studied with emphases on magnetostratigraphy and sedimentology .

  20. 柴达木盆地北缘晚新生代精细磁性地层学与沉积对构造的响应层理是沉积岩最主要的构造特征。

    High Resolution Magnetostratigraphy in the North of Qaidam Basin and the Sedimentary Response to Tectonic Since Late Cenozoic ; Bedding is the most important structural feature of sedimentary rock .

  21. 本文通过磁性地层学方法研究了兰州段黄河阶地,宝鸡段渭河阶地,洛川段洛河阶地。

    The authors have studied the terraces of the Yellow River in the Lanzhou area , the Weihe River in the Baoji area and the Luohe River in the Luochuan area with the magnetostratigraphic method .

  22. 对新疆叶城剖面西域砾岩及下伏第三纪地层的磁性地层学研究表明,西域砾岩的沉积时代为晚上新世至早更新世,磁性地层年龄为3.5至<1.8Ma。

    Magnetostratigraphic study of the Xiyu conglomerate and underlying Tertiary strata of the Yecheng section , Xinjiang has revealed that the Xiyu Formation was deposited during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene , with magnetostratigraphic ages from 3 5 Ma to younger than 1 8 Ma .