
  1. 讨论了参与模式耦合的模式数目以及耦合的强弱与等离子体填充密度和磁场强弱的关系。

    The relations between the number of the modes involved modes coupling and the plasma densities or the magnetic field intensities are discussed .

  2. 本文根据狄拉克的相对论量子力学理论,对产生正常塞曼效应(帕邢&巴克效应)和反常塞曼效应的磁场强弱进行了分析,给出了划分强磁场与弱磁场的临界位计算式。

    According to Dirac 's relativistic quantum mechanics , this , paper analysed the behaviors of magnetic field in normal Zeeman effect ( PaschenBack effect ) and anomalous Zeeman effect and gived the calculating formula of critical value of magnetic field .

  3. 磁耦合效应不仅引起局域电子能级的量子化,并且随着朗道指数或磁场强弱的变化,局域能级及其局域程度都会发生显著移动,特别是对高能区域的局域电子态影响更大。

    The numerical results show that the magneto-coupling brings about not only quantization of localized electron levels but also the degree of the strong dependence of the localized levels on Landau indices and magnetic fields , especially for the localized levels in higher energy region .

  4. 模拟结果表明:团簇的形状和它们的分形维数都与外加磁场B的强弱,即体现在模型中离子的旋转角速度ω的大小有关;

    It is found that the pattern of clusters and their fractal dimensions depend strongly on the magnetic field which is presented by a rotation velocity of the diffusing particles ω in the model .

  5. 但采用无源二次发射技术可以有效地提高感应磁场,并可以根据需要很方便地调整磁场强弱。

    Though , using Passive Secondary Emission technology can enhance the induction magnetic field effectively , and the intensity of magenetic field can be controlled easily according to the requirement .

  6. 这种新型纹理图像表现了磁通量管的形象,通量管的长度方向即为磁场的矢量方向,通量管的宽度则反映磁场矢量的强弱。

    The images display the appearance of flux tubes instead of flux lines , in which the direction along the tube length coincides with that of the magnetic field , while the tube width is inversely proportional to the flux density .

  7. 通过不同磁场下管道内流速分布的对比,清楚地显示出哈特曼效应,即磁场强弱对管道截面速度分布的影响。

    By comparing with the flow distributions when different intensity of magnetic induction , the effect of Hartmann on the distributions of velocity is shown clearly .

  8. 根据涡流感应原理,将外部激励磁场作用于大脑,在颅内脑质中感应出涡流,通过测量该涡流激发的二次磁场的强弱来反映颅内血肿和水肿的情况。

    This method uses magnetic excitation to induce eddy currents inside the brain matter and measures the magnetic field caused by the induced eddy current .