
  • 网络Mineral Exploration
  1. 三维GIS技术在固体矿产勘探和开发中的研究与应用

    The research and application of 3D-GIS in solid mineral exploration and mining

  2. CSR钻探方法在中国矿产勘探中的应用与发展

    Application and Development of CSR Drilling Method in Mineral Exploration of China

  3. 基于GIS和证据权模型的矿产勘探信息系统

    Exploration information system of mineral resources based on GIS and evidence weight model

  4. 矿产勘探与生产孔对接井施工与应用

    Intersected Well Drilling and Its Application to Brine Exploration and Production

  5. 国际矿产勘探面临的社会挑战

    The challenge of community confronted by international mineral exploration

  6. 矿床地质学及其对矿产勘探的影响

    Ore Deposit Geology and Its Influence on Mineral Exploration

  7. 世界矿产勘探投资形势分析

    Investment analysis of mineral resources exploration in the world

  8. 高斯射线束在金属矿产勘探中的模拟

    Gauss-ray bundle simulation in exploration of metal minerals

  9. 高精度磁法在多金属矿产勘探中的应用

    Application Magnetic Exploration of High-precision into Polymetallic Ore

  10. 当今矿产勘探问题的思考

    Consideration on recent problem of mineral exploration

  11. 地震勘探是一种最重要的地球物理勘探方法,在能源与矿产勘探领域应用广泛。

    Seismic is one of the most important geophysical methods in mineral and energy resources exploration .

  12. 在海底资源矿产勘探中,海洋电磁法是一种非常重要及有效的方法。

    In mineral exploration of seabed resources , marine electromagnetic method is avery important and effective way .

  13. 瞬变电磁法在工程、水文及金属矿产勘探等方面正日益得到广泛的应用。

    Transient electromagnetic method increasingly has been applied in the fields of engineering , hydrology and metallic mineral exploration .

  14. 用于固体矿产勘探和开发的地质体三维可视化系统设计&基于混合数据模型

    Geological body 3D visualization system design used for solid mineral exploration and mining based on a mixed data model

  15. 随着网络的发展,网络矿产勘探信息系统成为矿产勘探信息系统发展的必然趋势。

    With the developing of internet , the Information System of Mineral Exploitation on Line is the tendency of information system developing .

  16. 每年三月初,加拿大勘探与开发者联合会矿产勘探及开发展会在多伦多市中心的会议中心举行。

    The annual PDAC Trade Show and Convention is held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in downtown Toronto in early March .

  17. 综合地球物理方法是固体多金属矿产勘探的主要方法技术,长期以来得到地质勘探部门的广泛应用。

    As a primary method in the solid polymetallic minerals exploration , comprehensive geophysical methods are used widely in the geological survey .

  18. 认识和研究中国沉积盆地后期改造强烈这一特点,对地质科学研究和沉积矿产勘探均有着十分重要的意义。

    It is suggested that to understand and study the strong late-reformation of China 's sedimentary basins is very important for geology and for sedimental resources exploration .

  19. 放射性矿产勘探区环境评价中地面外照射剂量估算的方法九五期间孝感市医疗照射水平调查研究

    Estimation of Ground External Radiation Level for Environmental Assessment of Radioactive Ores Exploration Area Study on the medical radiation level in Xiaogan City during the 9th five-year plan

  20. 环境背景值调查起源于以矿产勘探为目的的地球化学研究,国内外矿产勘探工作者制做了大量地球化学图或图集。

    The investigation of environment background value origins from geochemical research aimed at exploring ores , in which geological researchers have made a lot of geochemical graphs and graph atlas .

  21. 电法勘探是传统的地球物理勘探手段之一,已经广泛应用于地质勘查、防治水、矿产勘探等领域。

    Electrical prospecting is one of traditional geophysical exploration methods . It has been widely applied in fields of geological examination , water controlling , mining exploration , et al .

  22. 但也存在不少限制因素,如深水区离岸较远,海底矿产勘探程度低,自然灾害较多等。

    But there are also some restrictive factors , such as the deepwater area is far from the coastline , the prospecting level of submarine mineral resources is low and coastal hazards are serious .

  23. 随着更加精密的地磁场测量仪器的出现,被大量商业化开发的磁法勘探数据处理软件,在地质和矿产勘探等领域中发挥了越来越明显作用。

    With the advent of more sophisticated geomagnetic field measuring instruments , a large number of commercial exploitation of magnetic exploration data processing software in the field of geology and mineral exploration has played an increasingly significant role .

  24. 对水体盐度的精确检测,在海洋资源开发、农业、环保监测与治理、海洋学和气候预测、矿产勘探、工业以及军事应用等方面,都具有十分重要的意义。

    The importance of the salinity measurement is stated from the angles of its application in marine resource development , agriculture , ecology and environment protecting , oceanography and climate predictions , exploration , industry , military application , and so on .

  25. 矿业权流转法律制度的建立有利于促进国内外矿业资本的融通,引进国内外先进的矿产勘探和开采技术来加大对我国矿产资源的开发利用。

    The establishment of the system of the grant and transfer of mineral rights helps to promote the circulation of domestic and foreign mineral capitals and to intensify the exploitation of mineral resources through importing the foreign advanced prospecting and mineral technology .

  26. 紫外光探测器已经广泛应用于天体物理分析,大气臭氧研究,环境污染监测,火灾预警,矿产勘探和开采,医疗卫生、紫外通信以及导弹预警等领域。

    Ultraviolet ( UV ) photodetectors ( PDs ) have wide applications in astrophysical analysis , the atmospheric ozone research , environmental pollution monitoring , fire alarm , mineral exploration and mining , health care , as well as military science and other fields .

  27. 试论固体矿产普查勘探阶段合理划分

    On Rational Classification of Reconnaissance Prospecting Stages for Solid Mineral Resources

  28. 蒙古国矿产资源勘探开发政策情况

    Discussion on the Policies Regarding Minerals Exploration and Development in Mongolia

  29. 矿产资源勘探与开发的不确定性分析

    The Uncertainty Analysis for Exploration and Extraction of Nonrenewable Resources

  30. 成因地质模型法在矿产普查勘探中的作用

    The role of the modelling technique of genetic geology in mineral exploration