
cí dài kù
  • tape library
磁带库[cí dài kù]
  1. 虚拟磁带库技术在数据备份系统中的应用

    Application of Virtual Magnetic Tape Library Technology in Data Backup System

  2. ControlLayer让用户方便地是虚拟磁带库进行交互,对其进行相关操作。

    Control Layer let users easily interact is virtual tape library , and carry onthe related operation .

  3. ATM网仍是首选的主干网,长期存储可选磁带库;

    It is highly recommended to use the ATM as the hospital backbone and the tape-bank for the long-term storage .

  4. 4MM库&在手动磁带库中定义4MM磁带驱动器

    4MM library-Define the4MM tape drive in a manual tape library

  5. 本文提出了基于共享磁盘和共享内存的应用程序与内核之间的通讯方案,实现了嵌入式虚拟磁带库中的用户界面和SCSI控制器之间可靠的消息传递。

    This paper brings forward a solution based on shared disk and memory , which can transfer message between user interface and SCSI controller reliably .

  6. SAN(存储区域网络)是类似于普通局域网的一种高速存储网络。它通过专用的集线器、交换机和网关建立起与服务器和存储设备(如磁盘阵列和磁带库)之间的直接连接。

    SAN ( Storage Area Network ) is a high speed network which is familiar with normal LAN ( Local Area Network ) . It is established with hubs , switches and gateways connected to the storage devices .

  7. 通过采用冗余的SAN基础结构、支持RAIDADG的存储系统、磁带库备份系统、关键服务器集群或多机方式、单键灾难恢复技术,构造了一个满足集成制造单元信息系统应用需求的基础数据环境。

    Through the redundancy architecture of the SAN , the RAID ADG storage system , the backup system of the tape library , the cluster or multi-host of the key server , realizes the environment of the data .

  8. 对于这种商业产品,默认设置是采用服务器到客户端的机制,客户端被备份到服务器,可能是备份到磁盘(通常是一种SAN文件系统),也可能是备份到磁带库。

    With the commercial product , the default set-up is to have a server-to-client mechanism where the clients are backed up to the server either to the disk , typically a SAN file-system , or to a tape library .

  9. 磁带库系统的随机I/O调度算法

    Random I / O Scheduling Algorithms in Online Tape Library Systems

  10. 连续媒体层次存储中磁带库调度收益分析

    Scheduling benefits analysis of tape libraries in hierarchical storage-based continuous media applications

  11. 一种基于效益-代价均衡的磁带库调度算法

    A Cost - Benefit - Based Scheduling Algorithm of Online Tape Library

  12. 面向节目生产与播出的电视台磁带库管理系统

    TV Station Tapes Management System Connected with Program Produces and Broadcast System

  13. 基于磁带库的数字视频图书馆存储系统

    Based-on tape library storage system in digital video library

  14. 主动的在线存储是磁带库设备应用的发展趋势之一。

    Active on - line storage is a developing trend of tape applications .

  15. 文章提出了基于磁带库的全自动集中式备份方案。

    The paper proposes the fully automatic concentrating type backup scheme based on tape library .

  16. 它通过专用的集线器、交换机和网关建立起与服务器和存储设备(如磁盘阵列和磁带库)之间的直接连接。

    It is established with hubs , switches and gateways connected to the storage devices .

  17. 最后对虚拟磁带库将来的技术发展路线进行了展望。

    In the end , this thesis looks forward for the prospect of VTL Technology .

  18. 基于虚拟磁带库的医院数据备份容灾方案及其实现

    The Implementation of Virtual Tape Library Based on Hospital Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Programs

  19. 要达到这个目的必须改善磁带库的随机I/O速率。

    To achieve this , medium changer is required to response more quickly in random I / O condition .

  20. 远程存储将不常用文件中的数据从被管理卷复制到远程存储媒体,如自动磁带库

    Remote Storage copies the data in infrequently used files from your managed volumes to remote storage media , such as an automated tape library

  21. 该算法根据系统的工作负载特点,动态调节调度的效益和代价的加权比,从而改善了磁带库系统在各种负载下的系统性能。

    This algorithm improves the performance of tape library system under different workloads by dynamically tuning the cost-benefit weight ratio of scheduling policies according to workloads .

  22. 在生产中心建立本地磁带库备份系统,在备份中心建立异地虚拟磁带库备份系统和本地虚拟磁带库备份系统。

    Later , we establish a local tape library system in the production center and set up long-distance & local VTL backup systems in the backup center .

  23. 这是与磁带库的特点相一致的:磁带库在顺序读写的情况下速度较高。

    Big files preference is in accordance with the characteristics of tape libraries : tape libraries have a higher transfer rate when accessed in a sequential way .

  24. 诸如数字图书馆等规模在1012字节以上的大型数据库需要在线存取大容量磁带库中的海量数据。

    The terabyte-level ( 1012 bytes ) database systems such as digital libraries need to use tape library as an online device to store and retrieve their massive data .

  25. 一种磁带库提供有固定耦合装置,使得该磁带库包括经由其电源和通信被提供给存取器的离散位置。

    A tape library is provided with a fixed coupling mechanism so that the tape library includes discrete locations via which power and communication are provided to an accessor .

  26. 同时,提出了主动写回以及读预取方法,将磁带库的随机读写操作顺序化,以改善系统随机读写性能。

    An active write-back method and a data prefetching strategy are then presented to manage the random I / O process orderly and to improve the random I / O performance .

  27. 本文介绍了一种采用磁盘作为磁带库缓存的只读磁盘-磁带库存储系统,并对该系统进行了深入的研究,探索提高随机存取性能的途径和方法。

    This dissertation introduces a Read only RAID and Tape library storage system using disk as the cache of tape , and makes further studies on improving its random access performance .

  28. 本文介绍了近年较为热门的虚拟磁带库备份技术的发展情况和实现方法,并对比目前的其他存储备份技术对其特点和优势进行了分析。

    In this paper , we introduce the development and scheme of virtual magnetic tape library backup technology , and also analyse its characteristic and compare its advantage with other former technology .

  29. 由于磁带库随机存取的性能很差,需要研究有效的随机I/O调度策略和算法以改善其在线存取的效率。

    Since the tape libraries have very poor random access performance , it is critical to study random I / O scheduling strategies and algorithms in order to improve the performance of tape library .

  30. 论文主要内容包括:针对地质勘探中的接口和数据存储特点,构建了基于虚拟磁带库的存储系统。

    The main contents of this dissertation are as follows : According to properties of the interface and data storing in geological exploration , a storage system based on Virtual Tape Library was proposed .