
  • 网络Vector transformation control;Trans Vector Control;Transvector control
  1. 基于DSP的交流电机矢量变换控制

    The Motor Control System with Transvector Control Based on DSP

  2. 通过介绍交流电机的控制策略与数字信号处理器,讨论了基于DSP的交流电机矢量变换控制系统结构和实现方法。

    By introducing the AC motor control tactics and digital signal processor , the AC motor transvector control system based on the DSP chip and its realiZation are discussed .

  3. MCS-96在矢量变换控制中的应用

    Application of MCS - 96 in Vector Control

  4. 在此基础上,建立了基于矢量变换控制技术的完整的变速恒频(VSCF)风力发电控制系统。

    Based on the strategy , applying field-oriented vector transformation control technique , the whole control system of VSCF wind-power generation is formed .

  5. 异步电机直接转矩控制(DTC)技术是继矢量变换控制之后在交流调速领域里出现的一种新型变频调速技术,近年来人们开始逐渐尝试将其应用于同步电机中。

    Direct torque control ( DTC ) technology in asynchronous motor is one of new frequency transformation drive technology after the vector control technology . In recent years people begin to apply it to the synchronous motors .

  6. 其中直接转矩控制技术(DTC)作为继矢量变换控制之后发展起来的又一项新型现代交流电机控制技术,以其控制简单、鲁棒性强、动态性能好的优点得到了越来越广泛的重视。

    One of them , as a new asynchronous motor control technique , the Direct Torque Control ( DTC ) technique attracts more and more attention after Space Vector Control technique because of its robust characteristics , simple realization and excellent dynamic response .

  7. 从转子参考轴d-q模型出发,研究同步坐标下的无刷双馈电机(BDFM)的数学模型,根据BDFM的特性,采用磁链定向的矢量变换控制技术,设计了一种新型的功率控制系统。

    This paper analyses the mathematical model for BDFM ( brushless doubly-fed machine ) based on synchronous coordinates in the point of rotor speed d-q model . A new type of power control system is designed by using flux linkage oriented vector transformation control technology .

  8. 电势定向式矢量变换控制变频调速系统

    The Variable-frequency System with the Electromotive Force Oriented Vector Control

  9. 电流逆变器供电的转差型矢量变换控制系统

    The slip vector converting control system powered by the current inverse transformer

  10. 用于交流异步电动机的矢量变换控制系统&磁通检测方法

    Vector Transformation Control System in AC Induction Motor & Flux Detection Methods

  11. 矢量变换控制永磁同步电动机的全数字系统

    The Fully Digital System in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Vector Transforms

  12. 异步电机矢量变换控制系统的MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真

    Simulation of induction motor vector control system based on MATLAB / SIMULINK

  13. 交流直线电机矢量变换控制软换向方法及实现

    Principle of software commutation and application in vector control of AC linear motor

  14. 矢量变换控制系统的数字化实现

    A digital method based on the trans-vector control theory

  15. 电机实时仿真系统及在矢量变换控制中的应用

    Real-time Simulation System of AC Motor and Its Application in Vector Conversion Control

  16. 同步电动机调速系统中的矢量变换控制

    Vector Control in Synchronous Motor Variable - Speed System

  17. 电势定向矢量变换控制的交-交变频调速系统

    AC-AC VVVF System for Potential-oriented Vector Variable Control

  18. 无速度传感器的感应电动机矢量变换控制

    Vector Control of Induction Motors without Speed Sensor

  19. 异步电动机转差型矢量变换控制系统的一种实用性参数自校正策略

    A practical parameter self-turning strategy to the slip-type vector conversion systems of induction motor

  20. 矢量变换控制系统原理及可靠性评估

    Analysis of the Basic Theorise and the Reliability Assessment of The Vector Convertor Control System

  21. 异步电动机的矢量变换控制

    Induction Motor Vector Change Control

  22. 在异步电动机矢量变换控制的基础上,引入了最优模式控制策略。

    Introduces an optimal model control method based on vector control strategy for AC Motor Drive into AC-speed adjustable system .

  23. 本文提出的电势定向式矢量变换控制思想以及由此构成的控制系统,有效地解决了不带速度传感器的矢量控制问题。

    The electromotive force-oriented vector control strategy is presented in this paper and the control system based on it has solved the problem of vector control without speed sensor .

  24. 继1971年矢量变换控制技术出现之后,交流传动技术就从理论上解决了交流调速系统在静、动态性能上与直流传动相比所存在的问题。

    After vector transformation control is presented , the AC machines control technology can theoretically solve the problem on the static and dynamic performance relative to the DC technology .

  25. 根据无刷双馈电机的特性,采用磁链定向的矢量变换控制技术设计了一种新型功率控制系统。

    According to the characteristics of brushless doubly-fed wind turbine and adopting flux linkage oriented vector transformation control technology , a new type of power control system is developed .

  26. 为了克服普通矢量变换控制的复杂性,本文寻求了一种新的方法,把1~3变换控制思想应用到鼠笼电动机磁场定向控制中,从而减弱了系统的复杂性。

    For simplifying general vector transformation control , a new method that uses 1 ~ 3 transformation control principle for cage motor field orientation control is developed in this paper .

  27. 直接转矩控制是继矢量变换控制之后又一种高性能交流控制方式,近年来,直接转矩控制思想逐渐应用到了电磁式同步电机。

    The Direct Torque Control ( DTC ) has been another advanced control method besides the current vector control , and it has been applied in synchronous motor in recent years .

  28. 阐述了由电流型逆变器供电的异步电动机转差型矢量变换控制的一种调速系统,对系统的结构和系统的原理作了比较详细的论述。

    The speed-regulating system for control of the slip vector conversion of the asynchronous motor powered by the current inverse transformer is introduced . The structure and principle of the system are discussed in detail .

  29. 深入研究了异步电动机矢量变换控制理论和利用电动机转矩电流分量进行速度推算的方法,设计了一个闭环的无速度传感器矢量控制变频调速系统。

    This article has studied the asynchronous motor vector transformation control theory and carries on the speed calculation using the electric motor torque component of current the method , designed a closed loop velocity modulation system not to have the velocity generator .

  30. 根据感应电机矢量变换控制原理,提出了一种由人工神经网络磁链与转矩估计器、神经网络解耦控制器和神经网络转矩控制器组成感应电机的矢量控制系统。

    According to the principle of the vector control of induction motors , a novel vector controlled system was presented . The control system consists of the neural network estimator of the flux and torque , the neural network decoupling controller and the neural network torque controller .