
  1. 我国知识产权权利冲突的衡平思考

    Equity Thinking of Conflict of Rights in China 's Intellectual Property

  2. 知识产权权利冲突的概念及其解决原则的再探析

    Discussions on the Concept and Solving Principles of Intellectual Property Right 's Confliction

  3. 知识产权权利冲突涉及的法律问题

    On Legal Problems Concerned with " Conflict of Rights " in Intellectual Property

  4. 知识产权权利冲突研究

    A Study on Conflicts of Intellectual Property Rights

  5. 建立解决知识产权权利冲突的有效机制。

    And building of the effective mechanism to resolve the conflicts in intellectual property .

  6. 知识产权权利冲突新探

    The New Exploration of Intellectual Property Right

  7. 第四章从类型化角度来总体上对知识产权权利冲突进行分类。

    Chapter 4 classifies the conflict of rights in intellectual property from the perspective of categorization generally .

  8. 知识产权权利冲突是近年来才出现的新的法律现象,而且有不断蔓延的趋势。

    Intellectual property conflicts are new law phenomenon arose in recent years , and still increasing now .

  9. 当前,我国知识产权权利冲突的解决尚存在着许多不足之处。

    At present , there are still many deficiencies existing in settling conflicts of intellectual property right .

  10. 知识产权权利冲突为权利的正常行使带来了一定的麻烦。

    The intellectual property rights for the normal exercise of the conflict brought a certain amount of trouble .

  11. 以添附制度为视角建立知识产权权利冲突的确权机制。

    Establishing the affirming-right system of conflicts of rights in intellectual property on the basis of the replenish system .

  12. 近年来,知识产权权利冲突问题,已经成为学术界和司法界普遍关注的问题。

    In recent years , the conflicts of intellectual property rights have drawn widespread attention in academic and judicial circles .

  13. 财产权劳动理论、人格权理论和激励理论是知识产权权利冲突产生的理论基础。

    Labor theory of property rights , personality theory and motivation theory are the theoretical basis of conflicts of intellectual property rights creation .

  14. 知识产权权利冲突目前是司法实践和理论研究的重点问题之一。

    Intellectual property rights conflict is one of the key issues in the current judicial practice and theoretic research concerned in IPR justice .

  15. 还比较了目前关于知识产权权利冲突的几种不同看法,结合司法实践和理论研究的特点和需要,给知识产权权利冲突下了一个与众不同的、简单而明确的定义。

    A new and simple concept is given to intellectual property conflicts after comparing different ideas and concerning the demand of judicial practice and theory .

  16. 在知识产权权利冲突的解决程序中,如何划分行政程序(行政处理)与民事程序(民事处理)的界限,在当前知识产权案件的审判中仍是争议较大和困扰颇多的重要问题。

    The disputed and complicated problem in the trial of knowledge property proprietary cases is how to define the boundaries of civil judicature and administrative procedure .

  17. 知识产权权利冲突是权利体系化的副产品,作为一种法律现象在抽象意义上不可能被整体性消除。

    The conflict of rights is a by-product of the institutionalization of rights , as legal phenomena , which cannot be eliminated wholly in an abstract sense .

  18. 第二部分对知识产权权利冲突、商标权与商号权冲突等相关概念进行了界定,对商标权与商号权权利冲突进行了分类。

    The second part defines the related concepts of " conflicts between intellectual property rights ", " the conflicts between trade-names and trademarks " and other concepts .

  19. 保护在先权利原则今天已被各国普遍奉为解决知识产权权利冲突的最基本的原则,我国也不例外。

    Protecting prior rights principle has been universally regarded as the most basic principles in settlement of intellectual property rights ' conflict , our country is no exception .

  20. 诚实信用原则是指导解决一切民事法律纠纷的帝王条款,其将无可争议地适用于处理知识产权权利冲突之中。

    Good Faith Doctrine is the King Clause of resolving all civil legal dispute , we should use it in resolving the conflicts between intellectual property rights without doubt .

  21. 知识产权权利冲突现象随着我国法制建设的日益深入而引起理论和实务界的积极探讨,对这一法律现象的研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    With the rapid legal development in china , the discussion of conflicts of intellectual property rights is becoming more and more active in both academic and practitioners ' circle .

  22. 对于有关的知识产权权利冲突究竟应纳入行政程序还是民事司法程序,抑或两种程序是否能够并行不悖,关键取决于如何界定权利冲突的法律属性。

    Whether classify the proprietary conflict in knowledge property cases into the civil judicature or administrative procedure or both lies in how to define the legal property of the conflict .

  23. 因此,正确认识和更好的解决知识产权权利冲突,就成了我国理论界和实务界所共同面临的课题之一。

    Therefore , the better understanding of exactitude and the better settling of conflicts of intellectual property right become one of the topics faced by both theoretical and practical issues .

  24. 知识产权权利冲突是指权利主体在行使知识产权专有权利时同其他主体的合法民事权利或社会公共利益相矛盾或抵触的状态;

    The conflict for the right of intellectual property involves the conflictive state which is formed between the exclusive rights and other legal civil rights or public welfares when right subjects perform their intellectual property .

  25. 知识产权权利冲突的产生不是偶然的,它源于知识产权本身的无形性、时间性与地域性等特征,而现行知识产权的分散立法模式是知识产权权利冲突的制度基础。

    It originates in the intrinsic characters of intellectual property , such as the invisibility , timeliness and locality . The systematic reason of the conflict of rights in intellectual property is the current decentralized model of legislation in intellectual property .

  26. 知识产权权利冲突研究是一个实践性命题,它来自于对一系列法律现象的理论归纳,并最终体现为指导法律构建与运行的制度建议。

    The research on the conflict of intellectual property rights is a practical proposition , which comes from the theoretical induction of a series of legal phenomena and finally reflects as institutional proposal for the construction and operation of the law .

  27. 目前,我们的中心任务就是,既要严厉打击各种恶意侵权行为,保护所有人的合法权益,又要从制度上建立域名与既有的其他知识产权权利冲突的解决机制,减少合法权利之间的冲突。

    At present , our central task is to crack down all kinds of vicious infringement to protect the legitimate interests of proprietary , and establish solving mechanism of conflict between domain name and existing intellectual property rights to reduce the conflict of legal rights .

  28. 从现行解决知识产权权利冲突的立法与司法实践来看,我国立法与司法固守以禁令救济的方式保护在先权利的原则。

    With a view to the current practices of legislation and judicature designed to settle the conflicts of rights in intellectual property , the practices of legislation and judicature in our country still insist on the doctrine of protecting the prior rights with a prohibition remedy .

  29. 关于知识产权权利冲突的解决,无论是学术界的主流观点,还是人民法院的审判实践,都强调以在先权利的原则作为解决冲突的首要原则。

    As regards solving right conflict of intellectual property right , no matter what is the major view of the academia or the trial practice of the people 's court , all emphasize that respecting the principle of the priority right should be regarded as primary principle to solve conflict .

  30. 知识产权领域权利冲突的成因及对策

    The Reason and Countermeasure of Right Conflict in the Scope of Intellectual Property