
  • 网络relative poverty;relatively poverty;underprivilege
  1. 本文认为,现阶段线性支出系统ELES可以用来衡量相对贫困程度。

    This essay suggests that the Enlarged Linear Expenditure System ( ELES ) can be used to measure the relative poverty level .

  2. 论经济高速增长中的相对贫困

    The Study on the Relative Poverty in the Rapid Economy Growth

  3. 整体而言,当今的老年人依然相对贫困。

    As a group , today 's old people are still relatively deprived .

  4. 相对贫困是西方国家官方承认的现象。

    Relative poverty is an officially recognized phenomenon in Western countries .

  5. 关于当前我国相对贫困问题的初步思考

    Primary Thinking of the Question about the Relative Poverty in Present China

  6. 应注意对我国相对贫困层的研究

    Attention Should Be Paid to Research on Relative Poverty

  7. 这些母亲的相对贫困也使其子女处于不利地位。

    And those mothers'relative poverty also disadvantages their children .

  8. 从生活方式的选择上重新审视相对贫困

    Re-examination of Relative Poverty From Choice of Life Style

  9. 第三种贫困是相对贫困。

    The third kind of poverty is relative poverty .

  10. 贫困包括绝对贫困和相对贫困。

    Poverty includes absolute poverty and relative poverty .

  11. 城市相对贫困问题中的特殊群体:城市农民工

    Rural Labors in the Cities : A Special Group in the Urban Relative Poverty

  12. 但这种相对贫困最终可以通过合理的经济增长来解决。

    But this kind of poverty is solved finally through the rational economic growth .

  13. 相对贫困是外来人口犯罪的一个重要因素

    Relative Poverty Is an Important Factor for the Exotic Population to Commit a Crime

  14. 问题25:我们了解到了相对贫困的美国人的什么信息?

    Question 25 : What do we learn about American people living in relative poverty ?

  15. 当前应扩大农村最低生活保障的覆盖范围,把更多的相对贫困的人口涵盖进来。

    Rural Minimum Living Security coverage should be expanded to cover more relative poverty population .

  16. 城市贫困有别于农村的绝对贫困,总体上表现为相对贫困。

    Different from absolutely rural poverty , Urban Poverty is some kind of relative poverty .

  17. 当然,很多西方发达国家的贫困属于相对贫困。

    Of course , in many western developed countries , the poor state is relative .

  18. 金融自由化、经济转轨与农民相对贫困的恶化

    Financial liberalization , transformation of economy and the deterioration of the relative poverty of farmers

  19. 在农村剩余劳动力转移过程中,农民工正走向相对贫困化与社会边缘化的边锋。

    During the transfer , the migrant workers are approaching the relative impoverishment and social marginalization .

  20. 从广义的相对贫困视角界定慢性收入贫困。

    This chapter manages to define the chronic income poverty from the perspective of relative poverty .

  21. 缩小城镇居民收入分配差距是解决城镇相对贫困的有效措施。

    We should take actions to reduce the income difference in order to solve poverty problems .

  22. 贫困通常被分为三类:绝对贫困、相对贫困和社会排斥。

    Poverty is usually divided into three categories : absolute poverty , relative poverty and social exclusion .

  23. 相对贫困的中国经济,仍有广阔的现代化空间。

    The Chinese economy , because it is relatively poor , still has huge scope for modernisation .

  24. 苏北地区相对贫困人口多,具有明显的地域特征。

    The population of relatively poverty , with evident regional characteristics , is large in Northern Jiangsu .

  25. 相对贫困者虽然居住在高收入国家,但他们本身的收入却并不高。

    The relatively poor live in high-income countries , but they do not have a high income themselves .

  26. 通过基本认识,从绝对贫困和相对贫困两个层面来理解贫困的定义。

    Through basic understanding , from absolutely poor and poor two aspect come to understand the poor definition relatively .

  27. 系统的异质演化存在极限,并可能出现相对贫困化现象。

    The different character evolution system has a limit state and the area probably shows a relatively poor phenomenon .

  28. 亚洲金融危机与中国农户相对贫困化分析&基于损失承担非对称性视角

    On International Financial Crisis and the Relative Poverty of Peasants & from the Respect of the Unsymmetrical Distribution of Loss

  29. 毫不夸张地说,改革开放所带来的经济增长也在一定程度上强化了相对贫困问题。

    In other words , economic growth brought by reform and opening-up strengthens relative poverty problem to a certain degree .

  30. 对于相对贫困的国家来说,从优先积累财富向优先建设和谐社会关系的时机尚未成熟。

    For poorer countries , the time is not yet ripe for a shift in priorities from wealth accumulation to companionship .